My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 67: The seriously wounded ice demon [below] third!

Seeing Nagato's gaze, Liwa's face suddenly changed.

Almost subconsciously, the most loyal follower of Estes fell back to the front of the coffin, with a dagger in his hand, which cut his own arm.

The blood flows out automatically and turns into a hovering blood snake, guarding it.

But his movements are still a step slower!

"Your emperor's tool is the emperor's tool of the ring, the water dragon depends on the black marlin!"

I don't know when the figure of Nagato appeared directly on Liva's side, directly holding his left wrist and looking at the ring on his left hand.

"I remember, it was an emperor tool made of aquatic dangerous organisms' organs that manipulate the flow of water. The equipment can freely manipulate the liquid in the things it touches."


Seeing the figure of Nagato, Liwa's heart was full of horror and speechlessness.

Subconsciously, Liwa wanted to drive his emperor, but for some reason, his command seemed to fall into the mire, and the blood snakes hovering had no response at all.

Later, Liva saw that a mist of mist was permeating his emperor's furniture.

"Just a simple enchantment blocked the connection between the spirit and Emperor Gu, which is really a fragile connection!"

With a simple sigh, the other hand of Nagato was turned into a hand knife and directly cut on Liva's neck, slashing the middle-aged general directly to the ground.

"Uncle !!"

"General Liwa!"

At this point, Niu and Daidas exclaimed, and the two subconsciously rushed over, but in a moment, two different blades appeared on the necks of the two.

The sharp edge made the two dare not move suddenly!

It was n’t someone else who shot, it was the red pupil and the black pupil.

"Keep off!"

After subduing Liwa, Nagato came to the coffin guarded by the remnants.

The soldiers who had been guarding the coffin were afraid to hesitate when they heard the order of the long gate, and they all evaded, and a few wanted to block, but were pulled away by their companions.

Although these soldiers are very loyal on weekdays, loyalty does not mean that they will not betray.

In such a desperate situation, it is already very good for these soldiers not to collapse.

Betrayal is a normal thing!


Taking a step forward, the long door pushed horizontally and directly flew the coffin board. Then, in front of the long door, there was a frost and a sleepy blue-haired beauty.

"Is this Estes?"

Looking at the sleeping beauty in the coffin, Nagato couldn't help but sigh, "This is a real beauty, and it's really exciting!"

Nagato had to admit that at this moment, he really moved!

In front of me, this sleeping woman really fits the aesthetics of Nagato. In terms of appearance, she is so graceful and has a figure and a frost-like temperament that can't be matched anymore.

The most important thing is that when Nagato sees, the unyielding dad among the women's eyebrows!

In a trance, Nagato could perceive her equally daunting soul.

This is a woman with the potential to be truly powerful.


"Why is she hurt ?!"

After seeing the essence of the woman clearly, doubts inevitably rose in Nagato's heart, and at the same time, Nagato's eyes turned to Estes' abdomen.

There was a frozen wound.

From the wound, Nagato felt two forces that were constantly interweaving.

One of these forces is Estes's own strength and will, and the other is the source of the undead's natural disaster, the power behind the culprit.

The latter is constantly eroding the existence called Estes, trying to turn it into an undead.

But Estes, with his own strength and will, resisted the erosion.

"How can someone with such a strong will and possibility come to this point!"

Although in terms of the feeling of the wound, the source power of the undead Scourge is indeed stronger than the cold power possessed by Estes itself, but the power is not just power!

A strong enough will can reverse many things!

Nagato always felt that if a head-on duel, Estes would not fall to this point.

"Roar Roar !!!"

At this moment, a terrible roar came from far and near.

All the people who heard this voice germinated an unexplained fear in their hearts. Many people even shuddered all over their bodies. The body lost control in fear and fell to the ground.


Indifferently snorted, the Nagato directly slashed the fear rising in his body.

At the same time, the hum of the red-haired boy seemed to be turned into a sharp blade, and passed into the ears of everyone around him, turned into a heart sword, and all the fear was beheaded!

"How is this going?!"

"That roar is not right!"

The red pupil and the black pupil, who had escaped from fear, glanced at each other. The two immediately let go of Niu and Daidas, and looked at the source of the roar,

Not just them, the rest of them also followed.

Then they saw horror!

Countless undead dangerous species are surging from a distance. They cover the sky and shake the earth. In the middle of the dangerous species, it is a super dangerous species up to several kilometers! ! !

What an endless tide of undead, under this horrible tide of undead beast, it is not enough to see!

The chilling despair spreads at this moment

"Ah, I don't want to die!"

At this time, some of the remnant soldiers were finally mad, chanting and running continuously, and then walked out of the guard circle of the fierce ghost army, and then were directly torn into pieces by the living dead.

After him, more people started to go crazy

"It's really interesting!"

Under such confusion, Nagato's face remained unchanged.

I saw him looking at Estes under the coffin, reaching for the woman's ice-blue long hair and saying, "It seems that the master of the Undead Scourge wants you very much, Estes."

"It's just unfortunate that he let me see you, so you can only be mine!"

During the talk, Nagato's hand left Esdez's long hair, and then one more

Chessmen! ..

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