My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 274: Epilogue: Centennial and the Sand Chamber

The disappearance of Nagato has not affected the order of the chaotic starry sky.

Not to mention that he had arranged everything before this, that is, the gods avatars of the Sayaya girls and Nagato, the giants of the gods, could perfectly control the development progress of the entire heavens and the worlds.

Naturally, the talents of the females of Saya need not be said much, and the Divine Doppelganger of Nagato has absolute reason!

In order to rule out all kinds of feelings, Shenge Doppelganger is committed to the development of chaotic starry sky!

Therefore, the chaotic starry sky ushered in a huge development period.

Because of the experience of Nagato's promotion to Daojing as a reference, in the following years, Bai Yujing began to appear one after another to enter the Dao realm, and the entire Bai Yujing top force ushered in the blowout period.

It was the emperor who first arrived in the Dao realm. The silver-haired king had already absorbed immortal matter before, and then he established his own empire in each plane.

Under the support of everyone's empire owner, he directly stepped through the realm and became the emperor!

The second thing that arrived at Dao Realm was the Shengsheng Pill. This perfect big demon was originally perfect in all aspects, and even after a long period of baptism, he naturally arrived at Dao Realm.

After the killing pill and the emperor, Zhu Yue, Aguola, Campanulaceae, Luo Hao, Qi Shi, who were originally at the top of their strengths, also arrived at the Dao realm.

After them, similar existences such as Mengzi also began to peek into the door of Tao Realm.

It is worth mentioning that Saya did not reach the Tao Realm, but embarked on the long road of the long door. The body and the three avatars were continuously developed, almost reaching a limit.

Although it is not a Dao Realm, it can easily kill ordinary Dao Realm!

Great completion under the Tao!

Bai Yujing's top forces have made great progress, and the underlying organizational forces have also made extraordinary progress. Various geniuses have emerged, and the huge Bai Yujing has shown a glorious scene.

With strength, it is natural to start a new journey of conquest!

With the support of Nagato's Divine Doppelganger, the entire chaotic starry sky conquered all the way in the endless void. For a hundred years in the quiet, dozens of worlds have become part of the chaotic starry sky

In the meantime, Bai Yujing's forces finally met a lot of forces that were also logging in the endless void.

There is a weird force called the League of Crossers, a serious force called the Space and Time Administration, an unknown **** group wandering in the void, and a ruined maniac called the Abyss

In contact with these forces, the names of Bai Yujing's top fighting forces gradually resounded through the endless void.

Among them, the Divine Doppelgang of the Long Gate even personally destroyed a group of gods.

As a result, the title of Chaos City Lord spread like wildfire!

On this day, the sky was clear.

At the foot of the giant idol in the center of Bai Yujing, the girls routinely started their daily tea party.

After carefully brewing black tea for his sisters and adults, Bamami said casually, "Sisters, have we met those forces who can walk in the void recently?"

"Probably we have reached an interesting place in Endless Void!"

Zhu Yue, who was sitting next to Ba Mami, said indifferently, and then began to tease the little girl in her arms, "Are you also feeling interesting, Xiao Lemi!"

"Sister Zhuyue, don't hold me like that!"

The blue-haired girl who Zhu Zhu called Xiao Lei Mi struggled, but she couldn't get rid of Zhu Yue's arms. She could only look at Elter Lucie who was basking in the sun not far away.

"Sorry, Xiao Lemi, there is no way for mom!"

It's just that Alterucci directly ignored the little girl's help and ate snacks on her own. Little Remy's full name was Remilia, which was the daughter of Alterucci who was born three years after her pregnancy.

By the way, Remy also has a younger sister, named Franluto, who is the daughter of Alquite!

"Woo, did Remy hate me?"

At this time, Zhu Yue looked at the little girl pitifully and made her a little bit impatient to deny, "Ah, no, why, I like Sister Zhu Yue the most."

"My sister also likes Xiao Remi the most!"

Hearing the little girl's words, Zhu Yue directly hugged the little girl in her arms, just like the strangling of a python. The little girl whined a few times, and then disappeared.

Seeing this scene, the girls around were surprised.

The interaction between Zhu Yue and Xiao Lei Mi appears almost every few days. I don't know what the reason is. For the daughter born by Alte Luqi, Zhu Yue likes it very much.

Probably because Xiao Remi has the same power of fate as her!

"Zhu Yue, you idiot, let go of Xiao Remi!"

At this moment, Saya's voice suddenly sounded, and then the figure of Saya and a blonde girl appeared in front of everyone instantly and said, "Everyone, there is something serious!"

"Just when I was teaching Little Furan's quadruplet, I suddenly felt something intruded into the chaotic starry sky. I took a look at it and found this!"

During the talk, Saya showed an envelope in his hand.

It was a white envelope with only a short line of text on the front, written in beautiful and gorgeous fonts under the crown of Chaos City.

The handwriting should be from the hand of the woman.

In addition, the material of the envelope is ordinary paper that can be seen everywhere, and it is impossible to find any clues. Turned the letter over and looked at it, the back was so clean that there was no ink on it.


At this moment, the voice of the Longmen Shenge avatar rang around.

I saw that the envelope ripped open a mouth automatically, the letter paper shook out directly, and opened in front of everyone!

There are not many things in the envelope, only one sheet is folded and it is about a4 size when it is unfolded.

It is written like this-


Under the crown of the Lord of Chaos, Respecters:

For the correct development of the world, we establish a **** named "Box Chamber" to make the world. Here, we can wait without restraint, and do not need to be careful to cause the world to perish. Them.

This ‘Box Court’ is a peculiar point of the world, a playground built for our gods, deities, and fairy buddhas.

No matter when, welcome to wait!

Our Sand Court


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