My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 18: Excite and win third!

I have to say that Shira's approach is very correct!

Just hit Lifa's flaws.

Although Lifa became a strong man in a short period of time after a series of situations called adventures, young girls are not the kind of natural fighters and their fighting experience is scarce.

Therefore, at this moment, Lifa really did not fully react

It stands to reason that Lifa's defeat is already doomed.

However, it may be Shira's misfortune, or it can be said that luck is on Lifa's side.

At the juncture of crisis, the thin elven blood in Lifa's body instantly stirred up, and the biological instincts named elves penetrated the girl's body and mind

"Uh !!!"

A pair of transparent fairy wings spread behind the girl!

Under the flutter of the wings, a smile appeared on the girl's face, and the whole person seemed to turn into a breeze, avoiding Shira's attack, and the whole person flew up.

Lifa in such a gesture suddenly caused an uproar among the audience present.

"Big, Minister!"

On the rostrum, there was a look of surprise on the little emperor's face, "What is the situation of the emperor and the elder sister, is it the role of the unknown weapon in her hand?"

"Yes, it should be!"

The minister's face was also a bit suspicious, and then he said slightly deeply, "That sword should be the emperor's tool. I can't think that Her Royal Highness had the emperor's tool quietly."

Hearing his words, a little gloom appeared on the little emperor's face.

At this time, standing at an exit of the fighting field, the long door embraced with his hands, leaning against the wall, a look of satisfaction flashed across his face, and nodded.

In the years gone by Nagato, I have seen many people who are more amazing than Lifa.

But few of these people are lifty and extremely gifted.

To be honest, Lifa really meets the needs of Nagato now. If she is a truly ambitious princess, Nagato may have to be bored with the other party.

"Shera, I must thank you!"

On the fighting field, the flying girl stood on the ground and looked at the **** Shira, "You have given me a precious lesson. From now on, I will do my best to beat you!"

When the elven blood was completely activated, a mysterious method suddenly appeared in the girl's brain.

Along with the feeling in her heart, the girl began to use the secret method!

"Damn! You bitch!"

Hearing Lifa's words, Shira's face was pale.

He didn't expect that the chance of victory in exchange for risking his life would be gone, and when Sila came up with a way to deal with the woman in front of him-


The surrounding air solidified in an instant.

I saw that Lifa raised the holy sword in his hands high, and the mysterious blue light covered it, and it set the girl out of the dust.

"This, this is a secret technique ?!"

Seeing Lifa's posture, Shira seemed to think of something, and she burst out with such a stern expression. Emperor Gu is the strongest weapon in the world.

Among them, some emperors have special powers, or hidden powers, most of which have certain risks and burdens.

But there is no doubt that the secret technique is the decisive force to change the situation of a battle.

Shira found that Lifa was performing secret techniques!

In the face of the imperial envoy who is about to exhibit his secret skills, he must either avoid it or interrupt it before the other party exhibits it. This is the education she received.

However, the reality made Shira very hurt.

He was naturally unable to escape in the fighting field. After all, his father and the emperor were watching, but in the face of the girl flying high, Shira was completely unable to attack the other side.

——Damn, I knew I wanted an emperor from my father!

At this time, Shira's heart was full of annoyance, just not how long he was annoyed. Lifa had completed the preparation of the holy sword's secret skills, and the terrifying coercion burst out in an instant.

"Let's liberate, the mark of the wind !!!"

With the soft voice of the girl, the air pressure over the entire fighting field changed instantly.

At this moment, the girl ’s eyes became the color of the sky, and the authority of the wind within a thousand kilometers was controlled by the girl. Under his intention, the terrible coercion came to the battlefield in an instant.


In the violent roar, the whole martial arts field began to decline.

At this moment, all the audience felt the incomparably heavy coercion, and even the emperor's guard eyes moved slightly, and the state rose.

The goal of coercion, Shira, lay directly on the ground.

No matter how he struggles, he can't stand up!

"I won this battle!"

Slowly falling from the sky, Lifa stood in front of Shira, who was struggling on the ground, saying so, Shira, who was still struggling, was suddenly hit by an unknown name.


Blood spewed out of Shira's mouth.

After a while, Shira's eyes were dark and she fell into a complete coma.

After seeing Shira fainted, Lifa swung her sword into the sheath, and the terrifying atmospheric pressure disappeared instantly. Only the blonde warrior with a single pony tail stood in the center, and the clouds were breeze.


I do n’t know who suddenly shouted. The next moment, the audience around them reacted one after another—

"Long Princess! Long Princess!"

"Wind Sword Ji! Wind Sword Him"

"His Highness Lifa! Highness Lifa"

In an instant, cheers came and went, and the audience was all in high spirits. Seeing this, the little emperor and the minister glanced at each other in silence.

Especially the Minister saw a chill in the depths of her eyes when she saw the falling Shira in the venue.

At the same time, on the edge of the lively crowd, a white-haired one-eyed woman turned away from the arena and walked to a remote unmanned path, smoking heavily while walking, and her eyes gradually deepened.

"I really didn't expect that Her Royal Highness had become so powerful, but, I don't know where she will go in the future. The water in the Imperial Capital is getting more and more muddy."

With a faint murmur, the woman soon disappeared at the end of the road ..

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