My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 66: The seriously wounded ice demon [on] second more!

"Why is Estes not here ?!"

Looking at the army that was breaking through from the tide of the undead in the distance and the three head-like figures at the front, a look of doubt flashed across the face of Nagato.

According to the intelligence of Nagato, the leader Esdes was not very human.

Although he was a general of the empire, he was not neglected to fight like Bude. On the contrary, the general Estes was the first to fight every time he fought.

This is not because she loves soldiers like a child, does not want soldiers to sacrifice in vain, or fighting crazy or something.

There is only one reason, that is, she likes hunting!

The woman, eager for blood and excitement, intends to hunt all enemies, to kill the strong men who appear in front of her eyes, to conquer everything she sees

Under such circumstances, at any time, she will not fall behind the soldiers.

Only now, she is not in front of her army!

—Is she dead? !

Thinking of this possibility, Nagato couldn't help but shook his head and denied it. Instinctive instinct told Nagato that Estes was still alive!

Speaking of which, Estes is the character that Nagato woke up most to see this time.

The reason for this is not only because Esdes is the strongest general of the empire tied with Bude, but also because of the imperial tools she holds—

Its name is, Demon God shows the essence of the devil.

It is a blood-type emperor. It is made from the blood of the super dangerous species living in the extreme north. After drinking the blood, as long as it can stand the test of the residual will of the super dangerous species, it can be freely manufactured and The ability to control ice!

This emperor is among the most advanced among all emperors. It is the experimental product of the long gate thousands of years ago.

After arriving in this world thousands of years ago, Nagato's eyes were on the dangerous species, and it was in this psychology that Emperor Gu was informed by the Nagato to the ancestor emperor.

In addition to weapons, or prop-type emperors, Nagato has purpose-built a number of capable emperors, and its products include dark angry hellfire and demon gods showing the essence of demons.

These two things are the fusion of soul and blood to give users a dangerous kind of power.

The fire of **** is carried by the long door, and the essence of the devil is placed in the empire by the long door.

The original intention of Nagato is actually to see if anyone can inherit the power of dangerous species and bring it out to truly get the strongest power in the world!

Only for thousands of years, no one has been able to withstand the assessment of Emperor Gu!

Only Estes!

"Can do what no one has done for thousands of years"

Thinking of this, Nagato couldn't help but said to himself, "How can a woman with such luck, die so easily, red pupil, black pupil, save people!"

At the end of the talk, the voice has grown unconsciously!

Both women who were fighting were heard.

"Yes, master!"

"I know!"

In response to Nagato's order, Black Hitomi took the lead. Under the order of the girl, eight dangerous zombies roared loudly, spitting out various energy attacks in their mouths.

The horrible firepower instantly emptied most of the undead within a thousand kilometers!

"Five Elements Blessing!"

The red pupil took advantage of this gap to fully stimulate the power of the village rain, and the five-color light diffused on the girl. At the next moment, the girl's sword united into a dazzling sword light!

"call out!!!"

In the long sound of breaking the sky, Jianguang cut a five or six meters wide road directly in the corpse.

At the end of the road, Chi Tong's figure appeared.

Standing in front of the girl, were the army leaders and soldiers with surprised faces.


In the army, the white-haired middle-aged man who manipulated the blood snake formed by the blood barely recovered from the shock and wanted to say something, but he only spit out the first word.


Chi Tong's voice sounded again.

At the next moment, under the terrified eyes of the leader and his partner, the red pupil almost turned into an afterimage, countless sword lights spreading around, and the living dead one by one melted away

Then the figure of Chi Tong appeared again, and said: "Under the Grand Duke of the Imperial Holy Spear, Chi Tong, at the order of the Grand Duke, will take you to meet the Grand Duke and follow up!"

As soon as the words fell, Chi Tong began to go back without stopping.

At this time, the path that Chi Tong cut out had begun to be rushed in by the living dead, but in the face of Chi Tong, these living dead were just targets, and she could not stop her pace at all.

"All keep up with me!"

After the red pupil, the white-haired middle-aged man frowned, and finally followed.

In this way, after the red pupil opened the road and the black pupil covered it, the entire crippled army finally came to the carriage where the long gate was located after a tens of minutes.

Under the protection of the fierce ghost army, these defeated soldiers finally got a chance to breathe.

Although in this process, the team has less than 1,000 people

"The Three Beasts of General Estes-Liwa!"



In front of the Nagato, the three leaders of the remnant soldiers made a salute gesture with exceptional respect, saying in unison, "Have seen the Grand Duke of the Holy Gun, thank you for your help!"

After seeing so many fierce ghosts and the fighting powers of Red Hitomi and Black Hitomi, they could not help but be disrespectful.

"Don't thank me so anxiously!"

Faced with the gratitude of the three, Nagato said indifferently, "Tell me first, where is that guy in Estes, I really wanted to see her for a long time!"

"This, this"

Hearing the question from Nagato, Liwa, apparently the first leader of the team, showed a little hesitation on his face, as if there was something unspeakable.

"Tell me, wait!"

Seeing the other party hesitating, Nagato felt a little dissatisfied in his heart. He originally wanted to force the other party to speak up, but suddenly, Nagato felt a familiar frost breath.

Subconsciously, Nagato looked towards the remnants

Then he saw a coffin!

"So, here it is!"

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