My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 29: Lose and appear first!

The misty battlefield, the atmosphere of silence and killing is pervading.

Whether it's Hill, the natural assassin with a singular blade sword, or Barbara, an elderly legendary assassination master with extraordinary skills, the two watched each other's every move and remained silent.

Among them Barbara's murderous spirit flowed as if in substance, full of terrifying deterrent force.

If it is a general enemy, in the face of the tide-like murderousness, I am afraid that he will fall down without fighting, otherwise, there will be some kind of consternation.

However, in front of Hill, this didn't help.

I do n’t know whether it ’s the girl ’s natural nerves that are too crude, and ignore this terrible killing directly, or whether she is naturally immune to this chilling murderousness, anyway, Hill is unshakable.

-Really hell!

Seeing this scene, Barbara was surprised.

Then her eyes narrowed slightly, the expression of admiration flashed from under her eyes, and the murderous energy of Barbara burst out suddenly at the next moment, and the elderly assassin burst out instantly.

"So fast!"

Seeing Barbara, Hill's pupils shrank.

It seems that because she gave up the means of concealed assassination, Barbara no longer needs to consider the means of concealment, and put her energy directly on the frontal attack. Her speed has increased by more than one level in an instant.

This abrupt speed change made Hill almost unable to react

All of a sudden, Barbara came to Hill.


The eyes squinted under the glasses, and the bladed sword of the girl's left hand instantly struck out.

However, at this time, the tyrannical murderous erupted for the second time, and Barbara's speed increased again, directly flashing through the girl's slash, and the short sword in his hand was stabbed towards the girl's heart at an alarming speed.

The unexpectedness of its actions is indeed quite alarming.


"Keng !!!"

At the moment of crisis, the bladed sword of the girl's right hand blocked the opponent's dagger in time.

Only Barbara's attack has just begun.

But seeing that the aged assassin broke out for the third time, the whole person directly turned over Hill's body, and the short sword in his hand was projected out, and the target was pointed directly at Hill's back.

Although Barbara's murderousness was too obvious, the girl noticed the attack.

But also because Barbara's speed was too fast, Hill failed to escape completely, and a scar was scratched around his waist.

"Oops, it seems that you are not used to it if you don't accept it."

After completing this attack, Barbara did not continue to attack, but the whole person was away from Hill, and some breathing sighed, "When I was young, there was no problem with the four or five segment attacks. . "


Seeing Barbara not attacking, Hill's face flashed with doubt.

Just in that situation, if the other party continues to attack, Hill may not be confident enough to stop it. After all, the time she really started to practice is still too short, too short, but soon, the girl knows the reason-

Her body stiffened at an instant.

Blood seems to be clotting

"Why, why?"

The girl found with some horror that her strength was passing by quickly, the weapon in her hand was getting heavier, and she barely advanced a few steps. The girl almost fell to the ground.

"It seems to start to happen!"

Looking at the surprise on Hill's face, Barbara sighed, "No need to struggle anymore, the old weapons are all coated with Oberg's poison, that is poison without any antidote, you are dead . "

"It's poison!"

Hearing Barbara's words, Hill's face was a little sudden.

Recalling that the long door in the assassination course once taught, Hill's idea suddenly did not touch a lot of strength in the body, and in a mysterious way, instantly burst the strength in the body!


In an instant, the girl was filled with horrible blood fluctuations.

At the moment, some loose eyes condensed completely, and the girl clenched her arms slightly with both hands, stood upright, and then rushed towards Barbara.

——There are actually such moves!

Seeing Hill's move, Barbara's face couldn't help but be surprised, and then the old guy backed away instantly, apparently not intending to fight with the girl who was looking back to the light in front of her.

Yes, come back!

Barbara, who had been through battles, instantly saw that the situation of the girl in front of her was obviously that the girl used some kind of explosive secret technique to suppress the toxins in the body for a short time and stimulate the power in the body.

In this case, the most sensible way is to avoid its edge and wait for the toxin to explode again.

Barbara naturally chose the most sensible approach.


"Emperor Gu reproduces!"

During the charge, Hill crossed the two bladed swords in his hand and formed a giant pair of scissors. At the same time, the endless light burst out from the scissors.

Unprepared, Barbara's eyes closed because of this sudden light.

Then with a whine, Hill descended as if through time and space!

"Everything breaks the soul!"

The huge scissors cut towards Barbara


A sudden roar erupted on the battlefield, and in the turbulent smoke, Hill came out of it, and then the whole person fell to the ground, and then a gust of wind gently brushed, showing Barbara's figure.

"It's really dangerous!"

I saw the old guy touched his neck, and then looked at the blood in her hands, and she was frightened. Just now, she almost cut her neck by the girl.

Fortunately, she was at a critical juncture and subconsciously fell to the ground before avoiding a catastrophe.

"The one just now is the so-called emperor tool!"

After recovering from the fear, Barbara walked to Hill's side, a look of surprise in her eyes, just as she was about to bend down to pick up the emperor's tool beside Hill

"Sure enough, let Hill handle you a little bit!"

The leisurely voice echoed in the mist, making Barbara's movements stagnate, and turned to look at the right side. With the light and somewhat messy footsteps, the two figures strolled one after the other ..

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