My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 44: Anger and hypocrisy are the first!

On a hot summer day, the castle is still filled with cool breeze.

Stepping into the long corridor of the castle, Nahaxiu was a little absent-minded. When he met the salute and greetings of the maid and the people along the way, he just nodded at will.

This attitude is completely different from the polite behavior of this blond young man on weekdays.

Naturally, it attracted many people's curiosity.

But Nahaxiu didn't care much about it.

At this time, he was full of troubles, where can I still care about these small things of sesame and garlic skin.

Just now, he learned from his father that the minister summoned his father three days ago and forced them to complete the assassination mission within three weeks.

"If three days are deducted, there are only eighteen days left!"

Thinking of this, Nahaxiu couldn't help but feel annoyed. The minister was simply a layman commanding a layman. Without sufficient information, where could the assassination of Nagato!

As long as you think about the sudden emergence of the sea of ​​trees in the castle town, you can know the horror of Nagato.

Based on this alone, Nahaxiu had completely eliminated the plan to kill him positively.

But no matter how dissatisfied or angry, facing the orders of the minister and the will of his father, Nahaxiu could only choose to obey. However, three days ago, he was no longer the second class of the castle.

In addition to the long door, there are two women whose rights are above him.

This has given Nahaxiu a lot of constraints.

At least he was afraid to monitor the long gate by manipulating the servants in the castle.

What Nahaxiu can do today is just to get some information about the Nagato from other servants through casual chats, or approach the Nagato in person.

"It seems that to really understand that guy's hole cards, it still depends on the relationship between the three of Kornelia, Zhu Zi and Chi Tong and that guy!"

After thinking for a long time, Nahaxiu could only draw such a helpless conclusion.

At this moment, Nahaxiu heard the collision of swords.

Almost subconsciously, Nahaxiu walked a few steps in the direction of the sound, and then he saw that in the martial arts field not far away, Miaozi and Hill were conducting combat training.

Tai Dao and Shuang Jian are intertwined madly, marking a trace on the martial arts field.

The fighting was fierce, even if Nahaxiu saw it, he was a little surprised. Even in the elite assassination of seven people, the two women also existed upstream.

With a slight emotion in his heart, Nahaxiu saw Cornelia beside the martial arts field.

The blonde girl at this time was standing outside the court, looking at the battle with some concern. The correct statement was that she was looking at Miaozi with some concern. As for Hill, it was just by the way.

Thinking of this, Nahaxiu couldn't help but feel a little emotional, the girl's feelings are a little difficult to understand.

I don't know why, it seems that Cornelia and Miaozi are very close together. At first they met each other and they were very fond of each other. Later these days, the two were inseparable.

"Should I remind Kornelia!"

He whispered to himself, Nahaxiu was a little worried. After all, he waited for the undercover. If he had feelings with the enemy, he would hurt himself.

When Nahaxiu hesitated--

"That, Master Butler!"

The sound of vitality came from far and near, and the familiar tone and the pause in the speech changed the way, so that Nahaxiu clearly knew who the person was.

Turning his head, Nahaxiu saw Chi Tong's figure jogging.

"Red pupil, what's the matter?"

Subconsciously, with a smiling gesture, Nahaxiu asked politely, looking like a real noble man, full of charm.

Only in the face of this charm, Chi Tong was not infected, but his face was strange.

Chi Tong and Naha Xiu have been together for more than eight years. On weekdays, Naha Xiu used to refer to other people as "miscellaneous fish", and it was still very polite.

This gesture really makes the girl uncomfortable.


Seeing the appearance of Chi Tong, Nahaxiu also knew her thoughts, and whispered unpleasantly, "It's really a miscellaneous fish, let's say, what is the matter."

"That, I just want to ask!"

Hearing the familiar title, Chi Tong's complexion finally became normal. "Boss, have you seen Zhu Zi? After noon, when she delivered the meal to the owner, she didn't know where she went."

"The castle is so big, she might be lost!" After thinking for a while, Nahaxiu answered.

"Also, then I will look for it again!"

Hearing Nahaxiu's answer, Chi Tong thought for a while, then said with a smile, and then waved towards Nahaxiu, and continued on the journey of finding friends.

And after Chi Tong passed by, Nahaxiu's face sank instantly.

For the first time, Nahaxiu walked directly towards the entrance of the castle basement, and soon, after a few turns, he saw it.

The long gate has been holding Zhu Zi out of the basement entrance

The girl was unconscious in her arms, her face flushed and her clothes were messy.

"--Damn it!"

Seeing this scene, Nahaxiu directly hid behind the rockery next to him, his eyes suddenly turned red, and what he least wanted to happen was still happening.


As soon as he walked out of the basement, the long door frowned slightly.

Then he sensed the young man who was emotionally excited after the rockery in the distance, a ridiculous smile appeared in the corner of his mouth, and Longmen hummed in disdain.

Pushing the girl to her side to be an undercover requires the girl's consciousness of being eaten by herself, and it will be a bit hypocritical until things really happen and then come back to anger.

After all, Nagato is not a gentleman, how could he not eat the meat delivered to his mouth.

"Hum, this is only the first one!"

In a voice that only he could hear, Nagato muttered to himself, "The next step is Red Hitomi and Cornelia. I don't know when you will start."

"I suddenly looked forward to it!"

As soon as the words fell, the Nagato no longer ignored Nahaxiu, and directly moved forward with Zhu Zi, and walked into his room in the eyes that were not surprised or even envious of the servants of the girl.

Believe that this news will soon spread throughout the castle ..

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