My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 48: Capture the black pupil 【上】

"who are you?!"

Upon hearing the words of Nagato, the girl with short hair flashed with surprise in her eyes, and her fierce momentum was stagnation. Then she asked, "Why do you know my sister?"

"Sister? It turns out that you are Chi Tong's sister!"

The long gate couldn't help but be a little bit at a loss, and now there was a burst of joy in it.

Originally the red-haired teenager was still hesitating how to subdue Chihong. I didn't expect to meet her sister here. I have to say that this luck really didn't say.

After the shot from the long gate against Zhu Zi, he and the three sisters of Cornelia are close at the showdown time. If you do n’t want all three to be eaten by yourself, the girls will definitely start in the near future.

At this time, Nagato was already thinking about the action of conquering after defeating them.

Among them, Zhu Zi has become a long-door person. With that little girl's glass heart, Long-door's self-confidence can easily make her mind, and the strong appearance of the inner but a little weak Korneriya also has no big problems.

Only the red pupils give Nagato a feeling of nowhere to start.

Compared with Zhu Zi and Kor Neliya, Chi Tong has a more decisive and independent mentality under the appearance of the big foodie, and is also stronger and fearless.

The most important thing is that Nagato can feel, Chi Hitomi's extremely powerful luck.

Intrinsically powerful, coupled with the depth of luck, the red pupil is simply a natural strong embryo, which is why Nagato has not yet started to deal with the red pupil.

Chi Hitomi, she deserves Nagato's more careful treatment!

And now, Nagato finds that he already has enough pieces to allow Chi Hitomi to follow.

Seeing the rejoicing on Nagato's face, the short-haired girl suddenly realized it was not good.

As a young girl who grew up under rigorous training in the empire, her insight is naturally extraordinary, and she can easily perceive from the dangerous look of Nagato.

So, the girl raised the blade in her hand again!

At the same time, the blonde and silver-haired girls who stood beside the short-haired girls also realized that the long door was not right, and also made a precautionary gesture.

"Ah la, don't be so alert!"

Seeing the actions of the three young girls in front of him, Nagato walked over and said, "Introduce yourself, my name is Nagato, what's your name?"

The three teenagers did not speak out, still maintaining a guard posture, preparing to find the gap between the long doors.

But soon, something happened that made them feel hematemesis—

I saw that with the pace of the Nagato, all three felt a very uncomfortable feeling. The footsteps of the Nagato were very quiet, but they seemed to step on their hearts.

The extremely sullen feeling made them suffocate.

"do not come!!!"

When the long gate came to them less than five meters in front of them, the silver-haired girl suddenly shouted intolerably, took a pill from her arms and swallowed it, and the whole person rushed up.

"Shoot !!!"

The speed of the girl who swallowed the pills skyrocketed, and it almost punctured the air.

That horrible speed definitely made many people tremble.

But it does not include Nagato! "Did you take drugs?"

In the face of the attacking silver-haired girl, Nagato's idea changed sharply, and she understood the situation of the girl in front of her almost immediately. Obviously, the other party improved her strength through drugs.

"It's a crooked way!"

With a squeak of disdain, the shadow at the foot of the long door spread instantly and rose from the ground, turning into a huge monster mouth, and biting down towards the silver-haired girl.

"Keng !!!"

Faced with a sudden big mouth, the silver-haired girl could not dodge under acceleration, and could only directly slash in the big mouth with the blade in her hand, and the metal-like impact sounded suddenly.

In the collision, the monster bit down directly and bit the girl's blade.

Subsequently, the monster's big mouth began to deform, and a second big mouth was separated from his side, and he went directly to the undefensible girl to kill him, and he was about to kill him.

"It's over!"

Seeing this scene, the eyes of the silver-haired girl suddenly widened.

His head was blank, unable to respond.

At this moment, a sudden sound rang in his ears, and then saw the blonde young man directly appeared beside her, with a sword in his hand, directly slashed to the side of the second monster's big mouth


In the crisp collision sound, the monster halved into two parts, and the part detached from the main body dissipated directly, while the other part began to deform, turned into countless sharp blades, and came out.

In the space of its transformation, the blonde boy and the silver-haired girl named Silver have already retreated, and Silver has given up his weapon for this.

In exchange, the Blade's attack also failed!

"not bad!"

Seeing this scene, Nagato couldn't help but whispered, "This level is impossible without a certain level of training. Is it also the killer? By the way, Chi Tong's sister!"

Speaking of which, Nagato suddenly discovered that Chi Hitomi's sister was missing.

And at the moment when his words just fell, the abrupt breaking sound suddenly rang in his ears, and then he saw the figure of the short-haired girl who didn't know when he rushed to his side.

Without talking, the short-haired girl directly waved her sword to the waist of the Nagato!

"It's really violent!"

Faced with such a sudden sword, Nagato was not particularly surprised. His right hand was suddenly raised, his index finger and **** extended, and suddenly caught the attacking blade.


There was a strong rebound from the blade, which made the short-haired girl groan.

If it were n’t for the girl ’s strength, she could barely hold her knife.

Afterwards, the girl couldn't help but be surprised to find that she was enough to cut off the second-level dangerous species with two cuts, even being caught by two fingers.

"What the **** are you?"

Seeing this scene, the girl couldn't help but speak again.

"I said, I am the long door!"

Laughing in a low voice, the red-haired teenager slowly lowered his head, facing the short-haired girl's eyes, "I am the master of Red Hitomi, who do you say I am, sister sauce!" ..

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