My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 26: Manifesto, black flames and swords third!

"It turned out to be you !!!"

Looking at the red-haired boy who walked out of the mist, Chelsea's face was very wonderful.

In front of this young boy, although Chelsea didn't know his identity very well, he only knew that he was called Nagato, and he was the princess's swordsmanship teacher, and at the same time guided the rebellion of the princess.

But for his body, she was very clear.

Because not long ago, this person crushed her under her and tormented her for not knowing how many times. At first, Chelsea thought it was just an accident, and was going to treat the wind and snow as a nightmare.

It just seems that she was a little naive, or that nightmare began.

It was no accident at all.

This is exactly what a man intentionally does.

Maybe from the beginning, in that tea room, this man saw her true identity, and all he did was to let himself lose his calm, and then bring him here!

"Why, why"

The young girl who wanted to understand the cause and effect couldn't help but show a grin. "Why do you treat me like this? Could it be that this is my retribution as an assassin?"

"Retribution? No, I think that's a gift!"

At this time, Nagato had walked to Chelsea, looking at the miserable girl in front of her, raised her right hand, and caressed her cheek—

"Seriously, I really didn't expect that there is a host for the free-form Gaia foundation!"

During the talk, the long door directly twisted the girl's chin, and the other hand wrapped around the other's slim waist, and wrapped the weak and graceful body in his arms. High hopes, Gaia foundation is one of them. "

The head of the long gate gradually lowered, and the purple eyes looked at Chelsea at close range

Put the sadness and stubbornness in the maroon eyes into the eyes.

The red-haired boy couldn't help smiling!

"I look forward to the appearance of an emperor with a Gaia foundation. So when I first saw you, I decided to ask for you immediately! Just overheard, your name is Chelsea, is a good name It! "

"Now, Chelsea, be my own. You are not allowed to escape!"

During the talk, Nagato did not give the girl a chance to speak, and kissed the girl's lips directly.

Suddenly, the surrounding haze suddenly became thicker, forming a cloud-like existence, and completely wrapped the two embracing each other. In a short time, there was even a roaring voice between the clouds.


The violent roar, the dark flames burst out everywhere.

Taking off from the splashing Mars, Miaozi glanced at her broken blade, and a haze flashed across her face. This kind of flame with physical characteristics is too difficult to tangle.

"Oh, it seems that Arya's skills are still not good!"

At this time, the blond girl walked out of the tumbling flames, elegantly saluting towards Miaozi, "Hello, I am Arya Payne, come to punish you at the order of the Lord!"

"My name is Miaozi, I am the breath of death Oberg, for the impermanent wind!"

Clearing all kinds of thoughts in my heart, the girl with a single pony tail made a gesture of drawing a knife, and there was a strong murder in her body. That was the assassination of the girl for more than ten years as a day of assassination-

"I will be here to lead Ru and Hades!" As soon as the words fell, Miao Zi moved and rushed towards Aaliyah.

Smoke and whirlwind accompany the charged girl!

"So fast!"

Seeing Miaozi's move, Arya couldn't help but be surprised.

As a former noble lady, although Arya's mental state is so distorted that she can face everything, her body is not good. The speed of nerve reflex is not only not as strong as Hill's, but even worse than the average girl.

But her emperor's tools are among the best in many emperors' tools.

Dark angry **** fire!

This is the full name of Arya's hand-held imperial tool. This imperial tool was made from the super-dangerous flame of the underground world that was entrenched thousands of years ago in the underground world thousands of kilometers below the western part of the empire.

In the underground world thousands of years ago, there are actually a lot of other races and lives.

But the entire underground world is buried in the dangerous species.

Gathering the resentment of the entire underground world, the dangerous species has undergone a huge mutation. When its flame becomes dark, not only does the temperature increase, it has the characteristics of solid and liquid, and even has self-awareness.

In the face of the danger of the host, the will in the black flame has not yet reacted before Arya and starts automatically.

The black wall of fire instantly appeared on the way of the girl charge.


"Light wind !!!"

Facing the fire wall, Miaozi's face remained the same, she instantly drew her knife, and her fierce murder turned into a bright sword light. She cut through the air in an instant, and also cut off the fire wall. Taking this opportunity, Miaozi rushed past.

"It's really powerful!"

Seeing Miaozi cut through the wall of fire, Arya's face could not help but a drop of cold sweat.

You should know that although the fire wall has only a thin layer, its defensive power is not small. It ca n’t be broken by twenty or thirty warriors who are constantly attacking. I never thought that Miaozi only used a knife.

"But I won't admit defeat!"

Such thoughts were fleeting, and the girl folded her hands.

The black flames that permeated the girl gathered together and instantly turned into a fierce dragon head, and the terrifying dragon mouth bombarded the front of the attacking Miaozi.

——The opportunity is coming!

Seeing the coming dragon's head, Miaozi's eyes flashed a determination.

In an instant, Miaozi held the sword handle with both hands, and showed a stabbing sword posture. The whole body's strength exploded at this moment, and the girl's physical fitness reached another level in a short time.

"Yellow dust !!!"

In the scream, the girl rushed in front of the dragon's head, and the blade in her hand filled with a breath, stab directly into the dragon head's eye, and the fierce sword and murderousness broke out at this moment!


Very abruptly, the girl completed her breakthrough.

At this moment, the energy in the body transformed, and the fierce fighting, or the sword gas suddenly broke out, which offset the damage of the black inflammation. At the next moment, the girl directly crashed into the black inflammation.

The blade in his hand directly penetrated Arya's abdomen! ..

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