My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 45: The imperial court executed the second place!

In the room, the long door stayed for more than an hour.

Originally, Nagato just intended to place Zhu Zi in his room, to show everyone in the castle that Zhu Zi had already belonged to him.

It was just that after a fierce battle, Zhu Zi was a little sticky.

After seeing the girl sleeping a little uncomfortably, the long door led him to the bathroom in the room.

Just washing and washing, Nagato can't help but move his hands and feet.

After all, Zhu Zi is indeed a beautiful and lovely girl, especially the petite body and the characteristics of the young girl's big breasts, which makes Nagato put it down, can't help but hug it in his arms, and enjoy the wanton ravaging pleasure.

As a result, Nagato spent a little more time.

By the time Nagato walked out of the room, Zhu Zi had fallen into a deep sleep due to excessive consumption. I might not be able to wake up until tomorrow.

"Huh, my lord Nagato, you are really energetic!"

Shortly after walking out of the room, there was a rather muffled voice in the ear of the long door. Looking at the sound, the long door saw only a white kitten lying on the fence of the corridor.

"Yo, isn't this Chelsea?"

Seeing the little white cat, the long door's eyes lighted up, walked over with a smile, raised his hands, and put the little white cat in his arms.


Embraced by the long door, the little white cat gave a cold hum.

Longmen only smiled at this, not much to say.

After all, Chelsea was busy running around for herself, but when she came back, she saw that she had found a sister for her. It was understandable that she was in a bad mood.

Holding Chelsea's transformed kitten, the long door walked towards the castle door.

After a while, Chelsea's voice rang again.

"Is this really good?"

Along with the faint sound, the little white cat crawled out of the arms of the long door, and quickly climbed to the shoulder of the long door, then changed into a canary.

"After all, she is Chizu"

"it's OK!"

Intermittently interrupting Chelsea's words, the long door smiled and said, "Before that, aren't you the same as Zhu Zi, so it's okay."


Hearing the long gate, Chelsea couldn't help but sneered. Then she saw the gate of the castle appearing at the end of her vision and realized that the long gate was going to go out

"Where is this going?"

"Well, I'm going to hunt!"

There was a slight silence, and a smile appeared on Nagato's face, "I just finished a work, I need to find a place to experiment with how powerful it is."

If you want to enumerate the most unpopular places in the imperial capital, the Imperial Execution Ground is absolutely at the forefront.

Standing on a hill not far from the execution ground, the red-haired boy looked at it. Under the rendering of the sunset, the entire execution ground seemed to be stained with blood.

"No, your destination is here ?!"

Chelsea, who turned into a canary on the shoulder of the long door, could not help but complain, "It's really an unpleasant place, can't I change places?"

Just like Arya ’s emperor ’s tool, the dark and angry **** fire requires the host to die once, and it will be able to play its role when it is integrated with the **** ’s fire will. Usage.

After becoming a woman and subordinate of Nagato, Chelsea got that method.

That is to seize the essential blood of the life you want to transform and merge into the foundation, so that all your internal and external transformations are consistent with the transformed creatures.

Of course, this kind of transformation will consume physical strength and spirit according to the strength of the transformed creature. Only in this way, Chelsea is not out of battle.

Even as long as Chelsea has enough energy and spirit, she can temporarily become a dangerous species.

Therefore, Chelsea at this time is no different from a real canary.

However, because of this, the animal's keen sense made her clearly perceive what an amazing curse of resentment and death air filled the execution ground.

Ordinary people with weaker physiques are likely to get seriously ill if they come close.

This place can be described as a veritable murderous place!

"Just right here!"

Facing Chelsea's complaint, the long door just whispered, and walked towards the execution ground. Soon, the red-haired boy came to the gate of the execution ground.


"who are you!"

The guards of the execution ground saw the arrival of the Nagato as soon as possible, stepped forward a few steps, made a warning posture, and asked.

"Kill them!"

Facing these two guards, Nagato was even lazy to say anything.

In an instant, the shadow under the foot of the long door extended and connected with the shadows under the feet of the two guards, and the invisible dark coldness immediately floated on their backs.

At the next moment, the figure of the beast of death appeared in the shadow and appeared behind one of the guards. The scythe of death in his hand directly cut off the head of the guard!

Another guard saw this scene and his eyes widened violently, so he shouted.

Just before he could say a word, the meteor hammer attached to the end of the death scythe directly hit his head. With a bang, the guard's head burst like a watermelon.

All of a sudden, blood and pieces of meat spilled across the gate of the execution ground, and a strong **** smell permeated.

"Oh, it's really bloody!"

Seeing the strength of the death beast, Chelsea did not ask about the origin of the death beast, but murmured in dissatisfaction, then sat quietly on the shoulder of the long door without speaking.

As a spy agent, Chelsea is quite effective in trying to figure out the hearts of the people.

Although the time for getting along is very short, Chelsea still clearly understands that the long door is inherently overbearing and cruel, and may be entangled with him in daily life.

But now, what the girl needs to do is just to watch it quietly.

Regarding Chelsea's well-behaved performance, Nagato nodded in satisfaction, then the red-haired boy's thoughts moved, and the figure of the Death Beast floated toward the gate of the execution ground.

Soon, the beast of death was worn directly ..

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