My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 69: Wake up, the Queen of Ice is second!

Just when Nagato is forcing the reincarnation of pawns to Estes

The external war entered a fierce stage in no time!

As if anticipating the coming of danger, the tide of the undead instantly went crazy, and the beast tide of the dangerous undead crossed a long distance in a moment and directly collided with the fierce ghost army.

At this moment, the Undead Beast erupted unreservedly its current strongest power.

A continuous stream of fierce ghosts poured out from under the robe of the dead god, and fought with the incoming undead madness. At the same time, the beast of death was constantly swallowing the undead to supplement the number of fierce ghosts.

The cyclical system of fighting for war has brought unprecedented resilience to the fierce ghost army.

Actually withstood the first wave of terror tide

Under such a premise, the eight zombie dangerous species manipulated by the black pupil seemed to be transformed into eight pillars of celestial beings, and they were blocked before the tide of animals, and diverted them.

Chi Tong and the rest of the beasts of Estes supported behind the dangerous zombie.

"Roar Roar !!!"

With the endless roar, the terrible chaos broke out in an instant.

The earth on the battlefield groaned continuously, and the sky was enveloped by the momentum of death. The entire battlefield filled with undead seemed to be transformed into a sea roaring in anger, and Naomen and others seemed to be transformed into a flat boat in the raging waves.

For more than three minutes, from the contact to the present, the battlefield has passed for more than three minutes.

The rebellious crowds seemed to have passed for three months or even three years.

The horrified roar echoed in my ears, the feeling of exhaustion was constantly present to everyone, the weapon in his hand was getting heavier and heavier, despair was spreading

If it were not for the exhausted Legion of Beasts and Fierce Beasts, I am afraid that the entire front has collapsed. In such a battlefield, the individual's combat effectiveness is almost weakened to a limit.

However, the defense of the Mighty Ghost Legion has its limits after all!



The most terrifying thousands of monsters in the undead tide finally rushed in front of everyone, and the eight zombie dangerous species that served as the first line of defense were just hit by them and flew out.

The aftermath even almost completely disbanded the fierce ghost army


"This time it's really dead!"

"Help, I don't want to die !!!"

Despair completely spread in an instant, and the sound of weapons falling one after another.

Not only the soldiers, even the red pupils and the black pupils couldn't help showing a dark expression. There was no way. The terrifying body of thousands of kilometers was really amazing.

No special attack is needed, and no one can afford it with a simple impact.


After the impact, the terrifying monster did not move forward, but opened the big mouth of the blood basin, and the hot flame diffused from its mouth into an amazing flame

The target points directly at the Crimson Beam where Nagato and Estes are!


In the horrible shock, the unimaginable flame collided positively with the beam of light, and the shocking fluctuations were born from the collision and spread in all directions.

Under the shock of this terror, all the soldiers of the army rushed away without exception.

Even the floor was scraped off by the impact!

"not good!"

"Master Nagato !!"

"General !!"

Seeing this scene, both Sister Red Hitomi and the three beasts of Estes were stunned, and various expressions of annoyance, pain, and confusion appeared.

When they do n’t react


A violent airflow erupted in the center of the explosion.

The icy frost spread in an instant, and the entire battlefield was stained with a layer of hoarfrost in an instant, and the surviving humans could not help but shudder.

Then a voice echoed on the vast battlefield

"Frozen Earth !!!"

With the sound falling, the diffuse airflow rapidly increased at this moment, almost instantly, a glacial mountain suddenly appeared on the ground within a thousand kilometers.

Whether it is an undead or a human being, most of them exist, all frozen in a huge glacier mountain range.

"Hey, did you make a mistake!"

With the help of the Death God Beast, the black pupil who escaped the catastrophe suddenly showed a look of dissatisfaction. On the side of the black pupil, Chi Tong's face also showed a touch of dissatisfaction.

Especially after seeing the three frozen beasts and the rest of the soldiers, the red pupil frowned slightly.

This kind of attack that does not distinguish between enemies and foes is somewhat unacceptable to Sister Red Hitomi who values ​​her companions.

"Roar Roar !!!"

At this moment, the monster that was several thousand kilometers suddenly roared loudly. The monster did not escape the ice attack, but it was too large, and most of its body was not frozen.

At this time, the monster was swinging angrily, constantly shaking the whole glacier mountain range!

Soon, there were undead and soldiers, which perished as the glaciers shattered.

"I didn't pay attention for a while, it was really a big prey!"

At the source of the cold, Estes was walking in an elegant footstep, and the ice-blue long hair danced with the wind. "Since you can't freeze you directly, then try to tear you into pieces!"

"The Shape of Ice-Thousand Ice Dragon !!!"

At the end of the talk, Estes was covered with ice blue flames, and in the condition of soaring cold, he punched directly and directly hit the glacial mountains.


The entire huge mountain range has undergone tremendous changes in an instant. It seems that the ice dragon carved out of the ice appears in the sky, biting on the monsters that are thousands of meters in height.

Therefore, the body is imprisoned by the glacier mountains, and the monster can't get rid of it for a while, but can only bear it passively.

The number of ice dragons is increasing

One, two, ten, one hundred, and even thousands!

After thousands of ice dragon bites killed, the undead monsters struggled for half a minute, then lost the ability to resist, and were eventually bitten into pieces by thousands of ice dragons

The whole scene was unusually rude, which made people speechless.

In an instant, the entire battlefield seemed extremely silent ..

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