My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 28: Dangerous wins and hard fights first!

Needless to say, Miaozi is indeed very powerful!

The main practice system of this world is divided into internal and external ways. Inside is the way of strength, which constantly strengthens the physical qualities, while outside is the fighting skills and enlightenment.

Miao Zi's achievements in the strength of power belong to the extreme of his peers. On the outside road, he has practiced the combat skills summarized by Oberg for hundreds of years. He has just realized the fighting spirit, or the sword spirit!

Such a good guy is definitely the strongest representative of young people.

If it is measured by a total of five levels of dangerous species in this world, the third level of dangerous species is not a problem. If there are sufficient conditions, the girl can fully face the fourth level of dangerous species.

Of course, this face does not mean killing.

After all, after reaching the fourth level of dangerous species, many of them are classified as super dangerous species. They are not only huge in size, but also have various special abilities, which is difficult to knock down.

By the way, the dangerous species of Digu materials are at least the fourth level.

But even so, it also shows the power of Mikoko.

After all, the empire thousands of years ago, when making emperors, all used the form of a large army to conquer super-dangerous species, and how can Miaozi face such an existence alone, how can it not be called powerful.

However, even such a powerful son, is also caught in an extremely dangerous situation.

"Damn it!"

A sword beheaded a dark warrior who was about to strike, and Miaozi backed away from the attack of a claw instantly. The girl's eyes narrowed, looking at the enemies around her, she couldn't help but flash a despair.

Without him, just because there are too many enemies.

In less than five minutes, there were dense dark monsters all around the girl, there were unskilled warriors, wild beasts, and more strange shapes.

The most important thing is that these monsters are not afraid of life and death, without any fear.

"Oh, Sister Miaozi, come on!"

At this moment, Aaliyah's voice suddenly sounded. At the next moment, countless dark monsters pounced again, and Miaozi instantly inspired all the fighting and swept the surrounding monsters.

Afterwards, the girl immediately rushed in a certain direction. Obviously, the girl was ready to break through.

It's just that the girl's physical energy seems to be too much, and she didn't break through.

Not long after, the girl was drowned again in the dark tide.

After three minutes, the dark inflammation spread out automatically.

Only the girl was left unconscious.


Seeing this scene, Aaliyah exhaled for a long time, and the whole person collapsed to the ground. "Although the secret technique is good, it is too expensive. Fortunately, I subdued Sister Miaozi first, otherwise,"

"After all, I don't know what happened to Hill. The old lady seems to be the master of Miao Zi. Hill will not be in a hard fight!"

I have to say that the girl ’s sixth sense is very correct.

At this time, Hill was indeed in a bitter battle. Although Barbara was old, his physical quality did not drop much than when he was young. With the help of the entire foggy terrain, he even used the assassination technique to the fullest.

From time to time disappeared in place, and then attacked from the angle that ordinary people can not reflect.

The speed is fast and the attack is decisive, which is really amazing.

Although Hill is a natural assassin, his insight ability is excellent, but in the face of such attacks, he still has a gap in inexperience and can only stand on the spot and respond passively.

Thanks to Hill ’s natural intuition, the two strange bladed swords danced tightly.

Resist the attacks again and again!

"Oh My God!"

"Avoid the attack of his wife again!"

After another failed attack, Barbara disappeared again, and voices came from all directions. "If the wife is not wrong, you have just started to practice. There are too few traces of exercise on your body."


Hearing this sound, Hill's eyes could not help but flashed a surprise!

Hill ’s strangeness did n’t hide Barbara ’s eyes hiding in a corner. The old assassin ’s mood suddenly fluctuated—

"Just guess it, I didn't expect it to be so!"

"It's amazing how simple training can reach this level. I originally thought that Miaozi is already the strongest talent today. I didn't expect there to be more exaggeration. If Miaozi is a talent, this is a ghost. "

"If the girl I picked up at the time wasn't her, it was her"

Thinking, the bigger the killing in Barbara's mind, the more genius the enemy, the more Barbara can't let her survive, who knows what terrible consequences it will cause.

Maybe Barbara was a little too surprised and didn't control her murderousness.


"Shoot !!!"

With instinct, Hill realized where the murderousness was. In an instant, the figure of the purple-haired girl broke into the air, and the fierce sword dance suddenly bloomed, turning into a large number of residual images.

"Clang clang !!!"

Facing Hill's attack, Barbara was shocked and could only raise her sword to face it.

After dozens of collisions, the short sword in Barbara's hand shattered again, and even Barbara's own body was marked with several wounds. Fortunately, Hill's attack was not always so intensive-

Barbara took advantage of Hill's attack, and left her attack instantly.

The girl did not pursue, but made a defensive gesture for the first time.

After the previous battle, the girl has understood that in the ongoing battle, she does not have the advantage. In the normal speed, the opponent is faster than herself.

The advantage of the girl lies in the solidity of the weapon, the explosive power and the ability of reflection in an instant.

Defensive counterattack, this is the fighting method that girls should have!

"Huh, it's amazing talent!"

Seeing the girl's posture, Barbara could not help but once again sigh with emotion. At first, the girl would only attack hard, but now she knows how to fight correctly.

There is such a changing genius in a short time, how can I stay!

Thinking like this, the horror of Barbara's life was suddenly burst out, and then she did not know where to take out a dagger again, and made an offensive posture-

"I am the eye of the death **** Auberge, the light of impermanence is waiting for the journey of Ru and the Hades!" ..

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