My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 41: After the event

Early the next morning, the downpour had stopped.

The bright sun shone on the land of the Imperial City. Under the sunlight, the verdant woods were dancing in the wind on the outsiders' settlement in the Imperial City of Shimomachi.

Fresh leaves sway with the breeze.

The whole air is filled with the fragrance of green grass, which is refreshing.

However, with the exception of those with slightly thicker nerve lines, no one felt relaxed and happy because of the people in this scene. On the contrary, almost everyone felt a suffocation.

Because the gathering place of outsiders disappeared overnight

Only a sea of ​​forest trees appeared suddenly.

Such a scene naturally caused a riot, plus those who were displaced by the destruction of the gathering place, the entire emperor was instantly in chaos.

Fortunately, General Bude had foreseen this situation last night, and arranged his troops in time to maintain law and order. In addition, Princess Chang joined many courtiers to set up the homeless refugees, and the entire chaotic situation was quickly controlled. Down.

Only in the question of the birth of Shuhai, the entire emperor did not have a clear answer.

Those who knew the truth covered it up and did not spread it.

For a time, various speculations appeared.

The largest mansion near the imperial palace, Minister Ernest returned from the imperial palace is constantly biting the meat, in order to vent the anger in his heart.

In front of him, the doctor and Gozzi stood there respectfully, without words.

"Huh, **** long door, I'm lost my appetite!"

After eating for more than half an hour, the minister stopped his mouth and threw the remaining half of the meat into the plate. His expression finally returned to his usual posture.

Last night, after defeating the Anning Taoist leader, Nagato arrived at the palace overnight.

In front of the minister, the guy, with his idol-like status in the heart of the little emperor, persuaded the little emperor to order him to conceal the information about the death of Anning Taoist Master and let General Bud send troops secretly. Intelligence serves as a weapon to destroy Anning Dao's armed forces in one fell swoop.

To be honest, Nagato's suggestion is very good. If it goes smoothly, it can put out the uprising that An Ning Dao may bring with minimum loss.

Although the minister is one of the direct factors of the country's decay, the minister also does not want the empire to be destroyed. Everything about him is attached to this millennium empire.

However, what the Minister could not tolerate was that the Nagato actually affected the little emperor. This is really a situation that cannot be ignored for the minister who is determined to completely manipulate the little emperor.

The most depressing to the minister was that he could not object when the long gate influenced the little emperor.

Although the minister is confident that he has a much greater weight in the mind of the little emperor than the long gate, the long gate can also influence the little emperor. If the two people put forward opposite opinions in front of the little emperor, it may cause conflicts and Thinking.

Once the little emperor learned true thinking, he would gradually get rid of the state of blind obedience.

In that case, it would be a disaster for the minister!

The only thing that made the minister more fortunate is that Nagato seemed to have the same idea as the minister and did not intend to let the little emperor learn to think alone.


"It's really heartbreaking to give up your privileges or something! To prevent me from heartache, I should have killed you, Nagato Jun!"

With a whisper in a low voice, the minister's gigantic figure stood up straight, looking at the doctor and Gozzi, especially Gozzi, and said:

"In order to support you so that your daughters can gain the trust of that fellow, I even let the loyal martyr who was ambushing beside the Lord of Ning Taoism-Berwick, sacrificed vigorously, then you should give me an answer, Gozzi , How is the task going? "

"There has been progress, and my daughters have received initial recognition, as long as there is another month, it will probably be able to"

Hearing the minister's words, Gozzi did not dare to neglect and immediately answered.

It's just that his words haven't been finished yet-

"too slow!"

Interrupting the other party's words directly, the minister said directly, "One month? At that time, Estes was almost back. Why do you want to use it!"

"I will give you up to three weeks. Understand, Gozzi!"


Facing the aggressiveness of the Minister, Gozzi remained silent for a while before responding, "Please look forward to the performance of the Wuhe Elite Seven!"

Just as the Minister and Gozzi set the time limit for the assassination plan, the long gate they had attempted to assassinate had walked out of the palace and returned to their castle.

At this time, Aaliyah had already taken Korneriya, Tsuki and Akito back to the castle.

Not only them, but even Chelsea, Miaozi and Hill came.

After the arrival of his own people, Nagato made a reorganization of the rights in the castle, first giving the official position of the maidservant of Cornelia, flush with the housekeeper Nahaxiu.

Afterwards, the Nagato granted Ke Qierxi and Aaliyah only the first-line right in the castle, letting them both take their place and manage the entire castle.

Arya is a descendant of the nobility itself, and ruling a castle is a breeze.

Although Chelsea is not a noble, just a maid, but after working in a large family, the original dream is to become a noble lady.

Under such circumstances, the girl also knows the management of noble castles.

The most important thing is that both of them are in the heart of Nagato at this time. They understand the existence of planning. When Nagato is away, they can deal with things that are not convenient for outsiders to know.

After making arrangements, Nagato directly announced that he would be closed for three days in the basement of the castle.

Then, the red-haired boy came alone under the castle, the large sealed basement, and launched the rune formation previously arranged in the basement, and infused with the power of Reiki!

"Boom !!!"

With the filling of the aura, the rune formation method is all activated, the transparent invisible walls are instantly formed, and the space in the basement is suddenly cut into several areas of varying sizes in an orderly manner.

In an instant, an alien version of the model workshop appeared in front of the long door ..

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