My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 1: Princess Lifa first!


"The host is waking up and the system is starting!"

"The host is welcome to use the mission system. This system was developed by the Lord of Chaos. It aims to change the current life of the host and complete the mission. You will get the gift of chaos. Come on, the host, the will of the chaos is watching you!


Just after waking up, the blonde girl had a lot of messy information in her mind. After a short dizziness, the girl was more awake than before.

Then the girl's eyes widened.

Because at this moment, she clearly perceives that there seems to be an inexplicable mission system in her body, and a lot of strange knowledge.

Fortunately, the girl experienced the most bizarre rebirth experience, otherwise, she would really exclaim.

Sitting up from a luxurious and spacious bed, the girl rubbed her long blond hair and glanced around to make sure there was no one around before preparing to focus on the system in her body.

However, she still has to wait for a closer look at the so-called system—

"Wait, Highness Shira!"

"Master Princess hasn't woken up yet, you can't"

"Long word, get away with me !!"

Hearing this sound, the girl's eyes flashed sharply, and the whole person instantly came out of the quilt, wearing only simple pajamas, and grabbed the sword hanging on the wall.


At this moment, the door of the room suddenly opened.

At the next moment, a man with little upper body wearing a strong physique and a tall, white-haired man walked in with a drunken dizziness and said aloud, "Princess Lifa, I will come today"

"Keng !!!"

The sound of pulling the sword out of the sheath suddenly sounded, and the sword in the girl's hand had reached the man's neck.

There was even a trace of blood on the opponent's neck.

The man's voice stopped abruptly.

"Sila, I should have said it!"

At this moment, the blonde girl narrowed her eyes and said indifferently, "If you break into my room without my permission, you will see blood, do you think I am lying?"

Between the words, the girl's face showed a very dangerous look

"No, no, Princess Lifa, I was just confused for a while!"

Seeing the girl's expression, the man finally woke up from drunkenness and hurriedly said, "Because she became the princess's fiance, Shira is a bit presumptuous, please forgive me."


Waving his sword into the sheath, the girl said.

"Yes Yes!!"

At this time, what could the man named Shira say, he could only leave the room in a gray, and even closed the door smoothly, but after closing the door, the man's face suddenly showed an angry expression——

"Damn bitch!"


After the man exited the room, Lifa took a long breath.

Don't look at the girl's atmosphere just now, but in fact, even if she was born again, she never killed a person. If Shira didn't retreat just now, it would be the girl's turn.

After a sigh of relief, the girl's face was full of irritability—

As the man named Shira said, in this life, although the young girl was the princess of the empire, she did not even have freedom of marriage. Not long ago, the emperor was granted to the son of the minister, that is, Shira.

Not to mention how difficult it is for girls to accept such marriages emotionally.

Even rationally, she couldn't accept it.

Shira, as the son of the minister of the power empire, sounds majestic, but in the end it's just a masquerade mantle covered in human skin, which will eventually go to the road of destruction.

The reason why Lifa knows this is because, long ago, Lifa knew that the world he was reborn in was not an ordinary, different world, but an anime world.

Although it is a bit weird, it is the information obtained by the girl after multiple verifications.

The name of the anime is Hit the Red Eye!

An ultra-abuse anime in rumors.

This anime girl has heard and understood some, but has n’t watched it, or it ’s not finished.

After all, the girl ’s previous life was not an anime fan. It was only because her brother was a mansion that she came into contact with anime. Knowing the content of one or two episodes is already very good.

As for watching a few episodes, the girl could only helplessly smile, but she actually only watched one episode.

That's right, I have only watched one episode, and it is the first episode.

She only knows that the main character of this anime is a country boy, and there is an assassination group called nightraid. The rest are unclear.

The turning point of the first episode of this anime is very scary. The rural teenager who just came from the countryside and his partner came to the Imperial Capital with dreams. After the breakup, the protagonist was cheated by a big-breasted big sister. All the money, and then encountered a kind lady to accept, also learned about a dark killer organization.

It ’s still normal here, according to the development, it should be the kind lady and the protagonist who started various adventures and organized a thrilling battle with the dark killer.

According to common sense, this should be the case.

But halfway through the first episode, there was something wrong. At the beginning, the killer organization's unscrupulous killings showed no mercy. The protagonist fights to protect the miss and the killer girl. These are normal.

Then the next thing is not normal-

The truth of the warehouse, the killing of the partner, the darkness of the imperial capital, the purpose of the night attack, and finally the protagonist who knows everything killed the mistress personally and was taken away by the killer organization.

But this time the plot can already be guessed.

The protagonist joins the killer group and then goes a different path.

The most important thing is that from these contents, the girl clearly knows that the minister of the power to the opposition, that is, the father of Shira, is the first target of the killer organization where the protagonist is located.

The entire empire is the existence that the protagonists want to overthrow!

And she, this is the elder princess with a thousand years of history, the younger emperor ’s sister, and Princess Lifa, known as the ‘Sword of the Wind’

Born to stand opposite the so-called protagonist! ..

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