My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 39: Nagato vs. the leader [middle] fourth!

Nagato has been saying that his strength is the lowest in history

This is not a joke, but a real fact.

Needless to say in the past life, since this life, even the vortex long door that originally had the eyes of reincarnation, is not as strong as the current long door, at least in terms of combat effectiveness.

At this time, apart from the two **** extinguishers of the torch of the twilight and the mist, there is really no other power. Even the spiritual power is difficult to use.

The strength and grudge of this world are something that Nagato does not have.

In other words, this is a strength that Nagato does not intend to possess.

Why does this happen? There is a large part of the influence of the chaotic war that was thousands of years ago, and the other part is probably because Nagari himself is too greedy.

Thousands of years ago, on the eve of this world, Nagato and the enemies battled chaos.

It was a robbery designed by Nagato for himself, and it was also a dead battle that Nagato conducted for measurement, but it was a long gate that entered the Dao Realm but had a thick and thin hair. In January, a new world was almost created in Chaos.

In the end, under the endless means of the Nagato, the enemy was still killed by chaos.

Probably it's a blessing that depends on each other. After the victory, Nagato will have a whim, perceiving that this world is his chance, and then send the divine personality and the key to the world to Baiyujing, Nagato will come to this world.

Who knows that in the process of the long gate transmission, the backhand left by the enemy has started-

The three golden lotus petals seal the core source power, the authentic source and the humane source of the long door body, so that the long door can only instantly become a mortal and fall into this world.

Fortunately, Nagato's destiny is only severely hit, but if you want to touch the seal, you have to consume infinite luck, and you can't withstand the consumption at the level of Nagato's `` air transportation tyrant ''.

If you can't consume your own luck, then it will consume others. Therefore, the emperor's ancestor emperor was selected by the long door, and the empire's luck for thousands of years was actually consumed by the long door.

So ah, it seems that the empire has been very troubled and difficult for thousands of years, and there is often a reason why long doors are needed to fight the fire.

In fact, if only to contact the seal, Nagato does not have to be hanged in the empire, it can choose other forces, and here involves another plan of Nagato.

For that plan, Nagato continued to extinguish the power of fog, so that this secret can create the world of the kingdom, so that even now, even the forbidden hand can not be activated, and can only use simple fields and aura.

"If the seal is lifted, I will blow you with a punch!"

Such a word flashed in the head, and Longmen snorted coldly, and then started the absolute fog, and the faint aura mist gradually appeared in the rainstorm, and soon spread all around.

"Huh? This is--"

Naturally, the surrounding changes cannot hide the Master of Anning Taoism.

At this moment, the leader who had the ability to foresee could not help but suddenly, in a moment, he understood that this haze is definitely the longevity answer he is looking for.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with his ideas.

Although this world has two powers, vigor and vindictiveness, humans are still unable to use natural forces, because natural forces are too inert, and they are very risky to use and easily assimilate with nature.

Reiki is different, this power level is not low, and it has enough activity.

Whether it is practicing oneself or casting spells, it is very convenient.

The cultivation method inherited by Anning Tao is actually a method of Buddhism with a large amount of aura world. It is natural to require aura as a medium.

Only when the leader subconsciously wanted to absorb the aura, he was inexplicably hindered.

——The mist is from the Emperor Master! Want to get it, beat him!

Such thoughts flashed in his mind, and the eyes of the Master An Ning Taoist who looked at the long door were even hotter, and the four sitting down did not send out more fierce and rapid attacks like monsters.

It ’s just that none of these attacks can get close to the goal.

Although he lost his invincible power, the quality of Nagato itself was unfamiliar, and his eyesight was even more outstanding. The power of starting Ma Bao ’s flight in the hands of the torchbearer at dusk was almost impossible to hurt.

Almost a minute later--

"The surrounding environment has almost been transformed!"

He whispered a whisper, a feeling of nostalgia flashed across the face of Nagato, and the seals were scattered in his hand. With the seal of the Nagato, the surrounding space resonated.

"Not good, go all out, no, go backwards !!"

Seeing the changes in the surrounding space, the Master An Ning Taoist's face could not help changing greatly.

Although he didn't know what Nagato was going to do, the instructor could feel that the almost endless force of nature in the surrounding space began to move as if by some traction.

Dangerous thoughts germinated in his heart, but his reaction was still too slow.

At this time, Nagato had already produced the last seal—

"Mu Dunshu sea is coming !!!"

As the long gate lightly drank, the surrounding aura attracted the power of nature, and the entire ground of the gathering place began to vibrate violently, and countless trees broke out of the ground and grew wildly.

Beyond time, the growth rate of any plant, the trees that have just broken the ground grow to incredible heights and lengths, and they are endless, forming a sky.

The four hundred-meter-high four monsters fell into the sea of ​​trees and were trapped.

"Roar Roar !!!"

A wailing sound instantly emanated from the monster's mouth. At the same time, a large number of shock waves erupted on all sides, destroying the trees and eroding the vitality of the trees.

It's just that no matter how the monster is destroyed, less than a moment, the destroyed giant wood regenerates instantly, and the number is more and more dense

With the support of Nagato, the entire sea of ​​trees seems to be endless and dreadful.

In a blink of an eye, the entire monster was completely submerged by the sea of ​​trees.

Although still struggling, but not far from the end

"God, what's the situation!"

At this time, the Imperial City Center has discovered the situation of the castle town.

The **** corps has rushed out of the city gate in the central area of ​​the imperial capital, but only from afar to see the vast sea of ​​trees, the entire corps is completely chaotic, and even the corps leader, General Bude, is completely stunned ...

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