My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 52: In vain assassination [on] the third more!

Opening the door, the long door saw the girl standing at the door.

The long black hair fluttered slightly, and the pure white maid costume set off the girl's already vaguely curvy figure, overflowing with beautiful youth and vitality, making people happy.

If there is anything bad, it is the girl ’s hostility without any cover-up.

What is glaring at you? This is the case!

"I said Chi Tong!"

After closing the door of his room, there was a bitter smile on the face of the long door. "As for being so hostile to me, Zhu Zi and I are very happy."


Hearing the words of Nagato, Akashi was startled.

To be honest, the girl really didn't expect that this guy would be so cheeky in front of him, Zhu Zi may have a good impression on him, but how can he not fall in love with the object he wants to assassinate!

Sure enough, the situation of the empire is not wrong, so such a guy who plays with the girl's body and mind should be punished!

Thinking of this, Chi Tong couldn't help but grind his teeth secretly, a cat with a hairy look.

"There is no nonsense, Zhu Zi is very happy!"

Faced with the girl with fried hair, the red-haired boy said with a smile, "I want to come to Zhu Zi before he wakes up, hum, if she wakes up, you will know the real situation, well, let's talk, what is the guy in the palace Situation, after getting those guys done, we go to Zhuzi to prove the facts! "

Seeing Nagato's such a confident posture, Rao Shichi Tong couldn't help but wonder-is it really like he said, he and Zhuzi really have two feelings for each other? ! !

"No! No! Red pupil, don't be fooled by this guy!"

A dialogue with Nahaxiu flashed in my mind last night. Chi Tong forcibly stopped the thoughts in my heart, and said stiffly, "His Majesty the Emperor sent someone to convey the secret purpose. Mr. Butler asked me to invite you over!"

"Oh, the will of the little emperor, it's quite interesting, let's go!"

When I heard Chi Hitomi's words, a flash of interest flashed on Nagato's face, and I was also looking forward to what actions would the few kittens around me take on themselves.

The castle in the forest is large.

The area of ​​the entire emperor is radiated, and the area here is only inferior to the palace.

Therefore, Nagato and Akoto spent a full five minutes before walking from their room to the reception hall dedicated to entertaining some distinguished guests.

After entering the reception hall, the long door saw four figures of three men and one woman that had never been seen before.

Headed by a middle-aged man who looks somewhat vicissitudes.

In his body, Nagato felt a good atmosphere. Obviously, this is a master who has reached an extraordinary level in the strength of strength. As for whether he has arrogance, Nagato is difficult to determine.

Fighting energy is different from ordinary power, that is consciousness, that is the sublimation of the soul, which belongs to the invisible.

Behind the middle-aged man is a tall young man and a spectacled young man, as well as a brunette girl with slender legs who looks full of energy.

The servants headed by the housekeeper Nahaxiu and the maid chief Cornelia were receiving the four.

"I heard you came from the palace?" Going straight to the main seat of the reception hall, the long door did not have any greetings, directly opened the door and said his own question, "Speak, what ’s the matter with the little emperor ?!"

Between the words and manners, Nagato did not pay any respect to the emperor, and the middle-aged man frowned slightly.

I saw a flash of anger in his face, and then suppressed it forcibly. Then he said, "In the early morning, the Imperial Capital Guard found that the execution ground guards were completely destroyed, and the entire execution ground was broken."

"The majesty of the empire was offended, and Your Majesty was furious, hoping that the Grand Duke would go out, find out the existence of the offense of the empire, and bring it to justice, to justify the power of the empire!"

Speaking of the final, a middle-aged man's face even showed a positive look and anger.

It seemed that he seemed to hate those who offended the empire.


"Can not be done!"

Hearing what he said, Nagato took a sip of the tea delivered by Cornelia before he said, "I can't really do that alone."

"After all, I destroyed the Imperial Execution Ground!"

The long door lightly described the sentence, directly letting the people in the entire reception hall completely froze in place, and the surrounding environment suddenly became quiet.

"You gangster thief !!!"

It didn't take long for the middle-aged man who reacted to be furious and pulled out the saber directly at his waist and slashed directly towards the long gate, moving quickly, and even left an afterimage.



But seeing the long door snorted, he was not surprised by such a sudden shot, but slammed his fingers. Suddenly, a diamond wood spread out from the floor of the entire conference room, blocking it directly in front of him.

"Keng !!!"

The middle-aged man's knife was slashed on the diamond wood, but he failed to cut it off. The sound of metal collision sounded in the air, which seemed a bit harsh.

"You pants, strengthen!"

"Go, Rattlesnake!"

"Thousand-layer clothes-earth shaking!"

At the next moment, as if the agreement had been agreed, the two men and a woman behind the middle-aged man moved separately. The brunette girl jumped up and kicked towards the long door.

The spectacled man threw out a strange long whip, while the tall young man put on a layer of armor and hit the ground with a punch. The ground under the long door suddenly oscillated, and the sharp rock broke out.

"Attack on three sides, blocked all my retreat, it really came prepared!"

Faced with such an attack, Nagato laughed softly, and immediately, green vegetation appeared on the ground beneath the feet of the red-haired boy, which stabilized the ground in an instant, and countless vines grew wildly in the next moment.

Green vines appeared directly, entangled with the incoming long whip, and then, a larger number of vines formed a large net and directly took the kick of the long-legged girl.

In less than a moment, the entire reception hall suddenly became a paradise of vine plants.

The spectacled man, the big man and the long-legged woman were caught by the vine almost instantly.

The middle-aged man relied on the knife in his hand to continually resist, but in the end he could not resist the endless vine, and soon fell into the bounds of the plant ..

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