My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 62: Reached the battlefield first!

Nagato did not know that his displeasure actually scared away three outsiders.

The red-haired boy in the lowest valley of his own strength, only relying on the world chess game arranged for thousands of years, knew the situation of undead natural disasters caused by outsiders.

But when it comes to specific details, Nagato is not very clear.

Although the Undead Scourge at this time is just a small incident, it is not surprising, but if it is allowed to continue to grow, it will be natural to shake the Nagato's millennium layout.

Therefore, Nagato did not delay. After explaining something with Lifa, he set off straight away.

This time starting, Nagato only brought the red and black pupils who had just conquered.

The rest of her staff are all left to Lifa. After all, Lifa ’s regent position is not particularly stable. She also needs a secret force to help her completely eliminate the unrest in the entire country.

In the process, the men of the Nagato will be well tempered and do two things with one stone.

Nagato is riding on his own specially-made luxury rune carriage, the maximum speed is not worse than the super dangerous species of flying, and the stability is better.

Therefore, after a long day and night of trekking, the three men of Nagato traversed most of the territory of the entire empire, and from the imperial capital came to the edge of the northwestern battlefield of the empire.

"Master, have you arrived at the battlefield level set by the Empire? What are you doing!"

The black pupil while driving saw the checkpoints all over the edge of the battlefield, immediately stopped the carriage, and reported to the long door, but when she opened the curtain, she saw it--

Nagato was holding his sister, and she darted into the arms of her sister with one hand, searching for something.

"Sister is mine, you are not allowed to touch her !!"

The girl with the characteristics of sister control instantly angered, rushed straight up, pulled her sister out of the arms of the long door, and then looked at the long door with a wary face.

The red pupil, who was originally red because of the long door, was even redder when he heard the black pupil.

"Oh, stupid black pupil!"

The game was interrupted by someone, and Nagato wasn't troublesome, just approaching the black pupil with a chuckle, "You can't stop me, the red pupil must be mine."

"Only this, black pupil will not lose!"

Facing the manifestation of Nagato, Black Hitomi reluctantly retorted.

"Oh, wait and see!"

Laughing softly, Nagato walked past Black Hitomi and Red Hitomi, and walked out of the car door, leaving Black Hitomi whispering unwillingly, and Red Hitomi's slightly embarrassed wry smile.

After stepping out of the carriage, a giant pass appeared in front of the long gate.

That was a temporary station set up by the empire outside the northwestern battlefield. Its purpose was to prevent the defeat on the northwestern battlefield, resulting in direct invasion by the enemy within the empire.

If it is usual, someone should now ask about the intention of Nagato.

Only now, no one came.

Nagato could vaguely feel that a breath of battle was lingering on the level. Obviously, there was fighting on the level at this time.


"A strong death breath!"

The red-haired boy's gaze shifted to the sky beyond the level. The thick breath of death even made the sky full of dark clouds, and the dark atmosphere could be conveyed here.

In the experience of Nagato, such a breath of death is impossible without dying millions. "Although I don't care much about life, it's so messy in my place, hum!"

Some murmured unpleasantly, the long door sat in the driving position, flicked it with a whip, and hit the horse.

In an instant, the carriage started moving forward again.

The two girls, Black Hitomi and Red Hitomi, also came out of the car and prepared to say that Black Hitomi was pulled out by Red Hitomi, and then the two girls sat quietly behind the long door.

After a while, the carriage came to the closed gate.

"Whoever comes, sign up for it!"

At this time, the guards at the checkpoint stopped the long carriage and asked.

"Here, this is my certificate!"

Facing the guard's question, Nagato was too lazy to react, and took a token out of his arms and threw it out. The guard who received the token changed his face.

"This, sir, please wait!"

His face changed, and the guard bowed to the long door, then left in a hurry. After a while, a middle-aged man dressed as a general came to the long door.

"Last General Torre, I have seen the Grand Duke, I don't know"

"Okay, stop talking nonsense!"

Walking down from the carriage, the long gate came to the general, "I have a mission, I want to go to the side of the level, prepare for me!"

"Uh, this"

Hearing the long gate, the general named Torre was hesitant.

"Any questions?"

"Uh, it's your Excellency Grand Duke, you will see for yourself, it will be a little difficult to explain at the end!" Facing the request of the long door, Torre could only smile with a bitter smile and greeted the long door to the level.


"It's all alive and dead, and there are so many!"

Above the level, the black pupil looked at the living dead people all over the field of vision and said in surprise, then the girl seemed to think of something, and his face was a little unwilling.

"Can it be supported?"

Compared with the black pupil, the red pupil is more concerned about the army that is standing on the level and is constantly throwing arrows and throwing stones at the bottom, can it stop the attack of these living dead people.

No matter how you look at it, the girl feels that the number of those who are alive and dead is too much.

If the whole level is not fully equipped, where can you stay for so long!

"Ha ha!"

After glancing at the black pupil and the red pupil, Torre smiled bitterly and said to Nagato, "As you can see, my lord, I am really helpless with your request!"

"I understand!"

After being silent for a while, the long gate wandered to the edge of the level. At the next moment, the shadow under the feet of the red-haired boy began to spread and connected with the shadow of the entire level.

Subsequently, the huge shadows condensed into a huge ghost image of death, and emerged out of the sky.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

Under the robe of death, a fierce roar rushed out of the roar, and the number reached four digits in an instant, and then rushed towards the living dead. ..

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