My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 60: Princess Regent

"Very good, I'll leave it to you here."

Seeing these people knowing the current affairs so much, a smile flashed on Lifa's face, and then spoke indifferently, "Say it in advance, if he runs away, you will die!"

As soon as the words fell, Lifa did not say much, and turned directly out of the emperor's room.

Two queues are kneeling outside the door, dozens of elite fighters.

These warriors are the most elite part of General Bude. Each warrior has gone through hundreds of battles, and Lifa is allowed to guard the emperor's guard.

At the end of the two queues, the red-haired boy was standing there, enjoying the view of the palace.

"Teacher, wait a long time!"

Walking to the side of the long gate, Lifa, who is about to have the strongest authority of the empire, is still polite, because the young girl understands that her teacher has no power at all.

"It's less than three minutes, not long to wait!"

After recovering from the surrounding environment, the long door said indifferently, "Let's say, Lifa, you are really kind. Why don't the emperor's servants kill, that is a hidden danger."

"No, that's not a hidden danger, it's my subjects!"

Hearing Nagato's words, Lifa stopped and turned to face Nagato's eyes, "Teacher, I am willing to believe my subjects, and I will not disappoint my subjects!"

"You grew up!"

Looking at the girl's eyes, Nagato froze a little, then smiled, "It's just a lucky girl, but it has its own kingly way, which is really exciting!"

During the talk, Nagato wandered out with a smile.

And Li Fa was stunned.


"Ding, main mission 2, the imperial pillar is completed!"

"This system also doesn't know how to host your good luck, obviously it was originally the main task of the water mill, but let you complete with the approval of someone. In the future fate, you are destined to be the pillar of the empire!"

"Although I don't want to admit it, sometimes luck is strength, come on, host!"

"Teacher? Destiny?"

Suddenly for a while, Lifa's face suddenly flashed a little playfulness, and then quickly followed, "Wait for me, teacher!"

The main hall of the Royal Palace is the site of the meeting.

At this time, the vast majority of the emperor's civil martial arts ministers were gathered here, all of them did not speak, their faces were mostly covered with a haze, and the atmosphere seemed extremely depressed.

The source of this repression is not the other. It is a bloodshed in the imperial capital.

Although Lifa and Bude acted very fast and chose to cover all these traces with thunderstorm, these courtiers were also courtiers of the imperial capital after all, and they were somewhat eyeliner.

The actions of Lifa and Bude have a very large scope. Where can they be completely concealed!

Even though many courtiers don't know who the hands are?

But this does not prevent them from looking for an emperor!

Although those who were destroyed were all the minister's partisans and some corrupt officials and corrupted nobles, few officials and nobles dare to say that they must be clean.

Therefore, the panic spread in an instant.

Quite a few of the courtiers who had the same heart with Bude and Lifa knew some truth. In order not to attract attention, these people closed their eyes and raised their hearts one by one.

The time passed in minutes and seconds, and it was almost noon.

-Is your majesty ready for the afternoon dynasty again? !

A lot of courtiers flashed such an idea, and then they couldn't help but get anxious, and even rushed into their hearts to run to the palace to meet the emperor's intention.

However, before they could act, two light footsteps echoed in the palace.

The subordinates straightened their bodies subconsciously and prepared to meet the emperor.

Soon, the master of footsteps appeared.

In an instant, there was an uproar in the entire palace, and all the courtiers were stunned.

Because the officials did not see the minister and the little emperor they expected, but saw the most famous princess Lifa and the grand duke in the recent capital.

Seeing this chaotic palace, Lifa and Nagato smiled at each other.

Then Lifa walked straight to the throne, which symbolized the supremacy of the empire, and sat down directly in the stunned eyes of all the courtiers.

"Bold, your high princess, how dare you !!"

Seeing this scene, a courtier who was closer to the minister on weekdays could not help but stand up, but before he finished speaking, he uttered a scream--

The shadow under him suddenly rushed out of a fierce ghost and caught the courtier into the shadow.

Then again, chewing sounds echoed throughout the palace.

The courtiers couldn't help but speak for a while.

"Gentlemen, your Highness is here today to announce a sad message to you."

After seeing that everyone was no longer in chaos under the killing of chickens and monkeys in the Long Gate, Li Facai said quietly, "This morning, my emperor, your majesty is seriously ill and must be fully devoted to it.

"For this reason, the emperor specially called me into the palace and temporarily entrusted me with the affairs of the entire empire!"

"From today, I Lifa Flanders is the Empire Regent!"

Speaking of which, the pressure on Lifa's body permeated and filled the whole palace. "You guys, what is your opinion? !!!"

——Where do we dare to have any opinions!

Many dissatisfied courtiers slandered in their hearts, not to mention that now the princess seemed to be in control of the whole situation. That was the unlucky end of the past, so these courtiers dared not say much.

"But we dare not say, there are always people who dare to say!"

These courtiers almost invariably looked at the loyal ministers who dared to confront the ministers in Korean politics. As a result, they saw a scene that made them stunned--

Because those old and stubborn loyal ministers prostrate in front of the princess.

Then everything is logical.

Although some problems may erupt in the future, the ministers in the palace now are either loyal or follow the mainstream, and kneel down in front of Lifa

The name of Lifa ’s regent is finally completely determined! ..

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