My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 21: Contact and mission first!

Looking at the girl who stopped her in front of her eyes, the long door could not help but stunned slightly.

The red-haired teenager used to take a lot of time to form his own assassination team. He had tried the ideas of the assassins cultivated by the empire, but because most of the assassins were difficult to buy, he had been hesitating.

The only thing that Nagato didn't expect was that he didn't decide to do it, and the assassin ran to himself.

Although the blonde girl with a very high face value and a pretty sister style does not look like an assassin, Longmen ’s eyes have long seen the essence of the other party through the phenomenon-

She is an assassin after years of tempering!

Not only the blonde girl in front of her, the girl with short chestnut hair and **** beside the girl, but also the girl with long black natural hair are assassins.

The most important thing is that the eyes of these three girls are extremely clear

Obviously, not much blood they experienced.

In short, it is--

"Assassination of newcomers just graduated!"

A judgement flashed in his head, and Nagato couldn't help but smile gently, and said: "Of course, my name is Nagato, this beautiful lady, is there anything I need to help?"

Hearing the long door, the smile on Cornelia's face could not help but stiffen.

Chi Tong and Zhu Zi behind her could not help but open Zhang Xiaokou, showing a surprised look. If the girls remember correctly, their goal in the Imperial Capital seems to be called Nagato!

"Well, is there anything wrong with my name?"

Seeing the reactions of the three girls, there was a flash of interest in the eyes of Nagato, and he asked in surprise.

"No, I just think this name is rare!"

After a brief surprise, Cornelia instantly showed a brighter smile, and was slightly close to the long door. "Nagato Jun, our sisters want to have a comprehensive understanding of how to survive in the Imperial City, can you please help? . "

"Uh, that's no problem!"

Seeing Kornelia's almost tempting performance, the long door showed a slight suddenness, and said, "But it will take a lot of time, and it is also inconvenient to speak on the street."

"Well, it's about noon, I don't know if I have the honor to invite three of you for lunch!"

"After lunch, let's have a good chat!"

The invitation of Nagato was a little abrupt for the girls.

After all, the two parties only met for the first time, and they didn't even know each other before, and the girls were still unfamiliar. Under such circumstances, rejection is the normal choice.

After all, in this case, the girls were just sold, I am afraid they didn't know.

But the three girls are not ordinary girls. They dare to go straight in the face of Longtan Tiger Cave. Naturally, an invitation will not be pushed away. The most important thing is that they want to confirm whether Nagato is their goal.

Therefore, the girls readily agreed.

The Nagato also has some attempts for the girls, and both sides intend to get closer to each other.

Under such circumstances, in just ten minutes, when several people led to the hotel under the name of the imperial princess of the imperial capital under the leadership of the long gate, the relationship between the four people had become quite harmonious.

Especially between Nagato and Cornelia, they were talking and laughing.

It does n’t look like it ’s only 20 minutes.

The place where Nagato prepares lunch is in a special private room of this hotel. When the restaurant serving Nagamen offers plentiful meals, Nagato sees a very interesting scene--

"good to eat!!!"

I saw that the girl named Chi Tong took a bite of the meal from the store, and her eyes suddenly lighted up. Then the afterimage of the girl's hands appeared, and the food on the table began to decrease at an alarming rate.

Less than a moment later, the food on the entire table disappeared into her stomach.

Seeing this scene, Nagato, who has not started to eat, can only ask people to add meals!

"Sorry, Nagato Jun!"

Cornelia, who was sitting opposite the Nagato, could only smile at the Nagato with a wry smile, "I forgot for a time, how to say Chi Tong's appetite, which is a bit bigger than the average girl."

Zhu Zi, who was next to Kornellia, seemed embarrassed, and could not lift her head.

"It's okay, it's good to be able to eat!"

Although some want to vomit and say, "This is not a little bigger", but after thinking about it, Nagato shook his head gently, "Hurry up and eat, look at your appearance, you must be hungry too Right. "

At the moment everyone was speechless and started lunch like red pupil, or compete for lunch!

Because, in a short period of time, the red pupil seems to sweep the table

Just as the three of Cornelia were in contact with Nagato.

The father of these elite assassins, a man named Gozzi, was bringing his daughter and the strongest assassination elite, the elite of the seven imperial elites, Nahaxiu to an underground base in the imperial capital.

After waiting for ten minutes, they saw a bald head wearing monocles.

"I haven't seen you in eight years, doctor, tell me the details!"

Seeing the person coming, Gozzi's face flashed a smile, and then he said with dissatisfaction, "You know, we have just confronted the assassination forces of the Revolutionary Army, and we were recalled at this time, really. "

"Is this impossible? There is a terrible guy in the capital!"

Hearing Gozzi's words, the doctor's face also flashed a frustration, and at the same time took out a scroll from his arms and handed it to the other party, gestured and said, "Look, this is the data of this assassination target. "

Somewhat curiously, he took the scroll from the doctor's hand, and Gorzi opened it and looked at it.

As time went by, Gozzi's complexion gradually solidified, and after reading it, he handed it to Nahaxiu around him. Nahaxiu took a look and his complexion also solidified.

After being silent for a while, Gozzi took a deep breath, a strong warfare flashed across his face, and said, "The legendary user of the original imperial weapon is really a **** goal!" ..

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