My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 2: The main line and the second contract!

Thinking of this, Lifa was in a state of melancholy.

If possible, the girl really does not want to stand on the villain's standpoint, but as the prince of the empire, even if she is willing to overthrow the empire, no one will believe her.

In a sense, the girl ’s future is dark.


"It seems to be a turnaround!"

Thinking of the system that suddenly appeared in her body, the girl could not wait to confirm that the next door was closed, then sat on the chair of the room and closed her eyes.

Soon, the girl's consciousness sank into the so-called mission system.

Then she ‘saw’ an inexplicable light!

The mind is immersed in the light, and the girl seems to be able to fully sense the situation of her body. It is clear where the exercise is overdone, where there are still inadequacies, and where there are hidden injuries.

This effect alone is enough to surprise the girl.

Lifa from modern society understands very well that this function is important for his future development. It can help him grow in a more scientific way, at a faster speed and better!

Subsequently, a series of messages appeared in the girl's mind, which was a systematic explanation.

The so-called mission system is to arrange a series of tasks for the girl to complete. By completing the tasks, the girl can get the gift of the Lord of Chaos and become more powerful!

"In short, it is a trading device!"

Such a thought flashed in my mind, but the girl also felt normal. After seeing a lot of ugliness in this world, coupled with the baptism in the information age of the previous life, the girl understood that equivalent exchange is normal.

If you help yourself for free, the girl should be more at ease.

"Ding, the host already understands the nature of the system!"

"The main task is now officially launched: 1. Nirvana of the Millennium Empire. As the prince of the empire, if you let the plot develop, your ending will only be a dead end. If you don't want to die, please let this rotten empire be completely reborn!"

"2. The pillar of the empire! As the princess of the empire, but everyone knows that you are just a golden bird. Presumably you hate this, then, try to be the pillar of the empire! Of course, if you want to Become an emperor, this system is more supportive, believe me, the reward will double! "

"3. Kill the minister. Isn't that big fat pig who controls Chaogang very annoying? Don't suppress your own heart, go and kill him. Believe me, do it, you will be famous."

"Daily task: Revenge Shira, as the host who tried to contaminate her, how can you forgive him, beat him up in a large crowd, the host! The reward is random."

"Friendly reminder of the system: the mezzanine of the sixth book in the third bookcase of the former emperor's room, there are surprises."

"Come on, host, the chaotic will is watching you!"

Three days later, the ancient shrine deep in the palace.

This is the place where the imperial ancestors of the empire were located. According to the principle, there should be a large number of heavy guards. No one can come close to the emperor. However, when Lifa arrived here, there was no guard.

The girl understands that all this is because of the minister who controls the government!

The guy was wicked and knew that he was the thorn in the eyes of many people. For his own safety, many guards in the royal palace were transferred to his side to protect himself.

This is how the heavy soldiers originally stationed here disappeared.

Fortunately, the royal family Jiwei is still here, but no one dares to get close, otherwise, I am afraid that the royal families of all generations will die, no, it is like this, I believe many royal families have already died.

"Damn minister, as the system said, it should be killed!"

With a whisper in his mouth, the girl's gaze turned to an old parchment in her hand.

This is what the girl found from the so-called father's room where her family had passed away under the prompt of the system. A contract documenting the beginning of the establishment of the empire, the ancestor emperor and the mysterious existence.

The first ancestor emperor is the founder of this millennium empire, and the legendary emperor and pioneer!

In the education that young girls have received since childhood, the ancestor emperor was born with extraordinary potential, and was able to use a variety of mysterious knowledge to rise up in the chaotic world.

However, the contract in the hands of the girl turned everything upside down—

If what is said above is true, the first ancestor emperor just released the sheep baby, and only after saving a seriously injured mysterious existence, signed a contract with it, and then got the rising capital.

The contract in the hands of the girl is incomplete, and it is unclear what the mysterious existence got from the contract.

However, the girl knew that the contract clearly stated that the other party would protect the Empire for a hundred years!

And the current emperor happens to be the 100th emperor of the empire!

"If this contract is true, then I can borrow the other's momentum."

After being silent for a while, the girl's eyes showed endless determination. After all, with the girl's current situation, if there is no external force, she can't get rid of her inherent destiny.

Thinking so, the girl walked into the ancient shrine covered with dust!


When the girl completely walked into the ancient sacred hall, an abrupt sound rang in the girl's ear. Before she could see the inside of the sacred hall, the parchment in the girl's hands glowed with a red glow, and the pattern of the six-pointed star was out of thin air at her feet. At first glance.

The next moment, the girl felt a sudden sense of weightlessness, and her vision was dazed.

After a while, the sense of weightlessness disappears, and a star-like environment is displayed in front of the girl. At the foot of the girl is a starry avenue that looks extremely bright. At the end of the avenue, it is a bright red throne.

In the eyes of the girl, you can see that on the throne, a young man with red hair and purple robe is sitting.

There was some faint mist around the throne, which concealed the boy's specific appearance, and a silver sacred spear with a sacred radiance was inserted beside the throne, which looked quite conspicuous.

"Starry sky, haze, throne, sacred gun and boy!"

Seeing this scene, a smile appeared on the girl's face, "Sure enough, that contract is true! The next step is to wake up the other party and convince him!" ..

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