My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 50: The prelude to the assassination first!

"Well, you are lucky!"

After glancing at the two fainted, there was no emotion in the face of the long door. "Although it is not worth mentioning, it can be used after all."

"Just recycle the waste."

Although in terms of pure combat power, both of them are good assassins.

However, Nagato didn't take them seriously.

Just use them as tools.

In fact, if it weren't for Black Eye's sister who was Red Eye itself, and she also had a lot of luck, Nagato would not put Black Eye in her eyes.

Compared with the black assassins and their assassins, the black pupils were completely overdrawn.

From the previous performance of the black pupils in the fight against drugs, Nagato probably associates with them. In order to cultivate qualified assassins, the black pupils have been constantly undergoing various modifications and overdrawn their potential, so that the current Black Hitomi, when they are fighting, they must take drugs to replenish their energy.

Although the current situation, the three black pupils are not weaker than their peers.

However, the future development is different. At least the three black pupils whose potential has been overdrawn have been difficult to continue to become stronger, and may only stay at the current level forever.

At this level, in the foreseeable future of Nagato, it will be nothing but a cannon fodder.


"Black pupil sauce, or, you can have a different future!"

Looking down at the girl in her arms, a collection of imperial tools flashed in the head of the long door. Perhaps, the girl in front of her was very suitable for the imperial tool.

At this moment, there was a crisp rumbling sound in the ear of the long door.

Raising his head, the red-haired boy saw that Chelsea, who had ran aside since the beginning of the battle, was slowly approaching in a carriage.

"I think you need a carriage to go home, right, my dear Nagato!"

"It looks like this!"

Yu Guang in the corner of his eyes glanced at the two fallen and the black pupil in his arms. Nagato laughed softly, and Nagato became more and more satisfied with Chelsea's consideration.

When I returned to the castle, it was already full of moonlight.

There were only a few servants and Arya who greeted the Nagato. After a brief greeting, the Nagato gave the two pupils of Black Hitomi to Arya to let her take over.

In particular, the phrase "Any method" makes Arya's heart burst.

Looking at the back of Arya ’s departure, Nagato ca n’t help but feel silent for the two guys who will become Arya ’s toys in the hope that they will not be badly played

Then Nagato walked into his room with black pupil, followed by Chelsea.

"Strange, Xiaozhuzi!"

After entering the room, the long door found that Zhu Zi, who thought he was going to sleep all day, was gone.

"Of course it was picked up by her sister Cole!"

Compared to the surprise of Nagato, Chelsea is calmer, "How can you say that you have done this kind of thing, people can't fail to respond!"

"That's the case, presumably Chi Tong they are depressed now."

With a light smile, he put the black pupil on the bed and covered the quilt. The long door turned and walked to Chelsea. He said, "It's getting late, let's sleep!"

"Which room are you going to?"

"You don't need to go anywhere, just here!"

"Wait !!! Is this really okay? !!!"

Hearing the long door's unruly words, Chelsea could not help but change color. Although these days, Chelsea and Longmen have slept together, but there are only two people!

Doing that kind of thing in front of others, Chelsea said that his face was not so thick.

It's the same even if the person is asleep.

"Relax, I don't mind!"

"I mind!"

"invalid objection!"

Holding the waist of Chelsea who wanted to escape, a hand from the long door directly penetrated into the girl's clothes and held the soft European school

"First come first, and then turn into Tachiko and Kornelia, respectively, again!"

"You wooh !!"


The door of a room in the corner of the castle slowly opened.

The blonde girl Cornelia came out slowly, and her tight frowns seemed to be surrounded by an indelible sorrow, which made her unable to bear her heart.

"How is it, Sister Cole!"

When Cornelia walked out, the red pupil who had been waiting for a long time came forward and asked nervously, "Zhu Zi her, is there anything?"

"Relax, red pupil!"

Seeing Chi Tong's nervous face, Kornelia had to grudgingly smile, "Zhu Zi is just too tired, she needs rest now."

It was just that this was really reluctant, and Cornelia could not believe it herself.

Although there are many assassins as color assassins, the assassination group of seven carefully trained as an imperial assassination force is not in this column.

Because they are cultivated under special circumstances all the year round, the feelings of the seven-member group are very similar to normal people.

Under the huge stimulus, it is hard to say that nothing will change.

Cornelia is really worried about what bad changes will happen to Tsuki after this event, but these will only be determined after Tsuki wakes up.

"Hoo, that's fine!"

The red pupil without much complicated thoughts, after hearing Cornelia's words, could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, then the girl's face suddenly became somber

"But blame me, if I find Zhu Zi earlier"

"That's just adding one more victim!"

Before Chi Tong's words were finished, the next Nahaxiu interrupted and said, "Now it's not time to talk nonsense, miscellaneous fish, we must speed up, at least before you are all victimized!"

Speaking of which, Nahaxiu's face could not help showing a touch of iron blue.

Obviously, the partner's experience made this blond young man very angry.

"Do you have any ideas, boss!"

After being interrupted by Nahaxiu, Chi Tong didn't feel angry, but stared at him scorchingly, "If you can use me, please give me your orders, I also want to avenge Zhu Zi!"

"I understand!"

Seeing Chi Tong's firm red eyes, Nahaxiu nodded and began to talk about his plan ..

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