My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 51: The second day of the next morning!

On the second day, the tragedy of the punishment of the Imperial Execution Ground spread instantly throughout the imperial capital.

Everyone who heard the news was surprised and unbelieving. After all, the imperial execution ground was the place where the empire showed its majesty. I do n’t know how many people who despised the majesty of the empire were punched into that place and disappeared into the world from then on.

In the place where the Imperial Execution Execution Ground is, hearing the description alone can make people feel panic, but it is close to the rumor that they are seriously ill one time, but it is not lacking.

Where can such a terrifying and vicious place be destroyed so easily.

However, with the emergence of a security team that was scrutinized everywhere on the streets of the Imperial City, many discerning people suddenly understood that the so-called tragedy of total destruction was the majesty of the real empire and was provoked.

"Huh, this is really outdated!"

Under a bookstore that had just been searched by the police, the white-haired one-eyed woman secretly sighed, using her mechanical left hand to send the cigarette into her mouth, took a deep breath, and then spit out white smoke.

"It is indeed, Miss Najieta!"

The young man with green hair beside the woman could not help but sigh, "Obviously I found enough like-minded comrades to prepare for the establishment of the assassination team of the Revolutionary Army, but in the end I encountered this kind of thing. It seems that we have to sleep for some more time. . "

"It looks like this, Lubbock!"

Facing the partner, the woman named Najieta said so.

At this time, she couldn't help but think of Barbara's farewell that she had met before, the rise of the imperial princess, and the faint stupid movements of the emperor and even the entire empire, which made Najieta feel a little worried.

"Princess Lifa, can you really save this empire?"

Thinking of the good-hearted princess that she had seen before, such an idea emerged in the heart of Najieta, and then the figure of an ice demon flashed in her mind, and Najieta shook her head involuntarily.

"It's impossible. As long as the woman is still there, the empire has no hope of saving."

Once again firming up his conviction of revolution, Njieta looked at the detailed picture of the imperial capital in front of her.

"The strongest sequence of the new empire, Grand Duke Nagato?"

"Huh? Who is nagging me!"

At this time, in the main bedroom of the Forest Castle, the long door that was still asleep suddenly felt a thought in the dark and woke up from the gentle township.

Then, the red-haired boy couldn't help but show a smile of joy.

Although it is still not clear who is nagging himself, Nagato does not care. What he cares about is that he can perceive the fact of this idea.

Obviously, the seal inside is too thin to suppress the extraordinary essence of Nagato.

"Although the power has not been unsealed, but"

Raised his left hand, shook his fist, and the long door couldn't help but whispered, "The attributes that control everything have appeared again, very good !!"

At this time, Nagato has once again moved in the direction of no solution.


At this moment, a light voice rang in the ear of the long door, slightly lowering his head, and at the first sight, the long door saw Chelsea showing a lot of fair skin.

Last night, Nagato madly asked her several times, and the girl at this time was falling into a deep sleep. Obviously, it ’s not her voice.

if that's the case

Thinking so, Nagato's eyes turned to the corner of the huge bed, as expected, Nagato saw it, and Black Hitomi was rising from the bed with a confused look.

"Sister, sister"

He said in a confused way. The black pupil looked around, and then after seeing the long door and Chelsea sleeping beside, the girl's eyes suddenly became clear.

For the first time, the girl's face changed to her body and touched up and down.

It was only after confirming that his clothes were the same as yesterday and that he had not been violated, but he was relieved, but after that, Black Hitomi felt another burst of speechless anger.

But soon, this anger was suppressed by the black pupil.

Yesterday's memories flashed in his mind, and the girl suddenly understood that the sister she had seen before was probably not her real sister, but an illusion.

And myself, I am afraid that he was captured by the man in front of me!

"What a jerk!"

He whispered in a low voice, black pupil looked coldly at the red-haired boy in front of him, and said, "What the **** do you guys do?"

"Oh, I didn't blow the hair in the first place!"

Seeing the reaction of Black Hitomi, a smile appeared on the face of Nagato, and then the red-haired boy couldn't help thinking. The girl in front of him received the top killer training in the Empire.

Being able to become a killer is not a reckless generation, and emotional control is a basic skill.

"My purpose is actually very simple!"

Covered the quilt on Chelsea, and moved the long door with naked upper body to the black pupil. "I just want you, and your sister, black pupil sauce!"


Hearing Nagato ’s words, the black pupil ’s pupils could not help shrinking, but she had nothing to do in the future.

I don't know when the fog is spreading over the bed, imprisoning the black pupil.

She even couldn't even speak.

"Black Hitomi sauce, you will wait here for a while, and soon your sister will meet you again!"

The long door came down from the bed, wearing clothes and talking at the same time, and just after his words fell, an unexpected voice came from outside the room.

"Master, are you awake? There are guests in the palace!"

Hearing this voice, Black Hitomi couldn't help but get excited. If it wasn't imprisoned, I'm afraid the girl would make a noise, because this is her sister, Red Hitomi's voice.

"Er correct it, maybe your sisters will meet today!"

Hearing the words, Nagato's face moved slightly, and his thoughts were connected with the scattered mist all over the castle, and then a smile appeared, so he said softly to the black pupil.

As soon as the voice fell, the haze turned into a color-changing shield, completely covering the black pupil.

Then, the long door walked towards the door ..

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