My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 65: Double pupils are the first!

The black pupil started to move--

Stepping on the bodies of the fierce ghosts, the black pupil's figure rushed directly into the sky.

At this time, the three undead **** snakes saw the black pupil approaching them, and they could not help but roar with a low voice. One of the greasy snake heads rushed towards the black pupil, and the snake mouth opened wide!

Before the attack arrives, the smell of corruption is coming with a stench

Let the black pupil who is advancing rapidly frown!

"Huh, it's really bad!"

Whispering softly and secretly, the girl didn't mean to dodge at all. Instead, she speeded up and rushed up. In the blink of an eye, there was direct contact between the black pupil and the snake head.

The poison gas diffused from the mouth of the snake has even touched the black pupil's clothes and watched the black pupil will be in danger of life!

At this moment, the corner of the girl ’s mouth lifted slightly

The horrible killing is spreading!


In a sudden soft drink, the black pupil directly pulled the sword out of the sheath, and suddenly the sword awn bloomed, cutting the snake head in front of it like a melon and a vegetable.

"Roar! Roar !!!"

In an instant, the other two heads of the super dangerous species wailed.

Obviously, it has become an immortal undead creature, and the super-dangerous species that should have no pain sensation is howling like a living creature.

The painful meaning is very clear in its roar.

Facing this situation, Black Hitomi couldn't help laughing

"Oh, my emperor, but the undead nemesis!"

During the talk, Kuro Hitomi jumped directly to the neck of the snake head with the head cut off, and the Emperor Taitai in his hand was directly inserted into the body of the dangerous species, and then began to charge!

Accompanying the black pupil's charge, the weapon in his hand directly stood on the dangerous species and made a big mouth, and the undead super dangerous species was constantly rolling in pain.

"The undead of the three-headed snake will disappear completely for me!"

The tumbling action of the dangerous species did not affect the black pupil on his body. I saw the girl with short hair rushed directly to the intersection of the three snake heads of the dangerous species, holding the sword handle with both hands and waving the sword from bottom to top!

The horrible Jianmang directly cut off the intersection, and the dangerous species split directly.

In less than a moment, a super-dangerous undead annihilated!

"It's not over yet, come out, my pets!"

Falling between the torn pieces of meat, the black pupil's attack did not end. I saw the girl brandishing the Emperor's Taiji and directly inserted it on the ground


Along with the violent roar, the earth shook suddenly!

Soon, a very tall and super dangerous species appeared in the sky, with scales all over the body, rocky bodies, bones all over the body, flames all over the body

A total of eight dangerous species appeared in the sky, the pressure is pervasive!

These super-dangerous species are summoned by the imperial tool held in the hands of black pupils-the dead marching eight houses, and they have already died.

Eight rooms of the dead march, one of the emperor's tools collected by Nagato!

This emperor's tool is made by a very special super dangerous species a thousand years ago by Nagato. For undead creatures, this emperor's tool has a very great ability to kill

The most important thing is that this knife has the power to kill the soul. It can completely attack the soul from the root and destroy it by killing the decaying flesh of the undead creature!

In a sense, it can be said to have the attribute of undead!

Originally, the special ability of this emperor's tool was to manipulate eight corpses, which is very similar to the small undead natural disaster in front of him!

However, probably because this ability is similar to his first six incarnations.

Under the idea of ​​Aiwu and Wu, Nagato engraved a lot of runes and incantations of the six puppets and Maoshan Taoism on this emperor's tool to sublimate it!

In short, the power of this emperor has risen more than once in an instant.

At this time, the super-dangerous species manipulated by Emperor Jibafang is no longer a simple undead or a corpse, but a zombie transformed from a super-dangerous species. is more powerful than these super dangerous species during their lifetime!

At the next moment, these dangerous zombies roared and attacked the endless tide of undead, and the entire tide of undead was instantly hit by a huge hit

Countless undead were shaking in this mountain, and the flames were attacked one after another!

"It is worthy of my proud collection!"

Looking at the eight dangerous species that were showing great power, and the siege army who was breathing, the long gate nodded involuntarily, showing a satisfied smile.

Looking at the black pupil standing on a dangerous species again, Nagato laughed more happily.

Perhaps the black pupil didn't find that after getting the eight rooms of Di Ju, her body was constantly changing and assimilated with Di Gu.

One day in the future, Black Hitomi will turn into a special zombie!

When the eight-room was first built, the Nagato was overdone, allowing this emperor tool to infect the host while refining the manipulative body into a zombie.

This is not good or bad. Zombies are a good bloodline, but pure humans are not bad.

It is only in the case of Black Hitomi ’s transformation that her potential has been exhausted that she becomes a zombie before she can move on. After all, zombies are not limited to life potential.

Of course, it is not the only way to solve the problem of black pupil constitution.

But in the current situation, Nagato has few options

This method is one of the best.

"Roar Roar !!!"

Just as Nagato was thinking, the tide of undead surroundings shook again, and countless living dead rushed toward the carriage and fierce ghosts where Nagato was.

The master of this undead Scourge discovered the dominance of Nagato, and wanted to capture the thief and capture the king first!

Under his command, countless undead strove to brave, making the fierce ghost army a little unstable.

In this regard, Nagato was indifferent, because--

"Water Mantra blessing, funeral !!!"

Seeing this scene, the red pupil moved instantly, and saw the girl directly rushed down from the top of the car, towards the endless tide of the undead is a deep blue sword gas.

Wherever Jian Qi went, countless undeads melted away, and an area was instantly emptied.

In the next moment, countless undead flooded the site again.


"Earth Blessing, Funeral!"

"Golden curse blessing, funeral!"

"Wood curse blessing, funeral!"

Under the blessing of the Five Elements Mantra, Chi Tong continued to wield sword qi of different colors, and the tide of undead spirits was completely wiped out under his sword qi

In a blink of an eye, thousands of undead creatures died in Chi Tong's hands!

These undead spirits, for Chi Tong, if the quantity is not too alarming, they don't need to be concerned at all.

Probably some kind of coincidence in the midst, if the sword of the black pupil is the sword that kills the soul, then, because the sword of the red pupil is the sword that kills the flesh!

The most interesting thing is that the red pupil's Murakami is still different because of her reasons.

"A coincidence, or a choice of fate?"

He murmured to himself, and Nagato suddenly felt the world, which was really interesting.

And while Nagato was thinking, a strange noise came from his ear, and he looked up subconsciously, and the red-haired boy saw it.

The besieged army is breaking out in the direction of its own.

In front of the army, Nagato saw three people!

A black-haired and white-haired man who manipulates blood to form a long snake, a blond-haired boy holding a flute, and a yellow-haired strong man with a double axe who look very bloody.

"Three emperors and emissaries? According to information, it should be the three beastmen of Esdes!"

Seeing these three people and perceiving the types of their gods, Nagato recalled the information he had seen before leaving the imperial capital.

"Just, what about Estes herself?" ..

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