My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 43: Complete and build purple

The transformation of doppelgangers is not a one-off thing.

Extracting the power of the magician beast from the seal alone is not a simple matter. In today ’s underestimated state, as long as half an hour, Nagato can feel exhausted.

After that, Nagato needs to rest for more than three hours before continuing to draw.

The most important thing is that the data of the magician beast is not simply separated from the humane source, and then injected into the avatar to complete the transformation, and other steps are required.

For example, inlaid stone of sage, such as inscribed mystic runes, etc.!

Therefore, the entire transformation process lasted for a full three days, as Nagato had said before closing, and at noon on the third day, the transformation was finally completed.

At this time, the avatar is no longer the appearance of the peaceful Taoist leader.

It was a classic figure of death floating in the void, the hood of the avatar and the cloak behind it were bright red colors, but the body was put on it by the gray robe.

Through the red hood, the long door could see two scarlet eyes.

This point is very commensurate with the eyeball accessories between the necks of the avatars, so that the avatars reveal a more creepy essence and mystery.

The most characteristic, I am afraid it is a weapon of doppelgangers.

It was a golden sickle, full of sharp texture, and a meteor hammer was attached at the end. Needless to say, it was reinvented by the sickle emperor.

The image of the avatar at this time is almost the same as the complete form of the magician beast-the beast of death!

In other words, Nagato was transformed according to the beast of death!

After all, the data of the incomplete Magician Beast is the best template, which can save the Nagato a lot of strength, and the Death Beast is not weak.

"Since the death beast is the template, the avatar is called the death beast!"

After walking around for a while, the Nagato nodded with satisfaction, and began to name it. When the words of the Nagato just fell, the Bakumon fell directly to the Nagato.

In the next moment, this guy turned into a residual image and merged into the shadow of the long door.

At this point, the goal of closing the door is completely completed!

"Master, it's lunch time!"

At this moment, the voice of a lovely girl was heard vaguely outside the basement. Hearing this voice, the head of the long door couldn't help but think of the graceful figure of a young girl with big breasts.

Such a scene shocked the long door who had just completed the retreat mission.

As the saying goes, food and clothing is thinking about why

Although he hasn't eaten lunch yet, after finishing a big job, Nagato also wants to have some fun to make himself feel comfortable.

Precisely when a prey came to the door, the result was self-evident.

"Send in, build purple!"

He said in this way, the long door snapped his fingers, the entire magic workshop suddenly changed, several areas were reorganized in an instant, and various runes and experimental instruments were covered.

Soon, the entire basement became a mysterious room dotted with stars.

"Crack !!!"

At this time, the basement door opened.

The girl who delivered the meal pushed in the dining car and came in. Just after entering the room, Zhu Zi was stunned in the same place. Nothing else. Everything in front of her really surprised her.

The previous three days, she came to deliver meals for Nagato.

This is not the first time the girl has entered the basement, but the scene she saw is not like this at all. Thinking of this, the girl almost couldn't help but quit to see if she had gone the wrong way.

"I said, what are you doing!"

At this time, the voice of Nagato rang in the girl's ear, which made Zhu Zi startled, and then she was shocked to find out that I didn't know when Nagato had come behind her.

Before waiting for the girl to speak, she heard a click and the basement door closed.

At this time, even if the nerves were bigger, the girl's face changed a little.

Orphans and widows, the enclosed basement, and the relationship between the owner and the maid, many factors combined, let the girl feel a heartfelt crisis.

"No, nothing, just surprised by the changes here."

After hesitating for a while, the girl spoke with some trembling, "Master, Master, where should lunch be and should be placed"

At the end, the girl's voice shivered.

"Lunch, wait a minute!"

After making sure that the door was closed, the red-haired teenager came to her with a very evil smile in the girl's eyes, and the right index finger lifted the girl's chin frivolously——

"Zhuzi, my host is not hungry yet. Before lunch, let's have a little game."


At this time, Zhu Zi's little face was completely red.

Surprised, panicked, and overwhelmed, as well as bumpy deer, chaotic emotions echoed in the girl's heart, leaving her completely unaware of what to do.

To be honest, although getting along with each other is short, Nagato does give girls a lot of favors. However, Nagato is the target they must assassinate. In addition, the current Zhu Zi is still undercover

If you do it, it will be exposed, even with Red Hitomi and Cornelia are in danger.

But if you don't do it, it seems to be impossible.

So, the girl was completely messed up!

"Oh, if you don't say it, then I'll agree with you!"

Seeing that Zhuzi didn't back away, but showed a chaotic expression, Nagato was surprised, and then a smile appeared on the corner of the red-haired teenager's mouth.

At the next moment, Nagato got up and took a step, directly sticking to Zhu Zi's body.

Before the girl retreated subconsciously, Nagato's left hand directly grasped the girl's slim waist, and the right hand directly held the back of the girl's head, lowering her head slightly, and kissing the moving lips.


The girl's eyes could not help but widen.

Immediately, Zhu Zi sensed that the boy in front of her broke through her defense, and the two magic hands moved up and down. The feeling of great comfort made the young girl indulge in it directly.

That messy thought is completely out of ideas

Soon, the obsessive voice reverberates in this underground space ..

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