My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 40: Nagato vs. the leader 【下】 Ask for subscription!

Surprised by surprise, Bude decided to take a closer look after all.

Although the ever-moving sea of ​​trees seemed to be alive, people could not help but hesitate, but Bude was not afraid to hold the strength of the strongest sequence of the empire.

But when he was about to give orders, he was surprised to find that the cavalry around him had stepped back a few steps, and even two or three guys fell from the horse. In an instant, the old face of Bude was black. Anger is full.

"Asshole! Who dares to retreat, the old man will split him alive !!!"

The general was furious, and the thunder above the sky suddenly echoed, causing the cavalrymen to gather together, but the few cavalry who fell immediately were unable to climb up because of tension.

This very happy scene made Bude's liver fire continue to rise!

The general did not expect that in the past few years, the elite imperial cavalry had become this virtue. For the first time, the general felt that the empire needed to change.

at this time--

"Ha ha!"

A faint laughter echoed around, so that Bud, who was preparing to teach the pig-like cavalry, stopped his hand and turned his head slightly. The general saw a ball of fire burning in the rain.

"If you can, please stay away for now!"

At the next moment, the blond-haired Arya appeared in front of Bude with the three maids of Cole and bowed slightly. Lord Men do n’t want to be disturbed in the battle with Lord Anning Taoist. "

"I know!"

After frowning, the general looked at the constantly moving sea of ​​trees, and then said, "It is indeed a messenger of the sacred gun, and there is still such a power hidden."

"I really don't know how much power the guy has not used."

"Well, is Bould about to arrive?"

Above the sea of ​​trees, the long gate that just manipulated the tree sea to trap the monster completely glanced at the thunder in the sky, and suddenly knew that there was not enough time left for himself.

——Before Bud arrives, do what he has to do well.

Thinking this way, Nagato flew directly to the monster that was trapped by the huge giant wood. Here, the Anning Taoist who was almost integrated with the monster was also heavily tied by the rattan.

The emperor sickle he was holding was stuck on a giant wood.

The outcome is almost decided at this moment.

"Is this your strength of Emperor Shidi?"

Facing the end of his failure, the leader did not have much resentment on his face, but asked curiously, "Can you tell me what power this is, and what was the fog before?"

"Strength, the aura version of Chakramu Dun, probably this name!"

Regarding the loser's last question, Nagato replied very kindly, "The name of the mist is Aura, as for what is Aura and what is Chakra, you don't need to know."

"Anyway, the dead don't need to know too much!"

"No, I don't think so!"

Hearing the final verdict of Nagato, Anning Daoist suddenly flashed a strange look on his face, "Master Master, do you know, before I knew you, I actually found a way to longevity."

"It's just that the end result of that road is not so good, I was a little hesitant!"

"Now, let the emperor and master taste it!"

As soon as the voice fell, the Anning Taoist burst out a wave of horror, and a fierce roar with the monster under him, the two different waves are constantly converging

Seeing this scene, Nagato understood what the Master An Ning Tao meant.

He was going to be completely integrated with his Fa-Monster!

But after all, this is indeed a good road to longevity. After all, compared with humans, the life of dangerous species has grown too much, which is almost equivalent to longevity.


"Anyway, your ending will not change."

Faced with the last stroke of the Master of Ning Taoism, Nagato was not surprised. Any living body has the faith to survive, especially the deep-minded generation of the Master of Ning Taoism.

Only in any case, Nagato will not let it continue to live.

The reason is that besides the fact that the Anning Taoist offended himself, he also walked out of a path that he did not allow, which became an uncertain factor in the plan of Nagato.

-Must be removed!

As a result, the red-haired boy finished with one hand.


The entire tree sea rioted in an instant.

At this moment, all the trees gleamed slightly, and the Master An Ning Taoist, who was in deep integration with his Fa-Monster, suddenly felt an appeal deep into the bone marrow.

In an instant, he found that the power in the Fa phase that resonated with himself seemed to be pouring out of the water like the water that was opening the gate.

No matter how he concentrated his will and strengthened his control, he could not stop the passage of power. In less than a minute, the Anning Taoist found that the Fa-Monster had become an empty shell.

Then, the fusion is complete!

It was not that he merged into the French monster and turned into a super-dangerous species, but that the shell-like French phase merged into his body, making him an ordinary first-class humanoid dangerous species.

"How could this be!!"

After the fusion was completed, the sober Anning Taoist felt that his body was empty, and his face was ugly. Although he pursued longevity, he was not stupid.

In this world, power is the guarantee of longevity. Without power, it is better to die.

"Don't worry, leave your life to me!"

As if seeing the thoughts of Master An Ning Taoist, the long door suddenly said, and at the same time, his right hand released the Holy Gun and directly grabbed a ball of light behind him

The five fingers of the left hand were brought together to form a knife, which turned into a knife at the heart of Anning Taoism.

The right hand then pressed the ball of light into his heart.

Then, the severe pain came too late, and the Master An Ning Taoist was horrified to find that a force of terror appeared in his heart, devouring his soul.

His consciousness was blurred in an instant, and the instinct of the leader was sublimated as much as possible under the influence of the desire to survive, but all this could not stop him from falling into eternal darkness.

At the last minute, the Taoist Master An Ning saw the sky, the earth and the ocean, and countless dangerous species roaring, cheering, and leaping.

They are chanting, the eternal and only king!

"It turns out that you, you are"

The originally closed eyes suddenly opened, and the Master of Anning Taoist reached out and grabbed the long door and pressed it against his heart. He wanted to say something, but couldn't say it.

Finally, he closed his eyes, and there was no sound. ..

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