My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 20: Assassination and chance encounter fifth!

——The elite assassin?

Hearing the words of Dr. Bald, the Minister's face flashed with hesitation: "Although I don't really want to splash cold water, but I can't do it. We are facing the existence of the strongest sequence of the Empire!"

After that day, the minister specially went to the historical library of the palace

After reviewing the history book about Twilight Order again, the minister really understood the strength of Nagato, and the sacred gun with seven abilities, even the waste, had a great deterrent effect.

What's more, that red-haired teenager will definitely not be a waste.

On the contrary, it is likely to be a conspirator similar to himself!

This can be seen from the fact that Nagato clearly and Princess Lifa, whom the emperor did not like, are a gang, but can use the legend of the Order of the Dusk to leave a deep impression in the hearts of the little emperor, such as the "Guardian of Justice". .

Obviously, the red-haired boy had seen the innocence of the little emperor.

In other words, he is nurturing the innocence of the little emperor.

Probably similar to each other, since then, the minister has treated Nagato as his old enemy, and even sent Shira to the emperor, in order to better compete with this old enemy!

"it should be no problem!"

Hearing the words of the empire's strongest sequence, Dr. Bald was also a little uncertain, but after seeing the dissatisfaction of the minister, he went on to say: "However, minister, you can rest assured that the leader of these elites is Gozzi."

"He was born in the four ghosts of Raksha, and his strength is amazing. The most important thing is his emperor, he will kill the village rain!"

"Even if it is the strongest of the empire's strongest sequence, if it is cut by the emperor with a demon sword, it will also be contaminated from the wound and quickly killed. There is no way to detoxify. In short, it is dead!"

"Oh, then it's a mess!"

Hearing the characteristics of the village rain, the minister could not help narrowing his eyes.

If it is a head-to-head confrontation, the minister determines that no one can defeat that person except Esdes, who has not yet returned, but if it is an assassination, try his best to give him a scar

Thinking of this, the minister could not help laughing!

"You are responsible for this matter, doctor!"


Hearing the minister's words, the doctor nodded.

"Great, is this the Imperial City ?!"

In front of the imperial capital door, a cute little girl with short chestnut hair and **** stood there and shouted loudly, attracting the attention of pedestrians around.

"Zhuzi, you are too eye-catching!"

Among the two women and three men behind the girl came out a blonde girl who was one head taller than her, a little helpless, "In this case, my father will be unhappy!"

The blonde girl's name is Cornelia, the long-haired big sister head beauty, body surgery is the first in the girls group, and is the object that other female members rely on.

"Got it, Sister Cole"

Hearing the words of the blonde girl, the girl named Zhu Zi said apologetically, and then her gaze quickly turned to the somewhat lost black-haired girl at the end of the team——

"Red pupil, what are you thinking?"

Suddenly threw it on the dark-haired girl, Zhu Zi asked, and then remembered something, asked, "Are you thinking of black pupils, rest assured, you will meet!"


He said lightly, but the girl named Chi Tong prayed secretly in her heart.

Eight years ago, Red Hitomi and his younger sister Black Hitomi were sold to the Empire by their parents, and then became an Empire assassin, but Red Hitomi became one of the seven elite programs, training outside.

But her sister stayed in the Imperial Capital and seemed to be a member of another project.

Now, the seven-member group as an elite program has officially started teaching.

They would have stayed in the border zone for a while, but not long ago, their instructor, the father of the elite seven, received an unexpected letter.

After reading the letter, their father, Master, changed his mind and told them to return to the Imperial City!

Just to kill the existence that caused the emperor to fall into chaos-

The messenger of the cataclysm spear, Nagato!

"Waiting for a long time, you guys!"

At this time, a middle-aged man came from the gate of the city, and beside him was a full-bodied long-legged girl. "The procedures for entering the imperial capital have been completed. Next I will go to the headquarters!"

"Nahashiu, you go with me!"

"Okay, my father!"

Hearing a middle-aged man, a handsome blond man with a book came out.

"Father, I want to be with you!"

At this time, the middle-aged man said to the girl next to him. For this, the middle-aged man nodded and agreed after thinking about it. After all, this girl was his real daughter.

"Okay, Pony will be together, the rest will be dissolved, and they will be familiar with the situation of the imperial capital!"

Arranged in this way, the middle-aged man took Nahaxiu and his daughter Pawnee away.

Soon after they left—

"Haha, the capital, I'm here!"

"I heard there are many heavenly places!"

The big men and eyes men who had been quiet and silent in the team ran out, and soon disappeared in the sight of the three girls, making the girls' foreheads covered with black lines.

"Guy and Green, these two people, really!"

At this time, Cornelia, the oldest of the three girls, could not help but whispered, and then looked at the other two girls, "Red pupil, Zhuzi, let's go!"

"Okay, Sister Cole"


The three looked at each other and stepped into the Imperial Capital with anticipation.

Then, half an hour later, the three young girls who had just entered the Imperial Capital lost their way in an instant. Looking at the imperial people coming and going, they were at a loss.

"What should I do?" Zhu Zi said doubtfully.

"Sister Cole asked someone!" This was Chi Tong's answer.

"Why is it me again!"

Hearing the words of Chi Tong, Cornelia was a little speechless, but under her responsibility, she could only get out of the horse. Soon, the girl stopped a red-haired boy who just passed by-

"Hello, this little brother!"

"My name is Cornelia. These two are my sisters. We just came to the capital and accidentally lost our way. Can you please help us?" ..

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