My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 58: The imperial capital is purged 【Next】

Hypothesis, just hypothesis--

If this matter happened before Njieta or an imperial general, the sonorous rose on the battlefield would probably applaud.

After all, as everyone knows, the direct cause of the decay of the empire is the minister who has the power to oppose.

As long as the existence of a minister can be suppressed, the empire has hope.

However, hypothesis is only hypothesis after all.

Now Njieta is no longer a general of the empire

She is a senior officer of the Revolutionary Army!

As the saying goes, position determines attitude.

Seeing a scene in the rainstorm at this time, instead of applauding, Najieta frowned and felt troubled.

"This is terrible, things are a bit tricky."

Standing under the downpour, Njieta felt the coldness of the rain, and the entire body and mind also fell into a cold, overwhelmed.

From the standpoint of the revolutionary army and the people, the minister is undoubtedly very abhorrent.

But looking at it rationally, on the chess board of the entire empire, the minister is another good chess piece. His existence has made the empire of this millennium completely stand on the opposite side of the people, which is simply called the revolutionary army's kind assistant'!

Without a minister, where could the revolutionary army develop so smoothly.

But now, the situation of the minister is a bit bad.

If the ministers fall, the people may have confidence in the empire again. After all, this empire has stood for thousands of years and has almost become the belief of the people.

If at that time, the position of the revolutionary army would be a bit awkward

After all, the core idea of ​​the Revolutionary Army ’s propaganda was to resist the high-pressure rule and seek a way for the people to overthrow the empire.

But if the situation in the empire improves, will the revolution continue?

If it continues, if it fails, it will change from a revolutionary army to a chaotic thief, and there will also be divisions within the revolutionary army.

"Miss Najieta!"

Looking at the worried Nageta, Lubbock didn't think too much and screamed in doubt, but didn't know what to say to her.

"Go, Lubbock!"

Faced with the doubts of the green-haired boy, Najieta didn't say much. After all, in a team like the Revolutionary Army, many things are not public.

Therefore, she only said one sentence, and turned away.

"Now move to the stronghold outside the city immediately. The imperial capital will soon usher in a new situation of chaos. In this case, we are not suitable to be present."


Answering softly, Lubbock followed.

Soon, the two disappeared in the rain curtain, leaving only a noble mansion that was constantly stained with blood, thundering bursts, drowning out crying and howling.

The killing under the thundershower didn't stop at the place they saw. Under the double cover of the continually pouring storm and the thunder that sounded from time to time, led by General Bude, the entire garrison of the imperial capital was in action.

They divided into dozens of soldiers and joined forces with the assassins of the Assassin's Association. At about the same time, they attacked the residences of all the ministerial party members.

Although the residence of the ministerial party leaders raised private soldiers and hired nursing homes.

However, all this is meaningless.

In the face of the elite troops trained by General Bude and the powerful assassins provided by the Assassin Association, all the private soldiers were ruined and destroyed.

Then, the heads of the worms of the empire moved in an instant.

In this thunderstorm weather, Princess Lifa and General Bude joined forces to cut off the minister's party feathers with a thunderbolt.

The residence of the imperial capital.

"Damn, tell me clearly, what's going on ?!"

Although the actions of Lifa and Bude were very rapid and sudden, and they were covered by thunderstorms, Ernest was the minister of power.

It has been operating in the Imperial Capital for many years and has its own eyeliner everywhere.

So, he soon knew what was happening now.

At the moment, the anger and murderousness of the minister appeared on his face!

"I don't know the specific situation!"

Faced with the anger of the minister, the spies who came to the report crawled on the ground and said with a trembling expression, "It's just the empire's guarding army."

"What the old man Bud is going to do !!!"

After hearing that Baud's army shot, the minister's face could not help but flash of anger, "The old man, knowing it, let Esdes kill him !!"

During the speech, the minister's tyrannical atmosphere became heavier and heavier, like a demon so that the spy almost fainted.

Fortunately, after a while, the minister's breath calmed down.

"Forget it, how many such things as the partisans want."

Some sat bored in his place, a gloomy thought flashed on the minister's face, and the minister cared more about Bude's intentions than those killed.

If there is no benefit, the Minister does not believe that Bud dares to provoke himself in this way.

"No, maybe the enemy is not Bude, Bude does not have this heart, the leader of this matter should be the long door, and Princess Lifa!"

Thinking of this, the minister suddenly couldn't sit still.

If there is only one bude attack, the minister is not afraid, even if his strongest card is now, the strongest empire with bude's name-General Estes is still fighting outside the revolutionary army, the minister also has the same There are few ways to play Dead Bude.

But if the enemy is Nagato and Lifa, it is another matter.

The unfathomable long gate made the minister unavoidable, and Lifa, the long princess with orthodox blood, was more likely to shake the emperor's final cards.

"No, I must go to the palace!"

Thinking of this, the minister stood up directly and said loudly to his own minister, "Give me the fastest carriage, and call the four Rakshas that came out recently from the Huangquan Temple. This time, I am afraid They need to shoot. "

"Yes, lord!"

Hearing the minister's so urgent command, the men who realized that the situation was not so good did not dare to neglect, and quickly began to prepare the carriage into the palace. ..

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