My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 22: Decide and look forward to the second more!

"My father, that task is very difficult!"

Half an hour later, when Gozzi walked out of the underground base with his two children, Nahaxiu saw no one around him, and suddenly said, "If that person is indeed strong to that point, the success rate is too little."

"Relax, my father, Bonnie will certainly help my father!"

After hearing Nahaxiu's words, Gozzi hadn't answered yet, and the long-legged girl beside him rushed to answer, but Gozzi completely ignored the living treasure-like girl.

After being silent for a while, he said, "There is still a chance, as long as my village rain can hurt"

"It's only after calculating the characteristics of the village rain that it has a little success rate!"

Not waiting for Gozzi's words to finish, Nahaxiu interrupted. At the base just now, Gozzi showed him the doctor's scroll. It was for this reason that Nahaxiu was not confident enough.

What the reel says above is that the messenger of the Holy Gun almost rivals the power of the country.

However, Nahaxiu believed

Even if it's not that exaggerated, the opponent is absolutely ridiculously strong.

The Emperor with the Sevenfold Power is almost the same as possessing the Seventh Emperor. The most important thing is that Nahaxiu has noticed a detail in those contents, that is, the historical Spear Messenger is not afraid of assassination!

The guys with the Holy Gun have all been assassinated, but no assassination was successful!


"My father, we need more information!"

Looking at his father ’s father, Nahaxiu said directly, “Before there is no preparation, we must be careful to sleep. If I am not wrong, even if it is an assassination, we will only have one chance.”


Thinking about it, Gozzi agreed with the judgment of his most elite assassin.

On the other side, the girl Bonnie, who was ignored by Gozzi and Nahaxiu, looked around dejectedly, and then she saw two familiar figures standing on the corner of the street, sneaking not knowing what to do.

"Master Father, look, Guy and Green are there!"

Seeing the two, the girl reported to her father for the first time, hoping to get his attention.


Gozzi was a little surprised when he heard her daughter's words. She looked in the direction she directed, and then the middle-aged man saw a big man and a wretched eye. The man was hiding in the corner of the street.

What makes Gozzi a little speechless is that the two seem to be immersed in some kind of grudge, not hiding well, and it is easy to be found.

No, among the pedestrians around, people can see them from time to time, as if they are watching neuropathy.

This scene made Gozzi feel if he wanted to reinvent the two guys.

Gozzi saw it, and Nahaxiu saw it too--

"Two miscellaneous fish!"

Somewhat dissatisfied, Nahaxiu walked towards them.

The handsome man with blond hair was already thinking about how to punish these two shameless guys, but when he approached the two, he accidentally found that the two had been staring at a hotel diagonally across the street.

Subconsciously, Nahaxiu looked towards the hotel.

And at this moment-

Four people walked out of the hotel door.

The first three people were none other than the elder sister Kornelia who assassinated the elite seven-member squad, as well as Black Hitomi and Zhu Zi, and the last one was a red-haired teenager.

That familiar purple robe and the same familiar cheeks, not long ago, Nahaxiu saw it!

"Holy Gun Messenger, Nagato!"

His eyes narrowed suddenly, and Nahaxiu's mouth burst out with such a word, and then he remembered something. The young man's face was gloomy, and then a flash of smile flashed--

"Perhaps, the turn of the mission is here!"

"Goodbye, Nagato Jun!"

"Mr. Nagato, bye!"

"The food is delicious, I will find you next time!"

Looking at the three girls who said goodbye, the red-haired boy just puffed his gentle smile, waved his right hand, and watched them gradually disappear at the end of the field of vision

"Huh, finally gone!"

He exhaled softly, and a play flashed across the long door's face.

After lunch, Nagato chatted with the three girls for more than an hour. While giving the common sense of the imperial capital to the girls, Nagato also kept quietly getting the information he wanted from them.

So far, Nagato has basically confirmed that the girls are indeed assassins who came to assassinate themselves.

Just arrived in the capital, they met with themselves

Because of this, the girls appeared surprised when they heard their names, and later they were close to themselves, probably to determine whether they were their goals.

"Interesting, it's really interesting!"

Thinking of this, Nagato suddenly looked forward to the next development, "I think they have almost confirmed my identity, so what will they do next?"

While looking forward, Nagato was still planning how to conquer these girls.

After a short exchange, Nagato was basically certain that those girls were the killers that the Empire had just trained. Compared with those who had experienced a lot of blood and were numb, the three girls still retained their personalities!

In other words, they have great hopes of conquering!

Everything depends on how Nagato operates!

Just when the long door was thinking, a luxurious carriage stopped at the door of the hotel, and the curtain on the carriage pulled open, revealing Lifa's pretty face, full of doubts-

"It really is a teacher, but why are you standing here?"

"It's nothing, just sent off a few cute girls just now!"

He said lightly, the long door stepped directly on the carriage, opened the curtain further, and walked in, "Look at you, you should go back to the house, let's go together!"

"Okay, but teacher, what kind of girl are you talking about!"

"You will see it, trust me!"

With a light smile, Nagato closed his eyes and nodded.

"It will pretend to be mysterious!"

Seeing the reaction of Nagato, Lifa couldn't help but whispered ..

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