My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 45: In vain assassination [Middle] Fourth!

"What a stupid guy!"

After seeing the last middle-aged man 'falling off the net', the ridicule on Nagato's face was not concealed at all, "My site is my base, even if the empire's strongest sequence comes, it's all a matter of second kneel You guys also want to deal with me, I really do n’t know what it is. "

"Speak, where are you guys from here, it should not have been sent by the emperor!"

Hearing the question from Nagato, the four people who fell into the shackles of the plant remained silent in unison. Obviously, they seemed unwilling to answer Nagato's question.


In response, Nagato sneered snapped his fingers!

At the next moment, the vines in the entire hall began to shrink, and the four people who were trapped by the vines felt a strong oppression in a moment, making the four of them sigh.

Soon, the faces of pain appeared on the four people's faces, and even the sound of bone collision vaguely came out.

"Hum, I think when you can be tough!"

He murmured to himself, and the long door looked at Cornelia, who was not implicated by the vines, and gestured with the cup in his hand.

"Ah, yes!"

Cornelia responded in surprise, then poured tea for the long door, but in the process of pouring tea, the blonde girl's eyes could not help showing a haze.

The strength displayed by Nagato was too strong, and it was beyond their expectations.

Originally, I thought that my father would at least make him move, but the result was like this. Cornelia was a little panicked in her heart, but she was still sane and did not show it.

But all of this was seen by the long door.

"It's still far away!"

A glance at Cornelia, such a thought flashed in the heart of Nagato, "Sure enough, compared to the red pupil, Cornelia is still much worse."

"Don't underestimate me !!!"

Just when Nagato sighed, the restrained middle-aged man suddenly shouted, and the terror killing all things turned into a substantial air blade bursting out of him.

Under such murderous blades, the surrounding vines broke and shriveled.

"Shoot !!!"

At the next moment, the middle-aged man broke through the air and rushed towards the long door.

Its speed is completely beyond the limits of the naked eye.

Nearly teleporting horror speed!


"Keng !!!"

A sickle of golden color emerged from the shadow at the foot of the long door, blocking the attack of the middle-aged man. Then, the unbelievable body of the Death Beast slowly rose from the shadow.

"Huh, yeah, it's true that pure murderousness can reach this level!"

Still sitting in his place, Nagato took another sip of tea, and then said, "I want to come, the knife in your hand is not a normal thing, it's an emperor!"

"so what!"

The middle-aged man with a knife snorted coldly and disappeared instantly. At the next moment, the red pupil's body was directly thrown over by him, and the middle-aged man immediately followed the red pupil.

Obviously, he even used Chi Tong's body as a shield when he charged! This is betting that Nagato ca n’t shoot Chi Hitomi!

"Be bold!"

The brain could not help but praised this kind of decision. The thought of the long door moved, and the body of death was directly blurred, passed through the body of the red pupil, and then materialized, blocking the middle-aged man.

The golden sickle pierced the void and directly confronted the surprised middle-aged man.

"Keng !!!"

In the violent sound of metal collision, the weapon in the middle-aged man's hand flew directly, but he didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. This knife flew towards Chitong.

At the next moment, the sword of Emperor Gu directly caught up with Chi Tong and fell to the girl's side.

"It is now, the sword of the water dragon!"

"Uh, yes, smash the king!"

At this moment, Nahaxiu standing behind the long gate suddenly shouted and pulled out a western sword directly from his waist. The explosive momentum burst out, and the sword attacked the long gate.

Cornelia hesitated aside, and a rotating armguard appeared in both hands.

Waving his right fist, Cornelia also attacked.

"Oh, is this lore?"

Perceiving the attack behind him, Nagato was not surprised, but slightly puzzled. I do n’t know why, Nagato felt that they should n’t be just like this for so many days!

Doubts are doubts, and in the face of the attack behind him, Nagato must fight back.

As soon as the idea moved, a large number of fierce ghosts appeared behind the long door.

In a flash, the number reached double digits.

Protect the back of the long gate completely!

No matter whether it is Nahaxiu's sword or Cornelia's fist, in the face of the ghost wall formed by many fierce ghosts, they can't break it in the first time, and be careful of the fierce ghosts' counterattack.

At this time, Chi Hitomi's body fell directly into the arms of Nagato and didn't attack!

"what's going on!"

Holding Chi Tong's body, a trace of doubt appeared on Nagato's face, but soon, Nagato's doubt disappeared and was replaced by surprise—

Because at this moment, a slight whine appeared in his ears.

Then, Nagato felt a slight cold in his abdomen.

Looking down at his abdomen, Nagato could see a sharp blade directly pierce through the back of Chi Hitomi, and then cut through his clothes and left extremely tiny blood marks on his body.

Time seems to have stopped at this moment.

A spell appeared on the wound

Suddenly, the call of **** echoed in the ear of Nagato. Suddenly, Nagato understood that the weapon that pierced the red pupil and wounded his body turned out to be Murakami.

Emperor Gu, killing Cun Yu with a single blow, one emperor that can be killed as long as it is injured!

"It's really amazing awakening!"

After understanding the situation before and after, the face of Nagato could not help but flashed a whimper, at the same time, the surrounding vines, the beast of death, and the fierce ghosts all dissipated

"Cough, sorry, master, I used your kindness!"

At this time, the red pupil lying in the arms of the long door made a difficult voice, but just before the words were finished, the girl directly spouted a bit of blood ..

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