My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 57: The imperial capital is purged 【上】

Five minutes later, the main hall of the castle.

Lifa, who arrived here under the guidance of Arya, looked at the long door in the first seat and said, "I haven't seen you for a long time, my dear teacher."

"Well, I haven't seen you for a while, my dear student!"

Looking at the increasingly attractive blonde girl in front of him, a smile flashed on the face of the long door, and then his eyes turned to Bude behind the girl, as well as Gozzi and Boni.

Noting the eyes of Nagato, Gozzi's father and daughter couldn't help but sigh.

"Unexpectedly, Lifa did not kill you!"

After looking at it for a while, Nagato suddenly said, "Exactly, all your men have been captured, so you can help me to convince them!"

Just before Lifa came in, the three of Cornelia were completely defeated.

However, there is no way to do it. Although the three men in their arms are of good strength, the enemies they face are more powerful.

A genius girl who inspired a grudge, two unique emperors.

Under such circumstances, failure is already doomed.

"This one?"

Hearing the long gate, Gozzi's face was hesitant.

This is not Gozzi's doubts about the authenticity of Nagato's words, but he at this time is not an independent existence, but a vassal servant of Lifa.

"Go ahead, Gozzi!"

At this time, Li Fa, who had been sitting in the seat near the long door, said with a smile, "The teacher's order is equivalent to my order."

"I understand!"

Sighing secretly in his heart the power of the Nagato, Gozzi withdrew his daughter, and soon the entire hall was left by Nagato, Arya, Lifa and Bude.

Suddenly, the entire hall fell into silence.

Until a few minutes later--

"Is it time?"

After taking a few deep breaths, Lifa asked, but the words were unexpectedly filled with a few wrinkles and expectations.

"Well, it's almost the same."

Faced with the girl's hesitation, Nagato said leisurely, "The most important thing is that the patience of the minister's guy has almost reached the limit, and it's about to start."

"This is not in line with my aesthetic, let him sleep to death!"

"I understand!"

Listening to the words of the long door, Lifa flashed the hill-like strong man in his head, a very disgusted color flashed on his face, and said quietly--

"So, let's get started, I'm already conscious!"

Lifa's words had just fallen, and Budd stood behind him. He walked out towards Lifa and the long door, and then walked out of the hall to the open-air courtyard.




The deafening vigilance of thunder suddenly echoed throughout the imperial capital. Over the millennium imperial capital, the dark blue flashing clouds are beginning to gather frantically, and small and heavy thunder bursts from time to time.

The people on the streets of the Imperial Capital quickly dispersed.

Soon, the heavy rain continued to fall like a broken bead. With the thunder, the entire emperor fell into the thunder shower.

"No, no, this is completely wrong!"

At this time, in a bookstore in the middle of the edge of the imperial capital, the green-haired teenager looked at the sky, his face flashed with surprise, and said silently.

"Lubbock, what's wrong?"

Hearing what he said, Njieta, who was beside him, asked strangely, "Although this thunderstorm comes a little suddenly, isn't it raining often at this time?"

"No, Miss Najieta!"

The boy named Lubbock objected as soon as Njieta's words fell, "Thunderstorms are not completely unpredictable, but they are very difficult. I have predicted before that there will be no thunderstorms in these days. "

"The most important thing is that the boundary of perceptual warning that I have placed around me feels that there is a tremendous murder in the air."

Hearing Lubbock's words, Nageta's face suddenly changed.

Najieta, once a general of the empire, had an extremely powerful sense of battlefield. After being reminded by Lubbock, she suddenly felt the breath of the battlefield.

The entire imperial city turned into a huge battlefield in an instant.

"No, isn't it?"

Numerous messages were reorganized in my mind, and Najieta quickly came to a rather surprising conclusion. Then the white-haired girl pulled off a raincoat directly from the wall and draped it over the body, rushing out in the rain .

"Miss Najieta, where are you going!"

Seeing Nageta's move, Lubbock's face flashed with surprise. Subconsciously, the teenager also pulled off a raincoat, put it on his body, and rushed out.

Under the heavy downpour, the two ran one after another on the streets of the Imperial Capital.

In the rain, Njieta was dissatisfied with the speed, and Lubbock could not catch up for a while.

Fortunately, at a corner of Didu Street, Najieta stopped, Lubbock took the opportunity to catch up, grabbed her arm--

"Miss Najetta, what are you doing!"

Lubbock's questioning didn't finish, he stopped abruptly.

Because at this moment, he saw the gate of the noble mansion not far away, the gate had been completely opened, and hundreds of soldiers with weapons were carrying out atrocities inside.

A lot of blood was quickly washed away under the pouring rain.

Leaving only a touch of blood, around the tip of the nose

"this is"

Seeing this scene, Lubbock's face was a little dazed, and he said subconsciously, "Is it that the fellow of the minister is doing evil again !!!"

"No, just the opposite!"

Hearing Lubbock ’s words, Njieta could n’t help but look a little more complicated. “The mansion is a close relative of the minister, and secretly is also a guy who does evil things.”

"Obviously, the situation is that someone is cutting off the minister's partisans, although their actions seem to be somewhat fierce!"

"Isn't that great?"

Hearing that the minister's partisans were being cut off, Lubbock couldn't help but speak.

"No, not at all!"

Nageta's face was very dark. ..

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