My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 68: Forced rebirth first!

It was a chess piece shining crimson, and it was the queen of the pieces.

When Nagato just took the chess piece in his palm, a mysterious wave that could not be described by words was centered on Nagato and spread in all directions. Everyone was stunned.

The undead around were even more confused, as if feeling the beast of the crisis rioting

These dead men roared and launched a more violent charge!

Attempt to straighten out the source of the crisis.


"Kaka, don't control yourself!"

A deep voice echoed around, the next moment, the figure of the death beast appeared from the dark corner, and the sickle of his hand waved into an endless blood blade.

The dead who launched the charge turned into flesh under these blood blades.

Thousands of dead are wiped out in one blow!


Seeing the death beast's behavior, Chi Tong couldn't help but whispered, then rushed up unwillingly, and the village rain in his hand once again radiated a different glory.

At the next moment, the five-colored sword flashed, and a large number of dead people disappeared

"I won't lose!"

Seeing the actions of her sister and the Death Beast, Black Hitomi was also unwilling to be outdone.

Driving eight dangerous species of zombies to trample the living dead around, and then, with a preoccupied attitude, awaiting the beast tide coming from afar in a frantic impact.

Especially the one in the middle of the beast tide, a super dangerous species up to several kilometers!

The goal of the black pupil is this monster or the people present, except for the long gate and the black pupil, the rest of the people may not have done much when facing the monster.

Now that Nagato is in trouble, it can only be dealt with by Black Hitomi!

"It seems that I want to speed it up!"

A glance at the battlefield, the queen's chess piece in the hand of the goalkeeper was placed on Estes's chest. The cold and soft touch from the fingertips made the red-haired boy sway slightly.

With a little chuckle, the Nagato found that he had a strong possessiveness towards the woman.

In other words, Nagato has a stronger possessiveness for powerful women.

"But this is not the time to think about this!"

He whispered to himself in a whisper, the idea of ​​Nagato moved, and a ray of mental power was mobilized hard, triggering the pawn. At the next moment, the light of the six-pointed star centered on Estes' chest and began to spread.


Not long afterwards, the beam of six-pointed stars rose across the sky, enclosing Nagato and Estes.

In the crimson light, Nagato's consciousness began to jump, and in the blink of an eye, the red-haired boy found that he was no longer the original battlefield, but suspended in the void of the cold hell.

Everything you see in the eyes, the sky and the earth, are all frozen!

And on the ice block filled with endless chill, countless miserable undead souls are roaring sorrowfully, and among the undead ones is an iceberg, and a blue-haired woman stands on the iceberg.

The undead were filled with a dark chain, woven into a large black net. The blue-haired woman and the iceberg are bound by the **** net.

"That's Estes, it seems I succeeded."

Seeing the blue-haired woman, Nagato knew that through the power of that piece, he projected his soul into the world of Esdes's mind.

"In this case, those undead and black nets are eroding the strength of Estes!"

Thinking so, the Long Gate did not waste time, and flew directly towards Esdes. In the process of approaching, the wailing of the undead in the ear of the Long Gate became louder and louder.

In the meaningless screams, Nagato can even hear countless curses

"Esdes, you must not die!"

"My army is 200,000 people. You dare to start!"

"Stop the revolutionary cause, the sinner Estes !!"


Hearing these curses, Nagato could not help but frown slightly, and the well-known Nagato easily understood the essence of the large black net used to erode Estes.

That is the curse of the deceased on the living, and also the sin karma carried by the living!

If there is no wrong guess in such a long door, at this time, all the undead presented are all those who died because of Esdes. Under the power of the source of the undead natural disaster, they are emerged to guide Esdes. .

Under the curse of millions of creatures, it has not fallen

The strength of Estes is evident!


Just then, there was a violent roar in the ear of the long door.

Looking up, Nagato found that it was the counterattack of the iceberg under the **** net, no, or Estes counterattack, but the power of the black big net seemed to be endless. Had to be silent, but still maintained the last resistance.

"Huh, look away a bit."

"Not only did he not fall, he even possessed the ability to resist!"

"What kind of flowers will such a woman produce if she is given the opportunity!"

So muttering, the speed of the long gate rose to another level instantly, and almost immediately, the figure of the long gate appeared directly over the large black net.

When Esterston, who had been confined to the iceberg, opened his eyes and looked like a knife!

"who are you?!"

"Save your people!"

Looking at Esdes, who was still in a difficult position, and a smile flashed on the face of the long door, "It is Esdes, I am looking at you, and be my person!"

As soon as the words fell, Nagato didn't wait for Estes to say anything, and just opened his hands.

Crimson Devil Moon, open in this cold hell

Under the moonlight, the undead began to roar and howl, the large black net also began to show a melting posture, and the entire space began to transform under this moonlight.

At the next moment, the crimson six-pointed star magic array spreads around Esdes.

The queen's chess piece emerged from Esdes' head, then dropped, and merged into Esdes's body.

Forced rebirth, start! ! ! ..

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