My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 38: Nagato vs. the leader 【上】 Third!

"No, you can't go on like this!"

Once again the beheaded flaming monster was beheaded, and Holimaca's face flashed with anxiety. At this time, the sickle man knew very well that if he continued this way, he would definitely not end well.

The woman who manipulated the black inflammation was distraught at all. It was not like she would accept her surrender.

He is a great emperor, how can he end up with Berlick!

At the moment, Holi Maca burst out instantly-

"Mystery is coming !!"

With the use of Emperor Gu's secret skills, the physical energy in Holimaca burst out instantly, and the power of the dangerous species derived from Emperor Gu's materials was all blessed on it.

In an instant, Holimaca's five senses and body instantly improved more than one level.

"Shoot !!!"

Then, in the surprised eyes of the women, Holimaca did not launch an attack on Arya, but with amazing speed and perception, he searched among the flaming monsters with ease and speed. Pass by.

Almost immediately, he reached the open-air courtyard in the backyard of the tavern.

Seeing this, the man will jump out from here.

Then the sea is wide


Suddenly, a violent roar suddenly exploded.

At the next moment, the roof of the backyard suddenly broke down in an instant, and a four-hundred-meter-high four unlike monsters appeared in the sky, and the rain poured on the dark flames, making Arya helpless.

Although the girl ’s **** fire is powerful, it is based on Arya ’s strength. In the face of continuous rain, the flame is fierce, but it can only gradually become smaller.


At this moment, the monster could not help but roared into the sky.

The terrifying anger burst out, causing Aaliya to frown and concentrate on her remaining flames, sweeping the three of Cole up and disappearing instantly.

Seeing howling, a huge claw of the monster instantly came out, directly caught Holimaca in the air, and then squeezed hard, Holimaca instantly turned into meat sauce and burst!

The flesh and blood are mixed with the rainstorm, the parachute is coming

The Emperor Si sickle flew up, struck an arc in the rainstorm, and fell to the hands of the peaceful Taoist leader standing above the monster accurately.

"This, what is this!"

"Damn it, this kind of thing, me, how do I know !!"

Guy and Green, who were hiding outside the tavern, were completely stunned at this time, looking at the horrifying monster that had broken through the tavern building, completely at a loss.

Oka, the ghost of the Imperial Guards, fled in embarrassment.

It ’s not just him, all the other residents in the whole gathering place have rioted—

When the 100-meter monster appeared!

Normal people have no way to panic when they see such monsters. In fact, because the monsters are so huge, they even attracted the attention of the Imperial Guard.

Presumably, it won't take long before it can completely shock the entire emperor.

"Shoot !!!"

Waving his sickle in his hand, the Anning Taoist Master could not help showing a smile, at this time, the leisurely voice echoed around.

"What do you think you want to do, did you find yourself a weapon?"

Along with the echo of the sound, a red-haired boy with a sacred gun appeared in the rainstorm space, and seven mysterious light **** were reflected behind it, making the red-haired boy seem extraordinary.

"No way, your gun can't bear the flesh and blood."

Anning Taoist replied lightly, there was no guilt for killing himself in his speech. In fact, he also had no guilt in his heart.

All people on the road to longevity are ruthless, so this is true.

"Huh, can you take it now ?!"

He hummed softly, the long door turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the Anning Taoist master, and the sacred gun in the hand shone with the light of killing the gods.

"Oh, death is coming!"

I saw the Anning Taoist whispered a whisper to him, the Adayus in his hand resonated with it, and the instinct of the super dangerous species that existed thousands of years ago resonated with it.

With instinct, the leader directly waved the sickle to meet the incoming streamer.

"Keng !!!"

In the sudden sound of metal impact, the Holy Gun at dusk and Adayus confronted each other. Under the force of the dive carried by the long gate, the leader of Anning Taoism retreated more than ten meters.

Obviously, even after the blessing, in the frontal melee, Nagato still dominates.

However, waiting for the Nagato to expand its advantages, the huge dangerous species directly waved its sharp claws towards the Nagato. The timing was so precise that Nagato could only give up and flew away in an instant.

"Roar, my baby!"

At this moment, the leader had soothed the sulking feeling of taking the long door strike, and immediately issued an attack order to the monster under his feet-


After receiving the order, the four unfamiliar monsters immediately shouted at the feet of the leader, and blasted a wave of shock waves from their mouths, blasting towards the Nagato.

These shockwaves are very special, containing endless auras, even the long gates are reluctant to touch more.

Therefore, in the face of these attacks, Nagato can only expand perception and avoid them one by one.


The monster's shock wave is very strong. After avoiding the long door, except for the shock wave attacking the sky, it almost fell to the ground, causing a burst of roar.

Not long after, the building in the entire gathering place was turned into ruins, and the smoke was stirred.

Fortunately, before this, most people were scared away, leaving behind some guys with some strength, did not cause much loss, but also shocked the world-

The surviving guy, without exception, fell silent.

"Really, people have to marvel!"

After evading an attack again, admiration flashed across Nagato's face. As the predecessor of Anning Dao's ancestor, Nagato naturally knew what technique the Anning Taoist master used.

It is a blood vein method derived from the Buddhist method.

I just do n’t know how that guy did it, actually came up with a super dangerous avatar, plus his own strength is not weak

"Slightly, it's a little tricky!"

Squinting slightly, the long door sighed softly. ..

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