My Infinite Life

: Protagonist profile card!

Name: Nagato

real name:--

Person: Chaos Realm God? ? ?

Attribute: control

Core power system——

First-level strength: Daoli!

Second-level power: source power and mental power!

Three levels of strength: spiritual power, simulated power, physical power


Three power systems:

Heavenly Path System: Chaos Divine Power!

Rules: creation, order, destruction

Destiny: The Chaos Always

Vertical pupil: Tianyan's pupil!

Auxiliary Profound Truth: Opening up the Light, Ordering the Law, Destroying the Grinding Disk

Exclusive weapon: Sword of Slash + Chaos Throne!

Authentic Mode: Dragon Power

Rule: space, time, devour

Original meaning:

Right eye: The pupil of Vientiane!

Auxiliary Profound Truth: Space Fusion, Broken Void, Time First, Consume Everything

Exclusive weapon: Dragon Sword

Humane Mode: True Ancestral Magic

Rules: life and death, reincarnation, cause and effect

The original meaning of the fate: the one that escaped

Left eye: Hitomiru!

Auxiliary mystery: causal lock, reincarnation channel, life and death rotation, cut off cause and effect

Exclusive Weapon: Edge Sword


Six incarnations:

All Souls: Saya

Humanity: Emperor

The Hungry Ghost said: Broly

Hell Road: Kill the Pill

Asura: Emperor Yuangen

Heaven and Humanity: Misaka Misaka



The law exists objectively!

The same rule and different words are different.

Upanishads are the result of the comprehension laws of the soul.

The original meaning of my life can be regarded as a conceptual power, for example: the realm of Yakumo Zi ..

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