My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 6: Conquer Bude 【Next】 Third!

Thousands of years ago, when the empire was established, there was a shocking battle.

The two sides of the battle were the teacher of the emperor's emperor-the man known as the emperor's master, and the most loyal men of the emperor's emperor.

The reason for the engagement was simple. The general was dissatisfied with the situation where the imperial division was superior to the empire.

In his eyes, the emperor and the country are the greatest. Even the mysterious emperor must also submit to it. For this reason, he decided to use force to make him submit.

After an afternoon of fighting between the two sides, the environment of a thousand kilometers was destroyed and turned into ashes.

The final result, the Emperor Master won with a slight advantage!

"Ha, boy, you're almost there!"

After the victory, the Emperor Division stood in front of the fallen general and said his contract request, "Let ’s make an agreement. Soon, I will go to sleep, and one day, I will wake up Come."

"When the time comes, let your grandchildren challenge me."

"As long as I fail once, I will completely become the running dog of the empire, otherwise, you and your children and grandchildren will become my most loyal running dog all the time!"

Although he knew it was a trap, the general could not resist this temptation.

In his eyes, the imperial master lived for a long time, and he will eventually grow old.

One day, it will be defeated.

He just miscalculated

For thousands of years, every 100 years, the imperial master would wake up almost once, every time a general would challenge, but every time it fell into the abyss of defeat

The most loyal vein of the empire has long been deserved.

Until today

This generation of General Bude!

"This time, it's finally my turn!"

In the mind flashed the experience of the ancestors loaded in his family, the ancestors who had fought with the emperor, Bud's face was more solemn, and the light blue fighting spirit filled him.

The faint electric current permeates the pale blue grudge!

Facing the harmless red-haired teenager in front of him, he dared not take any lightly. At the first time, he showed his strongest gesture.


The ground beneath his feet instantly cracked, and almost instantly, the whole person turned into a blue light and rushed directly in front of the long door. His hands with iron piles turned into a sledgehammer!

Facing the power of Bude, Nagato seems to have no time to raise the lance


Bude's hands were heavily hammered on the sacred gun, and the powerful force was directly transmitted to the body of the long door, causing his feet to sink directly into the ground, centered on it, and the ground even showed a spider web-like crack.

"Thunder heavy pressure !!!"

This advantage was achieved in the first blow. Bude had some abruptness in his heart, but he did not forget to add an attack. The terrifying thunder burst from his body and directly bombarded the long door through his arms.


The place where the two were located suddenly reminded of a violent roar.

The smoke rose up, obscuring the vision. "Teacher !!"

Seeing this scene around, Lifa couldn't help but be surprised, almost pulled his sword and rushed up, but when the girl hadn't started, she heard a collision coming out of the dust

At the next moment, Bude flew out and fell heavily on the ground.

"Ah la la, it's really dangerous!"

At this moment, a faint voice came out of the smoke, and the light wind blew automatically, and the smoke dispersed, revealing the red-haired boy holding the silver sacred gun. Around the boy, there were seven light **** suspended.

By the way, one of the seven spheres of light appears unreal, as if it lacks energy.

"The whole body is almost numb!"

After moving his hands and feet, Nagato complained faintly, but the light-faced appearance suddenly made Lifa feel that his worries were completely in vain.


At this moment, Bude stood up from the ground and even coughed up a bit of blood, and there were several obvious cracks on his armor.

However, although he was injured, there was no frustration on Bude's face, but he was full of fighting spirit.


"You are really weak!"

After spitting out the blood in the mouth, the general said such a sentence, "Now you are not as powerful as the demon gods as the family predecessors said."

"I have already said that you are lucky, now is my weakest time!"

Faced with the conclusion of the general, the long facade said openly, "I used to be able to defeat you with empty hands, but now I can't do it. What are you waiting for, this is your family's last chance to defeat me."

"I don't need you to say that, I also know it !!!"

Speaking loudly, Bude burst out with thunder and glory.

The open space around the whole fell into a dull, the sky was suddenly covered with clouds, endless thunder flashed between the clouds, roaring one after another.

This scene like the end of the day shocked Lifa.

-Is this the power of the strongest sequence?

Originally, for a powerful girl who was only in an imaginary conceptual situation, after seeing this earth-shattering change, a craving suddenly emerged in her heart, and her yearning appeared on her face.

"Oh, that's fine!"

The rest of his eyes saw Lifa's expression, and the long door couldn't help but smile, and then looked at Bude, with a strange smile, a little under his feet, and the whole person rushed over

"Admiral, Ledi called!"

Seeing the action of Nagato, Bude instantly displayed his own trick.

The endless thunder was summoned by his emperor, the thunder emperor-Admiral summoned it, condensed into an incomparably huge thunder, bombarded from the sky towards the long gate.

But at this moment, the corner of the mouth of the long door smiled even more, and a light ball around him lit up.

The thunder that had been killed down disappeared in an instant.

Then appeared next to Bude-


In the severe thunderstorm, the gray space around them all shattered.

Lifa only felt dark in front of her eyes, and then she returned to the original martial arts court, and the general's armor was shattered, kneeling in front of the red-haired boy holding the sacred gun, his head lowered. ..

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