My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 55: Destruction and counterattack second!


The huge gate of the Forest Castle collapsed with a sudden roar.

The guards who were originally standing in front of the gate were horrified by a shocking accident. Before they reacted, they were obscured by a large amount of smoke and dust. Then, the abdomen was kicked.

"Bang! Bang!"

With continuous sound, the two guards collapsed.

"Master Father, the enemy has stunned!"

At the next moment, Pony's figure appeared in the smoke, and he said, Gozzi, who was chasing behind him, said, "Pony, I followed the instructions of my father, and I didn't kill anyone!"

"Good job, and keep up with me!"

Gozzi rushed past Bonny and sighed, then rushed towards the forest outside the castle. At this time, he thought that he was the only one who ran away.

Earlier, Poni was told not to kill, simply to not over stimulate the Grand Duke's castle.

So as to be able to successfully escape, increase the chance of even the slightest!

Only after more than twenty meters, the accident happened.


In the early morning sky, a thundering thunder fell very abruptly and directly bombarded Gozzi on the way forward. Unless he responded in time, I am afraid that he would directly collide with the thunder.

It's just that even if it didn't hit, Gozzi was also paralyzed by the thunder and spread to the whole body!

"Master Father, are you okay!"

Boni, who fell behind Gozzi, was not affected by the thunder. He hurried to his side and helped Gozzi, who was stiff all over his body, and said with some worry.

"It's okay for now, but something will happen soon!"

Gozizi, who had barely fallen to the ground with Boni ’s help, could n’t help but smile bitterly. His eyes looked straight ahead. Soon after, a gorgeous carriage slowly ran through the forest. Out.

Sitting in front of the carriage is a full-body armored, yellow-haired brave man with iron piles in his arms!

Gozzi knew the strong man, or that the emperor didn't know the strong man. Not many people. He was no one else. He was the pillar of the empire, the supreme leader of the army, and General Bude!

"I didn't expect that such people would be disturbed even if they were underneath. I really don't know how I feel about it!"

Seeing Bude approaching slowly, Gozzi couldn't help being so amazed. At the same time, a more terrible question sprang up in his heart. That was General Bude driving. Who is the guy in the car? ! !

Indistinctly, Gorzi seemed to touch the shady screen that shocked the empire, and the whole person shivered slightly.

At this time, the carriage that Bude drove had arrived not far from Gozzi, and the extremely huge pressure suddenly suppressed Gozzi and Boni, making the father and daughter's faces gloomy. stand up.

"Fun, it's you guys, guys who dare to commit crimes here!"

After getting off the carriage, Bude wandered to a place less than one meter in front of Gozzi and looked down at the two of them. "To be honest, I dare to shoot the adult. You really let me know. ! "

Hearing Baud's words, Gozzi was silent, but managed to resist Baud's coercion. "However, everything is over!"

Bud didn't say anything about the silence of Gozzi's father and daughter, but just touched his fists, and the terrifying current spread across the body of the general, and endless murder flashes.

Seeing this scene, the alertness of Gozzi's father and daughter was raised to the extreme level!

The feeling of death constantly stimulated their nerves.

However, at this moment-

"Please wait, General!"

The sudden voice of the girl came from the carriage behind Bude. At the next moment, the blonde and luxurious girl lifted the curtain and walked out. The surrounding wind seemed to soften a lot in an instant.

Seeing the fair-haired girl, a little terror flashed across Gozzi's face.

Although Gozzi has been away from the empire for eight years, as an instructor who trains assassins, he has a very strong assassination ability and the necessary intelligence exploration ability before the assassination.

Therefore, in these days, Gozzi has already understood many things about the imperial capital.

Among them are various intelligence messages about members of the imperial royal family.

Naturally, he also knew the existence of Lifa.

"Being able to be sent to assassinate the teacher is also a very powerful presence. Want to be my subordinate?"

Wandering in front of Gozzi, Lifa said softly, "If you become my subordinate, the crime of assassinating the teacher, I can also help you bear it. There is only one chance. Will you?"

"Do I have a choice?"

Facing the olive branch of Lifa, Gorzi pulled down his daughter and knelt down with a bitter smile. "One of the four ghosts in the former Emperor Boxing Temple Raksha, the empire assassinated the instructor Gorzi, and saw Her Royal Highness.

Under such circumstances, if you surrender, there will be at least tomorrow.

The most important thing is that from the situation where General Bude and Princess Lifa were together, Gozzi saw the undercurrent of the imperial capital's own employer, the minister of power, and this time it was a real enemy.

Since the minister is no longer absolutely high, he does not have to maintain absolute loyalty.

"Huh? Is Lifa here?"

At this moment, the terror and coercion in the castle's reception hall disappeared abruptly, and the imperial village rain turned into a ray of light, disappearing in the ripples of the space, and then the long door stood up holding Chi Tong's body-

"Exactly, it's almost time to look good to the minister's guy."

During the talk, Nagato walked out of the reception hall holding Chihong. Soon, Nagato saw a battlefield burning with black flames. In the battlefield, four people fighting each other had reached the end of the battle.

Miaozi is suppressing Kornelia. Under Hill's double swords, Guy is constantly fleeing.

"Sir, you are here!"

Seemingly perceiving the arrival of the Nagato, the flames spread to his side, and Arya's figure appeared in the air, looking at Chi Tong and said with some curiosity, "Is this little sister an adult you like?"


Nodded, the long door said, "Lifa is outside the castle, you pick it up!"

"Yes!" ..

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