My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 59: Palace coup

The pouring rain stopped suddenly

A small hesitant look flashed on the face of Minister Osnet, who was sitting in his carriage and rushing towards the palace under the crowd.

Although the thunderstorm weather suddenly came and went like this, it suddenly went too far.

During heavy rain and rain stop, even the process of light rain was omitted.

It feels like someone is operating the rain!

Thinking of this possibility, the minister could not help but drum a little, because he thought of another question, if this is true, then why the operator let the rain stop.

Does he, or she, have any more important things to do?

Thinking so deeply, a strong unease flashed in the minister's heart.



Sudden roar sounded in the minister's ears, which made this wide-body fat man's eardrum suddenly deaf. At the next moment, the top of the carriage broke apart suddenly.

Subsequently, a large amount of electric current diffused, covering the entire cabin.


The feeling of numbness and pain made the well-respected giant scream out loudly, and then he saw that the thunder **** in his armor was falling from the sky.

"Bude !!!"

Clenching his teeth, a vague look appeared on the minister's face, "You, you dare to attack me, you, you **** it !!!"


Facing the threat of the minister, Bude kicked straight!


The face was kicked by Bude, and the minister's sturdy body flew directly, smashing the side of the carriage, and then hit the ground heavily.

"Assault you? Joke, I came to beat you upright!"

Looking at the fallen minister, the general's face was full of disdain, and then his eyes turned to the four ghosts of Raksha and the minister's domestic servants.

"Embarrassed person, **** it!"

As soon as the voice fell, the bright thunder spread directly from the general, and shrouded everyone around him who could still speak.

The next moment, the Thunder Snake began to wreak havoc!

The palace after the rain seemed a bit cold and comfortable.

Feeling the cool wind, the little emperor got up from the bed, and the servants standing by outside the room came in one after another, and began to dress for the emperor without any command.

"What time is it!"

Standing calmly and letting the servants dress, the little emperor said with a heart, "It seems that something is going to happen today."

"Your Majesty, it's almost ten o'clock in the morning!"

Among the many servants, an old servant who seemed a little noble replied, "It will be more than an hour before the dynasty. Are you ready to go, Your Majesty, or will the dynasty open in the afternoon?"

The early and mid-day dynasties are both a type of dynasty meetings. The difference between the meetings where the emperors and ministers meet is only a matter of time.

"The minister, is he here?"

Hearing the old servant's question, the first thought of the little emperor was the minister. "If he arrives, let's start early, and if he hasn't arrived yet, let's start at noon."

The little emperor's words were understated, but the eyes of the old servant who heard the words contained anger--

Although this old servant was only a servant of the court, he also experienced the emperors of the three dynasties. He grew up with the previous emperor and watched the growth of the previous emperor.

But he really did not expect that the Imperial Emperor actually fell to the point of relying on the Minister.

Looking at the empire for thousands of years, where has such an emperor appeared!

"You don't even have this idea, emperor, you are really a shame for the empire!"

It was not the old servants who spoke.

The sound came from outside the emperor's room. Although the old servant who heard this subconsciously wanted to be in harmony, but after the reaction, the old servant was cold and sweaty.

"Who is it, dare to pretend to be in front of me!"

After hearing this sentence, the little emperor with a calm face suddenly felt a bit of dissatisfaction, "It is actually the emperor, I want the minister to put you to death!"

"Oh, by this time the ministers are still ministers, you are really an idiot."

When the words of the little emperor just fell, the door of the room was pushed open. At the next moment, Lifa, who was dressed in gorgeous clothes, walked in.

"It's you!!"

Seeing the appearance of Lifa, the little emperor's face could not help changing.

Probably because of the influence of the fight for the throne in childhood, the little emperor had no good feelings for the current royal family, and even had a great sense of rejection.

Even if Lifa was indeed beautiful, the little emperor still did not like her very much.

On the basis that he didn't like it, he heard Lifa's sarcasm, and he broke out: "Who made you come here, come, come and bomb her for me !!!"

After a while, no guards arrived here.

"What's the matter, come here!"

Seeing that he failed to call the guard, the little emperor was stupid and realized that something was wrong, he immediately looked at the servants around him, "You also give me!"

However, after a while, no one still acted.

Compared with the little emperor's ignorance, the servants around them realized that the little emperor had failed to summon the guard and realized that it was bad, and wisely acted deaf and dumb.

"You, you guys !!"

After seeing no one around him, the little emperor's face suddenly turned red.

Just do n’t wait for him to break out again—


Lifa shot with a slap, and the little emperor flew upside down directly, and then smashed heavily on his bed, falling into a mess.

"The royal face is completely defeated by you!"

Some sneered contemptuously, Lifa said proudly, "From today on, I will take charge of this country for you, so stay here honestly!"

As soon as the words fell, Lifa's eyes turned to the servants around him, "Your task is to take care of this guy, not to let him step out of this room, you know?"

During the speech, Lifa burst into a mighty power, making people have to submit.

"Yes, Her Royal Highness!"

Feeling the power of the elder princess, and then thinking about the little emperor who had just been fanned, the old servant took the lead and knelt down. Behind him, the rest of the servants followed him blindly. ..

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