My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 25: The second raid of splits is even more!

"Hey, what is this?"

Regaining his mind under the abrupt pulling force, Chelsea saw the haze surrounding the vision, with a look of surprise in his face, "Obviously, there was no fog here just now."

"You said it just now!"

Compared to Chelsea's surprise, Miaozi pulled the Taidao directly from her waist.

In an instant, Miaozi came out with a knife. The sound of the blade breaking through the air, the whirlwind swirling around the blade burst out, however, this could not make any fog in front of him shake.

The vision is still obscured, and the gray fog is still diffuse

Seeing this scene, Miao Zi frowned, trying to keep trying, but Barbara stopped him!

I saw that the elderly assassin said in a hoarse and solemn tone: "No need to try, this is not ordinary fog, if there is no wrong guess, it should be some kind of emperor's ability."

During the speech, Barbara's eyes turned to Chelsea, showing serious dissatisfaction—

When he heard the information that Chelsea said, Barbara knew that he and others were in danger. It was not that the information of the girl was fake, mainly because the information was too exaggerated.

No matter how true or false, such exaggerated information is not easily obtained.

Taking a closer look at his rich experience in life, Barbara knew that Chelsea was likely to be followed. As expected, the facts in front of him all proved that Barbara's idea was correct.

However, this correctness does not make Barbara even the slightest happy.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing Barbara's eyes, Chelsea could only helplessly smile.

In this case, Chelsea really didn't anticipate. After all, she was not an assassin trained by Miuzi since she was a child, but an ordinary girl who had been a monk halfway, and her fighting ability was not even as good as that of a general warrior.

It is just because she has an imperial tool called Transformed Free Gaia Foundation, which can be transformed into any existence. This ability has a glorious prospect in the way of assassination, so it is valued by Barbara and accepted as a disciple.

Barbara is not a good person.

Although she was indeed very kind on weekdays, it was only an illusion.

After all, good assassins don't live long, because they are dependents of darkness, living in the presence of darkness and blood, even if the strength is strong, as long as they have a kind heart, they will eventually perish.

And Barbara, who lives longer than most people, will naturally not be kind.

If it was n’t the wrong time, and the enemy could n’t mess with the corner, I ’m afraid she had already shot Chelsea. After all, Chelsea ’s approach has made the elderly assassin very dissatisfied.


At this moment, the old assassin snorted coldly and gave Chelsea a look of 'find your account afterwards'. Then Barbara stepped forward and said loudly to the thick mist:

"Dare to surround Barbara, come out for me !!!"

During the speech, Barbara burst out with a strong momentum, and the bursts of murderousness burst out like real substance, squeezing towards the mist in all directions.

"Shoot !!!"

At this moment, the sudden sound of breaking the sky suddenly sounded.

At the next moment, the purple-haired girl dressed in cheongsam rushed out of the mist and soon appeared in front of Barbara, each holding a bladed sword with a huge strange handle

In an instant, it turned into a large number of sword shadows and drove towards Barbara. "Clang clang !!!"

Facing the sweeping sword shadow, Barbara kept retreating. At the same time, a small sword appeared in her hand instantly, and a residual image was also brandished, which was paired with the incoming sword shadow.

In less than a moment, nearly a hundred collisions broke out.


"Crack !!!"

The sword in Barbara's hand suddenly broke in a collision.

At this moment, Barbara's entire skill was at its fullest. The reaction force caused by the last collision between the sword and the enemy weapon turned a backflip backward and hid in the mist.

"Don't want to run!"

At this time, the purple-haired girl whispered and chased out.


At this moment, when seeing his master ’s situation, the wonderful son instantly pulled out the knife and ran out of the sheath, chased towards the purple-haired girl, and before the eyes would give the other party a fatal blow from behind-

"This will not work!"

Sudden black inflammation fell from the sky and fell between Miaozi and Zifa Girl.

The black flame suddenly exploded after landing, and the scorching and terrifying heat wave swept through, blocking the path of Miaozi's advancement. At the next moment, the flame turned into a grim dragon head and went towards Miaozi's bite.

Faced with such a sudden attack, Miaozi can only jump away like a retreat.

However, that grim dragon head didn't let go

Gathered with flames, chased.

"Hua Feng, the nearest one cut!"

Seeing the attacking dragon head, Miaozi can only concentrate her energy and instantly perform the slashing technique that Oberg has refined over the centuries. In an instant, the smoke circled around the girl.

At the next moment, within the attacking range of Dragon Head arriving at Miaozi, the girl cut out with a sword!

The sudden storm was accompanied by a fierce sword in the dragon's head.


The dragon head, which was obviously just a flame, seemed to have materiality at this moment, and was cut to the ground by this sword. However, at this moment, the dragon head disintegrated in an instant, and turned into a black flame.

In Black Flame, a blonde girl is holding the sword of Black Flame, which is against the sword of Miaozi.

"What an amazing attack!"

At this moment, I saw the blond girl said with great interest, holding the sword handle with both hands at this moment, and instantly, the black flame gathered the girl's body and transformed it into strength to bless it.

Under the power of the blonde girl, Miaozi kept retreating, and in a blink of an eye, the two disappeared into the mist.

"Huh huh huh"

At this time, Chelsea recovered from the sudden battle, and looked around, the girl couldn't help but panic, "What is this, both of them ran away, I"

But the girl was stunned before the words were finished.

Because at this moment, she saw the figure of the red-haired boy, who was very familiar to the girl in the vast fog, slowly coming out calmly. ..

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