My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 47: Absorb and encounter second more!

The criminals around them saw their eyes widen.

Not only because of the demon-like decapitation in their minds, Zanke died so easily, but also because of the soul emerging from Zanke's body.

Although they do not necessarily know that it is the soul, they still feel panic instinctively.

"This, this lord, I"

At this moment, one of the criminals gathered courage and wanted to say something to the beast of death, then greeted the sickle of the beast of death, instantly split in two.

"I said, I am the **** of death, the purpose of the **** of death has never been death!"

The words of the Death Beast just fell, and the fierce ghosts around them instantly rushed up, covering the criminals, and soon the sound of chewing sounded again.

Soon, the life of the entire execution ground was completely eaten by the fierce ghosts. With the sunset, the huge execution ground fell into a dark and strange silence.

"Oh, the troublesome guy is finally gone!"

At this time, the deep words of the Death Beast echoed around, and then the robe on his body automatically moved without wind, exposing the endless darkness inside.

After eating, the fierce ghosts were absorbed by the darkness and disappeared instantly.

But after absorbing the fierce ghosts, the dark attraction did not stop. Soon, this attraction attracted the death and resentment contained in this building that was built thousands of years ago.


The invisible power turned into a dark whirlwind, and began to surge centering on the death beast.

With the integration of endless resentment and lifelessness, the coercion of the Death Beast gradually increased.

From the beginning, the purpose of the Death Beast, or Nagato, was not to simply destroy the execution ground, but to absorb the endless death and resentment accumulated in the execution ground.

Although the beast of death is the avatar of Nagato, in essence, it is an emperor of Nagato.

It is somewhat similar to the electric light stone Huozuo Zuozhong in Di Ju.

As an emperor, the core of the Death Beast is a sage stone that integrates the digital information of the magician and the beast, and the sage stone is essentially the crystallization of life and soul.

But things like death and resentment are the existences that have an impact on life and soul.

Absorbed these things, in theory, can enhance the power of the death beast.

Although these forces are of a negative nature, although they can enhance the strength of the Death Beast in the short term, they are also in the future of overdraft.

However, after all, the Death Beast is only a transitional product, and where does Nagato care?

Half an hour later, the black whirlwind around the Death Beast began to stop.


As the pressure in the body of the Death God's body suddenly rose and disappeared, the surrounding whirlwinds also disappeared.

The entire execution ground suddenly exuded a clean smell, and the past gloom and depression disappeared. If it were not for the presence of stumps and blood stains on the scene, it would even make people imagine that this is the execution ground.

"Well, almost!"

Speak low, the beast of death is about to leave.

It was only very quickly that the death beast stopped its motion, because at this moment, he saw that there was an eye-like emperor on Zanke's body.

"Is this a five-viewer universal observer?"

Seeing this emperor with eyeballs, the beast of death could not help being surprised.

The observer is a very useful emperor, with five capabilities of vision, farsightedness, perspective, future vision, and vision.

You can see the human heart, observe the distance, penetrate the visual barrier, see the future, and perform illusions.

If you didn't want to overdo it at first, this emperor tool would be collected by yourself.

At this moment, the death beast could not help thinking, I am afraid this is Zanke's just stolen stuff, if he did not arrive today, I'm afraid Zanke will flee.

With the power of Emperor Gu, it can completely do this.

"Just for me!"

Seeing this emperor's tool, the grim reaper smiled, and the shadow under it stretched out, rolled up the emperor's tool, and placed it on the eyeball accessories in front of him.

Along with the idea of ​​the Death God Beast, the eyeball accessories in front of it gleamed with light, fusing the observer.

After doing all this, the figure of the Death Beast suddenly disappeared in place.

On a large tree outside the execution ground, the long gate was sitting on the trunk with his eyes closed to refresh himself.

Chelsea turned into a cute white cat, lying in the arms of the long door.

Suddenly, a dark shadow emerged out of thin air, walking up the tree trunk, blending with the shadow of the long door, causing the red-haired boy to open his eyes.

"Well, it seems that the action went smoothly, hehe!"

With a low voice of laughter, the long door straightened up, hugged the kitten, and the whole person leaped from the treetops and fell directly to the ground.

Looking at the execution ground again, Nagato turned to leave.


"Who are you and why are you here!"

Suddenly, the clear voice came into the ear of the long door. Then, three figures of one man, two women appeared from the tree trunk not far from the side of the long door.

The boy was talking, and he was looking at the long door with a straight face.

"Before asking someone else's name, you should say your name!"

Looking at the suddenly appearing boys and girls, the face of the long door did not reveal much surprise, but said indifferently.

"Uh, it seems to be"

Hearing the words of the long gate, the boy was stunned for a moment, and hesitantly said, but he was kicked by the short-haired girl beside him before he had finished speaking.

"It's you, idiot!"

He whispered in a low voice, and the girl with short black hair instantly pulled out the Tai knife from her waist.

"Who the **** are you for what purpose! The doctor has already said that no one can get close to this without permission!"

During the talk, the murderous body of the girl gradually diffused, and there was a lot of meaning to open the door without saying anything.

"Wow, it's really a direct character!"

Seeing the girl ’s reaction, Nagato could n’t help but be surprised, and then looked closely at the girl, Nagato could n’t help but ask:

"That girl, do you know Chi Tong?" ..

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