My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 60: Execution and variable first!

One stone stirs up thousands of waves!

At this time, the situation of the imperial capital can be fully described by this sentence.

First, the rainstorm suddenly came, the blood stained the emperor capital, and then the emperor was seriously ill. The princess commanded the court in the name of the regent. The rapid changes in the situation made people stunned.

However, this is just the beginning.

The long princess who became the regent, with the help of General Bude, arrested and imprisoned the minister who had the power to the opposition for the first time, and called on the entire imperial people to provide evidence of the minister's crime.

Minister, the direct source of the decay of the empire, the source of the evil of the empire!

I do n’t know how many people and nobles have died because of this guy. I do n’t know how many cases of wrongdoing and falsehood have appeared because of this guy. I do n’t know how many people of lofty ideals because of this guy.

But now, the most evil existence of this empire has fallen so abruptly.

The speed is so fast that some people can't even react.

Then, the entire emperor boiled.

After confirming the correctness of the news, the ordinary people who had been miserable under the tyranny cheered one after another, and went to the security team one by one to provide various kinds of evidence.

In just three days, the security team received thousands of witnesses.

After the statistics, all kinds of crimes and evidences of the minister and his party were released.

There are thousands of crimes in Lin Lin, and they look really shocking.

It makes people feel terrified and terrified.

After obtaining the counts and evidence after the statistics, Feng Yan was furious. Without a word, she sentenced Secretary Osnet directly for public execution.

Only on the day of execution, there was a riot on the execution ground.

No one came to the torture ground

After all, the minister ’s popularity is really not very good, that is, his own people are somewhat frightened when facing the minister, for fear of dying in the hands of the minister.

Under such high pressure, the minister really didn't have much faith in himself.

The cause of the riot was that a mother who lost her son because of the minister rushed out, biting off the ears of the minister who was **** all over the body, and seeing the mother ’s actions, many people who were also persecuted rushed out towards the The minister kept biting.

The guards and slaves on the execution ground did not even dare to see this scene.

Then the minister was bitten to death

Even the corpse is fragmented.

Osnet, the minister who oppressed and exploited people all his life, died in the hands of the people. In a sense, this kind of result is indeed a retribution of karma.

After the death of the minister, the prestige of the princess who overthrew the minister instantly rose to the extreme.

The impact of the girl's ascendance to the regent's position by excessively hard means has also been eliminated to a minimum. Within the scope of the imperial capital, some people even proposed to let the princess ascend the throne to the people of the emperor.

Inside the imperial palace.

Lifa looked at what was conveyed by his men, about the situation in the imperial capital, especially about the people's praise to himself, and there was a smile on his face.

It is the greatest affirmation of the girl that her actions are praised by the people.

"Little girl, this is just the beginning!"

Opposite Lifa, he was bowing his head and drinking the imperial palace deep wine, and had to say, "This kind of stuff for the people is easy to be guided, don't be too proud."

"I understand, teacher!"

Facing the preaching of Nagato, Lifa nodded gently.

As a rebirth, Lifa has experienced the baptism of modern urban information anyway, and naturally understands the meaning of Nagato's words. People like this are indeed easily misled and used.

In a sense, Lifa and they did manipulate the hearts of the people in the imperial capital.

"It seems that the situation in the imperial capital has stabilized!"

After seeing the twists in his hand, Lifa thought for a moment in silence, then looked at Bude, "General, how is the situation across the country at this time?"

"His Royal Highness, the situation in each place is fairly stable!"

Hearing Lifa ’s inquiry, General Bould considered it and said, “The elite killer with the Assassin ’s Association, the elite soldiers under my control, and the cooperation of some officials, although there are some disorganizations, they are still there. There is no confusion in control. "

"That's fine!"

A touch of relief flashed across the blonde princess's face.

To be honest, Lifa did not worry about failure when he launched a coup, the only thing he worried about was that his empire was split because of his actions.

Fortunately, what the girl was most worried about did not happen.

"But don't take it lightly."

At this time, Bude once again reminded, "After all, there are many corrupt officials who are worried about being liquidated, and they are likely to take risks and rebel against the empire, especially those who are located on the border."

"Strengthen the information system of the Imperial City!"

After hearing that, Lifa was silent for a while, and said firmly, "If such a sign appears, send troops to suppress it immediately, and definitely try to put an end to the possible division."

"Understood, Your Highness!"

Facing Lifa's determination, Bud nodded his approval, and then he pondered and said again, "But there are only two problems in it, that is, for the general Northeast battlefield of the Empire, the fighting Estes, and The rebel revolutionary army of the Empire. "

"Revolutionary Army, and Estes!"

Hearing Baud's words, the blue-haired female general flashed through Lifa's mind.

Although I only met at the palace banquet, the general gave Lifa a deep impression, and at the same time let Lifa deeply understand how horrible it was.

"Yes, the Revolutionary Army naturally need not say that those rebels do have two sons."

Seeing Lifa's fascination, Bud, who thought the girl was unaware, explained, "The most important thing is Esdes. The guy has a third of the empire's elite in his hand, but what is worrying is that, She had existed as a faction with the Minister before, and I am worried "

"Report !!!"

Before the general's words were finished, there was an urgent voice outside the palace. At the next moment, a man with anxious face rushed in and knelt on the ground.

"Report the Regent, emergency information in the Northwestern Battlefield, the Imperial Army is destroyed!" ..

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