My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 71: Nagato and Estes are second!

Ask questions, how strong can people be?

On this issue, the two sisters Red Eye and Black Eye have different views.

As an elder sister, Chi Tong received Gozzi's professional assassination training from a young age. Each swing of the sword is aimed at killing the enemy with a single blow.

In her eyes, human beings are not powerful, or they are all vulnerable.

It ’s like ‘people are killed and they die’.

This view was strengthened quickly after Chi Tong received Murakami. The mutant version of Murakami was born to prove the fragility of life.

Murakami's one blow will kill him.

Even undead undead creatures, as long as the flesh and blood are still alive, will also be killed!

Of course, the concept of Chi Hitomi ruled out the existence of Nagato. In fact, in the eyes of young girls, Nagato is too mysterious. Even humans are debatable.

Compared with my sister's red pupil, black pupil is different.

Compared with the red pupil who has been professionally trained since childhood, the training of black pupils is not very professional. After all, the main task of black pupils is not training, but accepting experiments.

In these experiments, Black Hitomi understood the exaggerated extent to which the human body can be transformed.

Therefore, the black pupil recognizes the existence of powerful human beings.

After receiving the Emperor's Eight Rooms granted by Nagato, Black Hitomi not only recognized the power of mankind, but also considered herself to be a powerful existence, even the strongest sequence of the Empire, she was not afraid.

But no matter what the two's past views were, after seeing the consequences of the power of Estes, the views of the two sisters were completely overturned at this moment-

Under the blue glow of the ice of Estes, the whole world was frozen!

The earth, rocks, undead creatures and human soldiers, even the hurricane blowing, the dust raised, everything is frozen in the endless glaciers.

The bone-chilling chill hit, so that the two sisters, Red Hitomi and Black Hitomi, couldn't help but shake a cable.

It is just this stimulus that can't eliminate the consternation of the two. Whether they are red pupils or black pupils, both of them can't believe that human power can actually achieve this level.

"Oh, is it a bit hit?"

At this moment, Nagato walked between the red pupils and the black pupils, holding the two girls in his hands, "Relax, you will be so powerful in a few days, and also."

"This kind of power is not powerful yet, at best it is just the beginning!"

"Oh, your words, I can't treat them as if I didn't hear them!"

Just when Nagato comforted the red and black pupils, the clear voice came from above, and then Esdez's figure fell from the sky, setting off a cold wind on the ground.

"If this power is not strong,"

Landing lightly, Estes shattered the wings of ice behind him and wandered to the front of the long gate. "So, what kind of power is powerful!"

"Oh, do I need to tell you this kind of thing?"

Faced with the sudden appearance and questions of Estes, Nagato did not release the red and black pupils, and said slowly, "Isn't you clear about your own physical condition?"


Hearing the words of Nagato, Estes was silent.

Indeed, without long-door complaints, Estes knew that he was not really powerful at this time.

Not to mention others, her body alone seems to contain endless possibilities at this time. If she said that she had an amazing speed and explosive power beyond the beasts, now she has at least tens of times.

And this value is not the limit, Estes clearly feels that she can be more powerful!

The body is the basis of all extraordinary powers. The increase of one's own physical qualities naturally means that the power of one's own abilities will also increase.

"Am I still human?"

After hesitation, Estes said a word, but she didn't wait for the long door to answer, she laughed, "Forget it, it doesn't matter what matter, as long as it is strong!"

As soon as the voice fell, Estes stepped directly on the ground glacier


The ice-blue blaze flashed past, the whole glacier seemed to shake slightly, countless particles emerged from the glacier, and gathered behind Esdes.

As time passed, more and more particles were behind Esdes

The surrounding temperature is constantly falling!



The concentration of the particles reached a certain level, and there was a muffled noise.

Afterwards, ice blue statues emerged behind Esdes. The three of the Longmen looked at it. It was no one else. It was the ice sculptures of Esdes' three beastmen and thousands of soldiers.

"Come back, my loyal soldiers!"

Looking at these ice sculptures, Estes smiled with satisfaction and spoke the final words.

Along with Yan Ling, the ice blue blaze ignited all the ice sculptures. Soon, as the flame burned, the ice blue on the statue receded, and the ice sculpture survived directly.

"Have seen General Estes !!!"

But I saw these surviving soldiers looked around in doubt, then after seeing Esdes, they knelt down and called out in unison.

"This time, you have done a great job!"

Nodded with great satisfaction, Estes said loudly, "From today onwards, you guys will always follow me!"


——It turns out so!

After a moment of stunnedness, the long door next to it understood Esdes's approach.

It turned out that during reincarnation, Estes not only gained the power of the chess pieces, but also intercepted part of the power of the source of the undead's natural disasters and merged with his own power of freezing.

Come to think of it, these resurrected soldiers are essentially a combination of the incarnation of the ice and the soldier soul who believes in Estes.

Thinking of the Scourge of the Undead, the long door asked subconsciously, "Yes, Estes, how did you get hurt before?"

The sudden sound of Nagato not only made Estes slightly stunned, but also made the face of the resurrected three beasts gloomy. After a moment of silence, Estes said a word that surprised Nagato— —

"It's Shira, Shira attacked me!" ..

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