My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 23: Have fun third!

Time flies, and another week passed in an instant.

Especially as Lifa ’s reputation became higher and higher, the minister and his party leaders were all hidden one by one, no longer doing evil everywhere, and the entire emperor was completely in a strange calm.

Even in the eyes of uninformed outsiders, Princess Chang was a little too aggressive.

It must be said that the minister's political ability is really excellent.

At least this is the case with conspiracy.

His behavior was not to conceal his ugly nature and to be pitiful, but to promote Lifa ’s reputation and momentum until Lifa ’s reputation in the imperial capital rose to a point higher than that of the emperor.

"Just tell the confused Emperor the Emperor in the capital!"

In the tea room of the Princess Princess ’s mansion, the long door took a sip of the black tea that had just been brewed, and then said quietly, "It must be time, Lifa, your situation is a bit dangerous!"

At this time, Nagato is talking with Lifa daily, and there are only two people in the entire conference room.

"I understand!"

Sitting across the Nagato, Lifa's face was still indifferent even when he heard the bad news. "The original emperor didn't like me, plus the loud voice, I must have minded killing me at that time."

Lifa's words just fell, and a very subtle turmoil suddenly appeared in the corner of the tea room. The remaining light of the long door's eyes looked at it subconsciously, and soon saw a mouse.

It seemed to notice the gaze of Nagato, and the mouse disappeared without a trace.


In the heart of Nagato's heart, a faint haze suddenly appeared in the hidden corners of the entire princess palace. That was the surveillance device and simple defense that Nagato set up in the entire mansion.

Lifa, who did n’t find the action of Nagato, continued, “It ’s like, when he was young, he directly ordered people to cut off the heads of several brothers. Although the guy was naive, he was dealing with me. The only place he is not naive now. "

"So, what are you going to do!"

At this time, Nagato asked his question just right.

"I know that it is the minister's trap, and I can't hold back!"

Standing up from the seat, Lifa walked to the door of the tea room and said, "Because this prestige is so useful for me to build up the remaining justice in the empire, from now on, let me race with the minister!"

"Let me see if I can gather enough power to change the dynasty before his conspiracy succeeds!"

After talking, Lifa bowed slightly towards the Nagato, and then quickly walked out. According to the plan, today she will also arrange under the secret of the general to contact the former minister.

That is a character who can compete with the minister politically, Lifa has to be cautious!

"Lifa has grown up too!"

Seeing Lifa leave, Nagato had to sigh with emotion.

Perhaps it is the environment that changes lives. Under various pressures and conditions, Lifa is growing at an alarming rate. The helpless princess who appeared in front of herself a long time ago has long disappeared.

In contrast, Nagato has become more and more idle recently.

After the training of the assassination team was on the right track, Longmen no longer had to go back and forth in the residence of the Princess Princess and the Pein family resident. Both Arya and Hill would consciously complete the training and drive the entire team.

In particular, Arya ’s enthusiasm in punishing lazy guys is enough to make the entire assassination team dare not slack off.

"In this case, go have fun!"

In this way, Nagato put the teacup down, and then sensed the direction of a little mouse who had just peeped, and walked directly over. Soon, after seven or eight turns, Nagato came to the house of a maid in the mansion.



When the long door suddenly opened the door, there was also a cry of exclamation, and then a mouse rushed out of the door slit, and then was stepped on the foot by the long door for the first time.

With a little effort, the little mouse was stepped directly into the ground by the long door, and there was no sound.

Then, the long door looked at the room--

I saw a beautiful girl hiding in the bed, looking at the long door with red cheeks. There were a few messy clothes on the ground. Obviously, the girl seemed to be changing clothes just now.


"What are you excited about, Qiuxiang!"

Some speechlessly said, the long door naturally entered the room, closed the door smoothly, and then walked to the bed, directly grabbed the quilt and opened it

Exposing the girl's white body that looked delicate and clear.

"I have seen your body more than once!"

During the talk, Nagato rushed straight down, approaching the girl's somewhat frightened cheek, "I have given you several days to consider, and since there is no objection, then I will assume you as the default!"

"Now, give me your chastity!"

"Wait, oooo !!!"

The girl wanted to say something, but she was quickly blocked by the long door.

Then, the sound of flamboyance sounded in the room

After a few hours, there was silence in the room.

With the faint breathing sound, the breath of breath circulated in the air. At this time, the girl who had reached the extreme and comatose in the fierce movement opened her eyes.

In confusion, the girl seemed to recall everything before, flashing extremely complex feelings in her eyes.

Looking up at the sleeping red-haired teenager, the girl raised her right hand, and a long, thin needle appeared in her hand, marking the red-haired teenager's neck.

The girl looked very hesitant until she saw a bright and blooming **** flower on the bed sheet beside her

After being silent for a while, the girl withdrew the long needle, and the whole person broke away from the arms of the long door with some strange body movement, and soon put on a suit.

Finally, she took a deep look at the long door, and the girl walked out of the room quietly.

When the girl left, Nagato suddenly opened her eyes.

Getting up from the bed, the long door walked directly to the cabinet in the room and opened it--

I saw a girl who was **** all over, comatose inside.

The appearance is exactly the same as the girl who left before! ..

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