My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 5: Conquer Bude 【上】 Second more!

——General Bude? ! !

Hearing the maid's words, Lifa couldn't help but be surprised.

The prestige of the general, even Lifa, was very clear. It was the supreme commander of the Imperial Army trusted by the emperor, the strongest person in the empire, and the guards who led the palace.

The most important thing is that the generals have very high rights, and they are even kind to the ministers!

In the information of the girl, if there is no general to use his authority to protect the officials of the conscience, I am afraid that the situation of the entire empire will be even worse and corrupt!

But it is a pity that General Bude followed the ancestral precepts and believed that the generals could not interfere in politics.

So although he knew the corruption of the minister and others, he did not intervene.

On weekdays, Lifa also complained that if General Bud is not so stubborn, if the minister is killed, I am afraid that the empire will not fall to this point.

Of course, Lifa also knows that his ideas are a bit biased.

Although the minister was abominable, he was only a temptation. The reason why the empire fell to this point was actually accumulated little by little under the rule of a thousand years.

After beheading this minister, a second minister will eventually appear.

As Nagato said, to make this country nirvana, it is necessary to fundamentally carry out a large-scale operation and remove those corrupt parts cleanly.

"In this case, don't ask the general to come in!"

After froze for a while, Lifa finally recovered, and told the maid, and then when the maid left, the girl's eyes turned to the long door, and there was a hesitant look on his face-

"Teacher, isn't General Bould your assistant?"

It's no wonder that the girl thought so. After all, the front door said that the assistant he provided was coming. As a result, General Bude came to visit, and the time relationship was too coincidental.

However, the girl was not sure about her guess.

After all, that is General Bud, who is famous for his stubbornness. It is difficult for the girl to imagine that he will help himself. The most important thing is how the long door that has just awakened from his sleep has a relationship with General Bud!

and many more! ! !

At this moment, the girl suddenly thought of something-

That is, the family of General Bud has been the pillar of the empire since the beginning of the ancestors. Almost every generation of generals are served by the strongest of their families.

Referring to the royal situation, the girl made a guess:

Nagato, would n’t it be a contract with the ancestors of General Bude? !

"As you think!"

Seemingly seeing the girl's thoughts, the long door said indifferently, "After all, this empire is very important in my plan. I will naturally bury two pieces of my own, oh, he's here!"

Speaking of which, Nagato's gaze turned slightly and looked at the entrance of Budochang.

Hearing the prompt of the Nagato, the girl's gaze looked at the same. I saw that under the guidance of the maid, a middle-aged strong man wearing dark armor came in. In the short yellowish hair, there are two long strands of hair curled upwards, like horns.

The dark cheeks were full of silence and solemnity.

This is General Bude!

"His Royal Highness, Princess Long, the general has arrived!"

After bringing General Bude to Nagato and Lifa, the maid said with a trembling voice, and at the same time looked at Lifa with a pitiful gaze. It seemed that the general's coercion had made the little maid's young heart overwhelmed.

"Okay, go ahead!"

Seeing the appearance of the little maid, Lifa drank it a little angrily, and then looked at the general, "I have seen the general, I don't know if the general is here, some expensive?"

However, Bud didn't care about Lifa, and he looked directly at the long door.

The atmosphere of the entire martial arts court condensed for a while.

Seeing Bude's gesture, Lifa's face was a little bad, but fortunately the girl understood the importance, but she quietly stepped back a few steps and gave the venue to Bude and Nagato.

"You are very good!"

At this moment, the long door suddenly opened, and he looked at Bude with great interest, and said, "It seems that you have reached the point of inspiring, which is much stronger than the old stubbornness I saw last time I woke up. . "

Hearing Nagato's words, Bude had not been responded, and Lifa was taken aback.

Fighting, that is the highest achievement of the warrior of this world.

The practice of this world is based on the inner power called strength, which can continuously strengthen the flesh, and the soldiers whose flesh is strengthened to a certain degree if they have enough consciousness and implement it

The power of the spirit will be integrated into the power, and turned into an outgoing power called fighting spirit!

Warriors with grudges have risen more than one in terms of attack and defense, and even have the possibility to reach the strongest sequence, even ordinary emperors and emissaries, who can't beat grudge users.

However, it is really difficult to grasp this kind of thing, so the number of strong fighters is really scarce.

Originally Lifa had always thought that General Bud's strongest title was because of his emperor's tools. Unexpectedly, he also inspired the fighting spirit. It is worthy of being General Bud who commanded the imperial army and people!

Lifa felt so emotional in her heart, and then she was crazy about the situation in front of her.

It seems that the atmosphere between Bude and Nagato is a bit wrong!

"Over the years, whenever I see the situation of the empire is getting worse and worse, I was wondering if I would see you. Sure enough, you finally appeared, the first demon!"

Between speeches, Bude clenched his fists with both hands and touched them in front of him, and the electric current crackled!

"Really, every time I see your generals, this is it!"

Seeing Bude's posture, there was a frustration on the face of Nagato, the faint mist spreading around him as the center, and in an instant, the entire martial arts field became a gray color.

"Your luck is very good, the Millennium Compact is approaching, and my strength is just reaching the lowest point!"

At this time, the long door had stood up from the seat, and there was a silver sacred gun in his hand. "Come and try, can you fulfill the long-cherished wishes of your ancestors and defeat me!"

"If it fails, let me continue to submit!" ..

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