My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 61: Undead and retreat second!

The sudden sound made the whole palace quiet.

Everyone was a bit overwhelmed, and the first Baud, who had reacted, stepped out, grabbed the collar of the person directly, lifted it up, and yelled:

"What kid are you kidding!"

"Although this general hates the woman of Estes, it is undeniable that she not only has the strongest personal strength in the empire's order, but her marching methods are also extremely powerful."

"With her there, how could the Imperial Army be destroyed? !!!"

Between the speeches, Bud's anger and murderous anger appeared.

"No, General, this is true!"

Faced with the anger of the general, the poor spy came down in cold sweat and stammered, "No, not only the Imperial Army, but also the rebels and the army."

"Speak, what's going on?"

Hearing the spies, the general frowned and loosened the collar of the other party. "Even the revolutionary army has been destroyed. Could there be a third party?"

"Yes, the dead, the dead are alive!"

After taking a deep breath, the spies said palely, "Now the Northwestern battlefield is full of living dead, hundreds of thousands of imperial and rebel troops, all dead."

Hearing the spies, the general's face could not help flashing a look of horror. If the spies were true, I'm afraid something really happened.

Thinking so, the general's eyes turned to Lifa!

On the throne, Lifa ’s face also changed, not only because of the news brought by the spies, but also because the so-called system in his body moved again.

"Ding! Add Main Line 4 to defeat the Undead Scourge!"

"This is a disaster from beyond the heavens, the counterattack of the living dead. If it is not stopped, the future will only be destroyed."

"As the saying goes, the world is balanced. The host on the front foot is just getting help from the noble, and the larger test on the back foot is coming. Come on, host, the will of the chaos is watching you!"

Hearing the message from the so-called mission system, Lifa instinctively looked at the Nagato.

After many things, Lifa has discovered that his teacher and the mysterious system in his body are inextricably linked. I am afraid that the prompt that led him to find the teacher was not accidental.

"Oh, interesting!"

Facing Li Fa's gaze, Nagato just drank out the wine in his hand and said, "Be prepared first. I will go to the Northwest battlefield in person!"

"Well, the uninvited guy is really annoying!"

"Ah, the big thing is not good."

At this moment, a girl with gray hair, green eyes, hair ornaments of jasper, and a Chinese knot in the waist suddenly said on the northwestern ground of the exhausted empire.

"What's wrong, Tianyi!"

Hearing the girl ’s voice, the black-haired glasses girl among the pair of men and women behind her asked, “Did that guy do anything stupid again?”

"Oh, is there anything more stupid than launching the Scourge of the Undead?"

The only teenager among the three, or the macho, looked at the surroundings with disdain, and said with disdain, "Thanks to Hatsune, let us come to find the reincarnation of that guy. Now it seems that it is totally worthless!"

"Don't say that, and also, anyone can get lost." Hearing his companions, the dark-haired girl could n’t help but frown and said, “Be aware that Mr. Iori was also lost, and do n’t look at your companions with prejudice!”

"Sister Xiaoye, not everyone can make a difference like Mr. Iori!"

Although she respects the dark-haired girl in front of her, but after listening to her, the strong man named He Ye still can't help but point to the surroundings and refutes—

"And, if you look around, do you really think that guy is still saved ?!"


Facing He Ye's rebuttal, the girl named Xiao Ye could not help but be silent.

The three girls are from an organization that can walk in the infinite void-the Transiter Alliance, as the name implies, this is a trans-temporal alliance composed of the existence of the transcendental.

Many seniors in the league will choose to reincarnate in order to go further.

After the reincarnation awakening, it will be greeted by the Alliance to send people.

The three of them arrived in this world.

Only after arriving in this world, they found that the senior they wanted to greet did not know what had happened, and actually set off such things as undead natural disasters in this world.

This is almost death, I am afraid that the world consciousness has already noticed them.

Therefore, Xiao Ye was also very dissatisfied with that senior.

"Two, don't quarrel!"

At this time, the young girl named Tianyi who stopped at the front suddenly stopped and said, "Xiao Ye, be prepared, we are going to leave this world."

"What's wrong, Sister Tianyi?"

"Is the world consciousness completely awake, but I don't feel it!"

Hearing Tianyi's words, He also looked at Xiao Ye and asked.

"No, not world awareness!"

Shaking his head, Tian Yi's face flashed with anxiety, "It is the strong man who secretly dominates the world. This world may be occupied by people. It is dangerous to stay here."

"What, the powerhouse that dominates the world ?!"

He Ye and Xiao Ye were taken aback by hearing Tian Yi's words.

You know, the existence that can occupy the whole world is also rare in the entire alliance, at least not the three of them can cope with.

"But, that senior"

"A self-suffering guy, don't worry about him!"

Tian Yi's face was full of indifferent expressions, and then he said, "Go back and report to Sister Hatsune, anyway, it is the order of the sister, let her be responsible."


Seeing the determination on Tianyi's face, Xiaoye didn't say much. She took a jade pendant directly from her waist and crushed it with her hands in front of everyone

"Crack !!!"

With a sudden noise, a door appeared out of thin air and slowly opened.

The three looked at each other, and after entering the door one after another, the door closed automatically and disappeared in place after everyone walked in.

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