My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 19: Rise and reaction fourth more!

The imperial princess, Lifa Flander, officially rises

This is the most popular topic in the imperial capital in recent times. From the courtiers to the people in the slums, almost everyone knows that such an upstart has emerged in the central part of the empire.

Emperor Ji, Wind Sword Ji, Elf Princess

General Lin Lin ’s title was used on Li Fa ’s body, constantly raising the prestige of the girl, and at the same time completely breaking up the girl ’s original canary image.

The rise of the princess is based on the son of the minister.

While showing her own strength, the girl shattered the minister's idea of ​​becoming a relative of the emperor. From this point of view, Princess Lifa is completely in line with the minister.

This point pushed Lifa's reputation to an extreme level.

After all, the reputation of the ministers and sons in the entire imperial capital, and even the entire empire, is too bad. Their behavior is unscrupulous, and it is really lawless.

Especially in recent years, ministers have even tended to replace the authority of the emperor.

But now, some people have finally come forward, and they have thwarted the minister's intentions. In the eyes of the imperial people and the group of ministers, the princess has become a sign of confrontation with the minister!

Although in the eyes of the emperor, Lifa may be more and more unhappy.

However, for Lifa, the liking Emperor ’s liking did not matter at all. Instead, as the reputation grew, it was more gratifying to secretly envelop the officials of the conscience.

Compared to Princess Chang, it is Nagato, the spear messenger, but not many people know it.

"Ah !!!"

In the palace of the imperial capital, Shira, who had just recovered from a serious injury, came back from the outside angrily, smashing things around the house for the first time, his face full of anger.

"I can't spare her, that **** **** !!!"

A few days ago, Shira was seriously injured in the battle with Lifa.

These days, they are all recuperating and ignoring foreign affairs.

As soon as he recovered today, Shira's vice recurred immediately, and he was ready to go to the imperial capital to find a few good-natured women to have fun and vent their depression these days.

When she walked out of the mansion, Shira heard the story of Lifa being spread all over the emperor.

In those stories, Shira was undoubtedly hacked.

In the situation where the entire emperor is spread, Shira just wants to retaliate, and it is impossible to kill all the people in the imperial capital. In desperation, Shira can only return to the house in anger.

"Oh, my son Shira, what are you angry about?"

At this moment, the minister's huge body appeared in front of Shira and said with a kind gesture, "Are you angry because of the rumours of the imperial capital?"

"Father, father, yes!"

Seeing his father appear, Shira couldn't help shaking when he heard his words.

Although purely in terms of force, Sila is far above her father, but for some reason, Sila is always full of fear when facing her father.

"Snapped!!!" Suddenly, the minister slapped Sylla on the face.

The heavy force even flicked Sila up, and then fell heavily on the ground, lying on the ground, Sila covered her face with her hand, a little dazed.

"Oh, my son!"

At this moment, the minister came to Sylla's side and squatted down with some effort. He said to Sylla up close, "Do you know why I hit you?"

"No, I don't know."

"Because, I hate your useless look!"

At this moment, the minister's tone suddenly became fierce, full of courage, "What is venting anger at home, lurking after being insulted, until the appropriate time, double the repayment, do you understand!"

"Ming, understand !!!"

Climbing up from the ground, Shira said with a touch of emotion, "Father, I will not let you down, I will definitely return the shame to that bitch!"

"So, what are you going to do next?"

"Father, I am leaving the Imperial City!"

After being silent for a while, a determination appeared on Shira ’s face, “This time, I lost because of lack of strength, then I will hone myself, and I will also collect those powerful existences in different corners of the world to form one. Only a strong team, the glorious return! "

"Woo, Shira, you grew up!"

Hearing Shila's words, the minister even squeezed a tear from his face, and then took out a weird little disc from his clothes and handed it to Shila, saying:

"This is Emperor Gu-Dimensional Phalanx Shangri-La, a rare space mobile emperor, can instantly move the target to a designated location, and with it, I don't need to worry about your safety!"

"Father, wait for my good news!"

Seeing Emperor Gu in the hands of the Minister, Shira, who was defeated by Emperor Gu, suddenly showed a delighted smile, took it in his hand, and then left the mansion in full swing!

After Shira left, the sadness on the minister's face disappeared instantly—

"Finally deceived that idiot out of the imperial capital!"

Indifferently said to himself, the minister walked into the hall with a faint pace. At this time, the center of the hall was standing with a bald head wearing monocles. When the minister arrived, he immediately kneeled to salute.

"Doctor, you are here!"

Sitting on the throne danglingly, the minister asked quietly and asked, "How is Esdes over there? Can you return to the imperial capital now?"

"No, General Estes needs some time!"

Hearing the minister ’s words, the bald head replied, "The foreign peoples on the southwest border are almost abolished, but the revolutionary army is intervening, and the general is being pinned."

"Ah, that's really not good. I haven't dared to act rashly recently!"

Although the situation has been known for a long time, the minister is still somewhat helpless. The rise of the princess is still good, but the messenger of the Holy Gun is even more difficult for the minister.

"Minister, please rest assured!"

At this time, Dr. Bald spoke again, "Although General Estes cannot return in time, eight years ago, the elite assassin we cultivated for the empire was already formed!"

"Now, they are returning!" ..

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