My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 30: One boxing defeat second!

Barbara's heart sank slightly.

So at this moment, she clearly perceives that the whole misty environment is accompanied by the sound of footsteps from far and near, and there is a slight tremor

If Haze is not life, Barbara would think that this haze welcomes the approaching person.

Such amazing movements naturally remind Barbara of one thing-that is, the fog in front of him is not naturally generated,

The girl who was just overthrown was obviously not the master who manipulated Haze.

"Histor of Haze?"

The elderly assassin has realized that what he is about to face is the existence of the enemy, "Oh, oh, this is really a tough enemy that makes people embarrassed!"

"Don't be embarrassed, old guy!"

At this time, the elegant figure of the red-haired purple robe walked out of the mist, and the long door said leisurely, "Because no matter how struggling, your future will only be defeated."

"Yeah, I really can say it, you think you are old"

Hearing the words of the long door, Barbara suddenly replied, but the words were not finished yet. When she saw the girl with headphones walking out of the long door, she suddenly got stuck--

"Chelsea, why are you there !!!"

Then Barbara's voice became sharper.

Looking at Chelsea who was standing behind the long door, Barbara couldn't be angry. Originally, because Chelsea caused her and others to be attacked by surprise, she was already very angry.

But now, how does it look like Chelsea has surrendered to each other long ago!

Faced with Barbara's question, Chelsea bowed her head and said nothing.

"Shut me up, old guy!"

At this time, the long door opened again, and I saw that the red-haired teenager directly took the girl behind him into his arms, and stroked the girl's messy hair with one hand--

"From now on, Chelsea is my person, and no one can question her except me!"

Barbara's eyes narrowed when she heard the long door.

At this time, the assassination master who was good at observation only noticed that Chelsea's clothes were extremely messy, and even had a lot of damage, and her face was filled with a moving blush.

According to Barbara's experience, Chelsea just went through a very fierce men and women.

——Conquered by men?

Such a possibility flashed in her heart, and Barbara's face was also unchanging. She did not expect that the disciples she trained would be conquered like this!

If it spreads, her Barbara Oberg's name will be stained!

"Hey, everyone is here!"

Just as Barbara was annoyed and the long door appeased Chelsea, the elegant girl's voice rang around. At the next moment, a dark flame suddenly appeared, surrounding the entire battlefield.

Then, in the blazing black flames, the blonde Arya appeared in the air.

"It seems that Hill has failed!"

Arya first glanced at the fallen Hill, and the flame beside him suddenly surged towards Barbara. Facing this strange flame, Barbara retreated naturally.

After all, she has no grudge or defensive emperor.

Then, the stream of flames instantly submerged Hill, and the next moment, Hill's body and emperor's equipment, floated above the fire beside Arya.

"Oh, Hill must repay me when I go back!"

Seeing her companions around her, Aaliyah couldn't help but cover her mouth and chuckled, then bowed slightly towards the long door, and dragged a long-haired girl with a single pony tail out of the black flame--

"Sir, although Hill has failed, Arya, I won!"

"This wonderful sister is the prize for victory!"

"Miaozi !!!"

Seeing the appearance of Miaozi, Barbara suddenly lost her mind.

Although the killers are ruthless and ruthless, the hearts of the people are all fleshy. As for Barbara who raised Miaozi from an early age, Miaozi still has some status in her heart.

Subconsciously, Barbara moved!

I moved as hard as I could—

"Shoot !!!"

In the sudden sound of breaking the sky, Barbara turned into a residual image, and in a blink of an eye came to Arya's body, and her short sword pierced into Arya's heart.

The flames around the blonde girl even reacted.


"You are too arrogant, old guy!"

In a blink of an eye, the red-haired boy appeared beside Arya.

Later, the punch from the top directly penetrated Barbara's defense, bombarded her face directly, blasted the legendary assassin directly, fell heavily on the ground, and a little blood fell from the air.

"A guy who doesn't even have a grudge, is not qualified to shoot in front of me!" Withdrawn his fist indifferently, Nagato said proudly.

The next moment, Barbara leapt from the ground.

Immediately, the legendary master assassin blew back more than ten meters, looking at the long door holding a punching movement in front, his face a little cloudy.

Faced with the almost humiliating words of Nagato, Barbara was silent.

Although a little discouraged, the old man deeply understood the gap between himself and the red-haired boy in front of him, just the punch, and even made her react when she was flying backwards.

"Old guy, surrender!"

With his hands behind his back, Nagato strolled towards Barbara. "I want you to know the gap between you and me. As a smart person, I think you should know what to do?"

Hearing the words of Nagato, the elderly assassin's eyes were a little hazy and still silent.

"And, I heard from Chelsea just now, are you a guy called the Assassin of Oberg?"

At this time, the long door had reached Barbara less than two meters in front of him, his face just showed a strange look, and asked:

"To be honest, I'm really curious. What is the situation of your assassin's association? Of course, the most important thing is the death of Oberberg? I'm curious to know when Oberberg became a **** of death?"

During the talk, Nagato's right hand plunged into the mist and took out a token that looked a little ugly.

A token of death with a scythe engraved on the token!

Seeing the token, Barbara's eyes suddenly widened ..

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