My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 54: In vain assassination [Last] First!

"Red pupil !!!"

Seeing Chitui spurting blood, Cornelia could not help shouting out loud.

Just waiting for her to approach, Nahaxiu directly took Cornelia and sighed coldly, "Stay where I am, don't come close!"

More than Nahaxiu, middle-aged men also grabbed the two men and a woman behind them and kept them from approaching.

It is as if the dying beasts in nature are the most dangerous. In their eyes, the long door that is close to death is also the most dangerous. If they are too close, they may be directly involved.

At this time, it is most reasonable to wait quietly for the death of Nagato.

"Interesting, is this your lore?"

At this moment, the red-haired boy suddenly opened his mouth, and there was a trace of surprise in his words. "I took advantage of my kindness, and then used this emperor's tool, which is said to be capable of one-hit killing, as the card?"


The answer to the long door was Nahaxiu. I saw that the blonde young man could not help but show a little unwillingness. "After all, if we are fighting head-on, we have no chance of winning."

"Haha, that's it!"

The middle-aged man, or Gorzi, laughed even more, "Your Excellency is the strongest sequence in the empire, and my children and I have no such confidence to deal with you head-on."

"But we are assassins, and it is our duty to do everything, right?"

"indeed so!"

Hearing this, Nagato sighed slightly, and then said, "It's just that you seem a little anxious, otherwise you don't have to sacrifice your partner!"

Hearing the long gate, the people around could not help but be silent for a while.

Although Nagato didn't say it clearly, everyone knew that he was talking about Chi Tong, and Chi Tong, who made the final blow, had already stepped into **** with half his foot.

It wasn't that Red Hitomi was hurt by Murakami, but Red Hitomi was in the arms of Nagato.

Emperor Gu, the one-hit killing village rain is a curse-killing emperor, it is said that all the injured flesh and blood life will directly fall into the abyss of death, but there is a class of people who are immune to this kind of death.

That is the large number of people who can bear the resentment of the dead soul under the village rain sword, and the red pupil is in this category.

Therefore, the damage of Digu through the body is not a dangerous source of red pupil.

The real danger comes from Nagato, with the strength of the strongest sequence of its empire, even if it is dead, it can drag the red pupils around him into hell.

"Damn it!"

At this time, the spectacled man standing behind Gozzi, the Green elite in the assassination of the seven by the imperial elite, could not help but yell in a low voice, his eyes flashing unwillingly.

As an admirer of Red Hitomi, seeing this scene, Green's heart was full of anger and weakness.

Just angry again, he was pulled by his partner and could not get close.

"Oh, you have been abandoned, Chi Tong!"

Ignoring the incantation spreading from the abdomen, the long door hugged the red pupil in his arms directly, sniffing the fragrance of the young girl mixed with blood, and said intimately in his ear.


Faced with the actions and words of Nagato, Chi Hitomi didn't say much, endured the curse brought by Murakami, and the girl's hand holding the knife handle began to exert force.

The girl was so determined that she would not only hurt herself more, but also the long door.

just "Black pupil is in my hand!"

At this moment, the light-haired words of the red-haired boy suddenly sounded in the ears of the red pupils. The girl heard the words and the pupils could not help contracting violently, and the strength under his hands disappeared instantly.

"Sure enough, sisters are affectionate!"

Sensing all this, a smile flashed across Nagato's face, and then said, "The most important thing is that I haven't said it from beginning to end. Murakami's curse and poison can work for me!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone around was helpless.

next moment--


The violent roar burst from the long door, and the endless momentum washed all around, and the red halo broke out on the emperor's tool that had been stained with red pupils and long door blood.

Yuyamuramura, with the rendering of blood, began to sound his own sword.

"No! Not good !!"

Seeing this scene, and then reminiscent of the previous long door, Gozzi's face flashed with a horror, "Run quickly, Murakami's curse poison can't work on him !!!"

As soon as the words fell, Gorzi directly took her daughter Boni and rushed out of the castle's reception hall.

After his actions, Nahaxiu also reacted and pulled Cornelia directly out of the reception hall in the opposite direction. Behind them, Cornelia ’s admirer, big guy Guy Ze Followed up.

Only the eyed man Green was a little hesitant, still staying in the reception hall, at a loss.

It was only soon that he would not hesitate.



The horrible shock erupted again, and Green, who could avoid it in the future, was directly hit, flew backwards, and hit his head heavily on the wall.

In an instant, Green fell into a coma, fell from the wall, and fell to the ground.

After leaving the reception hall, Nahaxiu's goal was not the entrance of the castle, but the maid's room deep inside the castle, where there was also a sleeping Zhu Zi.

Previously, in order not to attract attention, they did not transfer Zhu Zi before the assassination operation.

I just didn't expect it to become a burden for everyone.

However, this is not the reason why Nahaxiu gave up building Zi. It was helpless just to give up Chihong, but now there is hope, but if he gives up building Zi, Nahaxiu cannot forgive himself.


"Sorry, this road doesn't work!"

A light laughter rang around, and suddenly, the dark flames burned out of thin air, enclosing Nahaxiu, Guy, and Cornelia.

The sea of ​​fire then separated a path, and Arya's figure came out of it.

Behind him, Miaozi and Hill followed.


Seeing the appearance of Miaozi, Cornelia couldn't help but feel a little helpless. Although she knew it for a long time, when she really stood opposite Miaozi, the girl was still a little sad.

"Let's win, Cole!"

A flash of helplessness flashed across his face as well, and Miaozi pulled out the sword in his hand.

With the girl's sharp sword, the melee is on the verge! ..

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