My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 31: Myth and steal the third more!

Time is a very wonderful existence.

Thousand years into this world, although most of the time, Nagato spent sleep and cultivation, the real memory may not be less than a few decades.

But in less than a few decades, Nagato has witnessed many, many.

A seed that was accidentally sown became a towering tree; once a very optimistic family, it died out due to a small matter; originally thought that there will be a good ending, but left a tragic legend in history

There are so many things to mention.

The changes in the vicissitudes of the sea made Nagato impressed at the same time, but also let Nagato really see clearly, the years, or time, the traces left in the world.

Inadvertently, the essence of the red-haired boy has also evolved-from the short-lived species who only compete for the eve of the day, to the long-lived species that can truly face the time.

No longer feeling for the passage of time, but began to look forward to the changes under the passage of time.

The so-called divine mentality is nothing more than that!

But at this moment, Nagato once again experienced the interesting changes of world affairs. If Nagato remembered correctly, thousands of years ago, he had never heard of the legend of death.

Instead, an assassin named Oberg left a deep impression on him.

He even gave the other party some simple and extraordinary knowledge.

Then again, Oberg disappeared.

In the millenniums that followed, Nagato did not have much time to wake up. Most of the time he was concerned about the situation of some countries and the things around him, and he did not pay attention to the changes of myths.

It is not until today that he discovered that there is an extra death in the myth of this world!

Grim Reaper-Oberg!

"If I remember correctly, the guy in Oberg was famous a thousand years ago!"

In Barbara's terrified eyes, Nagato pondered and replied, "Of course, the emperor of the empire still has a lot of cooperation with him, all of which were assassinations."

"--how do you know!!!"

Hearing this, Barbara finally couldn't help but make her voice extremely sharp and unpleasant, just like the voice of an old witch in a fairy tale, making the long door frown.

However, Barbara didn't care about this at this time, and was confused.

The Assassin ’s association where Barbara is located is named after the legendary **** of death Oberg, but as one of the six senior members of the association, Barbara knows that Oberg is a real human being!

Even, it was the first leader of the association, but it was deified somehow later.

In order to ensure the status of association, the association has been kept secret.

Only when the high-level rotation will be communicated.

How did the other party know about this? !


Looking at the token in the hands of Nagato, it clearly looks like a fake association token, but somehow, Barbara's heart is full of trembling feelings.

It seemed as if the token was the supreme existence that made her heartfeltly afraid.

The sneak attack ideas that were hidden in my heart were all shaken up

"Why? Of course I saw and heard!"

Facing Barbara's doubts, Nagato spontaneously said, and at the same time looked at the token that seemed to have changed in his hand, his face showed a sincere interest.

Although the strength of Nagato is completely underestimated at this time, many passive abilities still exist. For example, Nagato's eyes can still see phenomena different from ordinary people.

Just like now, the token in the hands of Nagato.

In the eyes of ordinary people, or this is a very rough token, but in his eyes it is very strange-this token just removed from the personal space of the long door, is absorbing some kind of seemingly godlessness .

In front of Barbara, in front of such divine power, he was suffering from the coercion of the higher authority.

This token is a souvenir left to Nagato when Oberg left more than a thousand years ago.

If it is in trouble, you can use this token to ask him for help.

It was just that Nagato still existed omnipotently in this world. It didn't need any help at all. This token was used up, and it was not recalled by Nagato until today.

Rao Shi Nagato didn't expect that the token would change like this after he took it out again.

"Oberg, what did you do?"

His eyes narrowed slightly, and thoughts flashed one after another in the heart of the long door, "or rather, what are you going to do, or are you already doing it"

"Forget it, sooner or later I will know!"

Shaking his head, the long goalkeeper's cluttered thoughts were thrown behind his head, and then an interesting smile appeared, "The host of this power does not seem to be willing, just right, I can 'borrow' this power!"

Thinking about it, Nagato narrowed his eyes, barely extracting a spiritual force and putting it into the token!


In an instant, the entire token burst into a dark golden glow.

Under the radiance, all the ideas in Barbara's brain collapsed, and the sight of the long gate gradually changed in horror, becoming extremely fanatical and pious.


"My Lord!"

Exclaiming, Barbara knelt slowly.


Seeing this scene, Nagato breathed out a long breath and couldn't help but cheer for himself. It is worthy of the existence of the god-killer. The stolen divine power is still handy.

"I remember, your name is Barbara!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Hearing the inquiry from the long door, Barbara immediately bowed with joy, just like a fanatic.

"Barbara, first detoxify Hill, the girl who has fought you before!"

Withdrawing the token in his hand into the misty space, the long door said leisurely, "Then take your disciple and me back to the palace of the imperial master, Princess, there will be something for you to do!"

"Obey, my lord!"

Hearing the command of the long door, Barbara did not dare to neglect, and hurried to Hill's side, took a small bottle from her arms, poured out a pill, and let him take it.

Seeing Barbara's posture and confirming the other's piety and credibility, Nagato nodded in satisfaction.

At the same time, the haze around quietly dissipated under the idea of ​​Nagato ..

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