My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 27: Dark flame type fourth!


Until the next moment the blade hole pierced the abdomen, Arya exclaimed.

The pain in the abdomen made the blonde girl lower her head, and then she saw that the cold blade in Miaozi's hand was sinking into her body, and blood was gradually flowing.

Under the stimulation of this blood, the huge black inflammation instantly changed drastically.

The temperature rose madly in an instant!

The terrifying heat and the more terrifying speed of speed made Miaozi have to give up the idea of ​​slashing Arya, and her foot stepped suddenly, and the girl's body flew out of the flame range at an alarming speed.

At the moment when the blade was away from the body, Arya fell down.


Stopping the trend of flying backwards, Miaozi looked at the boiling flame and said, "The hurt through the body and the unsolvable poison of Oberg, you can rest in peace, Miss Arya!"

As soon as the words fell, Miaozi couldn't help showing a smile of joy.

Because just at the moment of hitting the other party, the strength of the girl's body finally reached another limit and reached the realm of fighting spirit. Of course, in terms of swordsman, it was sword energy.

After really possessing sword spirit, Miaozi suddenly understood why in the association, he has only assassinated genius, not the ace assassin in the association!

Jian Qi, although it can not improve the physique, but it has made the girl's attacking power have changed dramatically.

Now she is enough to be an ace even in association!

"However, now is not the time to be happy, find the master and Chelsea first!"

After looking at the haze around, the girl thought about how to find her partner, but she couldn't wait for her to come up with a way. A huge heat wave came from behind, and something happened——

"Oh, Sister Miaozi, don't leave, our battle is not over yet!"

--How can this be!

Hearing this voice, Miaozi's heart suddenly raised such thoughts.

Just waiting for her to think about something, the amazing heat coming from behind made the girl almost subconsciously flutter forward, and the next moment, the dark flame ball flew over the girl.


Then the fireball shot into the mist, and there was a violent explosion. The ensuing terror shock even dispersed the mist that was hard to drive away.

Faced with such a scene, the girl didn't appreciate it at all, and the whole person instantly got up and turned her head.

Then, Miaozi saw—

In the black inflammation area of ​​more than ten meters, the blonde girl was slowly getting up from the ground. There was no wound on her waist, but the black flame kept burning.

"I didn't die!"

Seeing this scene, a cloud of haze flashed on Miaozi's face.

The long sword in his hand was raised again, and the fierce sword gas filled out from the girl. With the invincible murderousness, Miaozi was ready to fight again.

"Do you know? I want to thank you, Sister Miaozi!"

Facing the killing intention of Miaozi, Arya didn't care at all, but instead thanked with a smile, "Alia was given to the Emperor by the Lord not long ago. Before then, people were just ordinary people. Noble girl only. "

"After becoming emperor and emperor, people and other people are training assassins under the hands of adults, but they are different from others. It is obvious that the most lacking methods of killing adults don't let others learn, but let people meditate on the flame.

"Now people finally know what the intention of adults is, they don't need the kind of homicide at all."

"As long as you can really start the emperor's body in the family!"

Speaking of which, a strange smile flashed across Arya's face and asked, "Then the question is coming, how does the emperor's tool in the human body really start?"

Hearing Arya's words, a drop of cold sweat left Miaozi's face.

The other party didn't finish it, but Miaozi himself realized the answer to that question. Although it sounds outrageous, the answer might be that Arya was killed before her emperor could really start.

Although he does not possess the Emperor Gu, Miao Zi still knows some of the characteristics of the Emperor Gu.

The more difficult it is to use, the more powerful it is, and such a horrifying starting condition, how terrifying will the other party hold the tool? There was a certain uneasiness in Miaozi's heart.

The power of Jianqi comes from the soul, and the uneasiness in the inner heart makes Miaozi's sword energy loose.

"--not good!"

Perceiving this change, Miaozi's eyes flashed sharply.

With more than ten years of firm determination, the girl forcibly stopped Jian Qi's disintegration, and reunited it. At the next moment, the girl no longer ignored the words of the other party and cut it straight out.

A few meters of fierce sword gas slashed out and drove towards Aaliyah.

Facing the attacking sword energy, Arya frowned slightly. At the next moment, the black flame in front of her condensed into a tall warrior holding a giant shield of equal height, and directly greeted the sword energy.


In the sudden roar, the tall soldier retreated several meters. Miaozi's sword was extremely fierce. He cut a long crack directly on the giant shield, but unexpectedly failed to break through his defense.

"It is impolite to come and go!"

Seeing the situation of the Gundam warrior, Aaliyah's face flashed with a smile, her hands were sealed, and she said with a smile, "Come on, Sister Miaozi, the secret technique-dark flame type!"


In an instant, the entire Black Flame area rioted.

Then in the eyes of Miaozi, the dark flames converged into a form of Dao or fierce beast, or a warrior, the number of which reached more than double digits in an instant, and then these flames were rushed towards Miaozi.

"not good!"

Seeing this scene, Miao Zi suddenly wanted to retreat temporarily.

Even if she became a sword spirit, at the same time, it was very difficult to deal with so many monsters who were not afraid of life and death at all, especially around Arya, they were constantly producing monsters.

That kind of scene, people can't help but despair.

However, in the past, a lot of girls who had originally consumed a lot could not escape the pursuit of the beast-shaped creature, and soon Miaozi fell into a continuous siege of monsters ..

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