My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 72: Flicker and idea third!

——Sylla? ! !

To be honest, Nagato was really surprised when he heard the name again.

The red-haired boy didn't really think that he was just an ugly ants who couldn't help himself in his own mind. He would be directly related to the undead's natural disasters, and even sneaked into Estes.

"Although it is embarrassing, it is indeed true!"

Facing the surprised expression of Nagato, Estes explained indifferently, "Originally because of the minister's relationship, I didn't have much defense against Shira, but I didn't expect it."

"The real powerhouse doesn't need any excuses!"

At this time, the long door suddenly interrupted Estes's words and said, "There are many unexpected things in this world, but the real strongman can cross these 'unexpected' existences."

"Got it!"

Silent for a while, Estes said.

For the first time, the woman discovered that the red-haired teenager in front of her was faint, vaguely, and originally rejected by herself because she was controlled by others.

Estes is the most typical power supremacist. Following the belief of weak meat and strong food, the strength shown by Nagato is very consistent with her aesthetic.

If power can overwhelm her, surrender is not impossible.

"Also, the Minister is already dead, there is no dead body!"

After thinking a little, the long door added again.

As soon as this statement came out, the thousands of dead and resurrected soldiers behind Estes all showed a surprised expression, an uproar, but after a slight surprise, Estes was relieved.

With such a strong force as Nagato, I am afraid that the Minister will not be allowed to do whatever he wants on his head!

"Let's go back to the level outside the battlefield first, and the news about Shira will be sent back to the imperial capital!"

Seeing Estes's relieved expression, the long door said quietly, "As for the contest between you and me, let's wait for you to revenge, and fully develop your own power."


Looking at the back of the long door wandering away, Estes was silent, thinking of the misery he had suffered before, and finally nodded, "Well, you wait for me."

"Haha, I will wait!"

With his back to Estes, Nagato laughed heartily, and a cunning smile flashed in his purple eyes.

What Estes didn't know is that she lost the only chance of beating Nagato head-on. Now if she directly shoots, I am afraid Nagato will urge the **** and control her body.

Otherwise, it seems that she really can't beat her

This statement is wrong!

Nagato doesn't really play. After all, he has a lot of cards, including one that can beat anyone.

But the card was too strong, only suitable for fighting, not for fighting.

Under regular battles, Nagato at this time really did not grasp the victory over Estes. When returning to the level, Esdes was very welcome.

Strangely speaking, Estes treated the enemy extremely bloodthirsty, destroying the enemy's flesh while destroying the other's mind, burying a large number of enemy troops more than once.

As an enemy, she is almost a dangerous humanoid!

Various dangerous titles were given to her

However, she treats her subordinates and ordinary people very generously. She always distributes the bounty granted by the emperor to her subordinates and eats with ordinary soldiers.

In a sense, Estes doesn't look like a minister's!

Within the empire, she has many fans, especially in the army. At this time, the guard of the border, the general named Torre, is a fan of Estes.

In the face of the long gate, Torre was afraid not to listen to orders.

In the face of Estes, Torre was completely on his own initiative.

The gap was so large that the long door couldn't help but secretly whispered.

Then, under the command of Estes, Torre immediately sent someone to quickly send intelligence to the imperial capital.

Two days later, within the Imperial Palace.

After reading the intelligence sent from the battlefield, the regent princess Lifa suddenly became angry with Feng Yan: "Doesn't it matter, that guy Shira has something to do with the undead natural disasters"

"General, Minister, you should also look at this information!"

After condensing his anger, Lifa handed over the information in his hands to the other two people present—Bord, the imperial general, and Kemler, the new imperial minister.

The latter is actually the former minister before Osnet, but lost to Osnet under the political struggle.

During Lifa's dormancy, he became Lifa's right-hand man.

Lifa became Queen Regent and gave him the position of Minister.

After reading the information separately, the two showed the same angry expression, especially the body of General Bude, inadvertently flashed a few strands of electric current.

The two glanced at each other, and finally Bud stepped forward and said, "His Royal Highness, there is no doubt that this scourge of the undead cannot be underestimated. It must be extinguished. The rebellion of Shira is to be killed!"

"I understand this, but the situation in the empire is not stable yet!"

Hearing Baud ’s words, Lifa could n’t help but frowned, and said, “Now I ’m in a hurry, I ’m afraid that after the war, the whole empire will be completely destroyed !!”

"Your Highness, there is a way to be old!"

At this time, Kemiller stepped forward and said with a full heart, "In fact, although this undead disaster is great for the empire, it is not all unprofitable."

"At least the so-called main force of the revolutionary army and many high-level leaders have been destroyed."

"In this way, the remaining rebel forces can be accepted by us. With the help of those people, we can clean up the pests of the entire empire more quickly, and we will be able to go out and take the time."

"Oh, Minister, you put forward this suggestion, you must also think of a specific way!" Hearing Kemirer's words, a look of anticipation flashed on Lifa's face.

"That's natural!"

A pride flashed across the face of the young minister, "In fact, the old has done all the preparations, and now only the power of the assassination elite in the hands of His Royal Highness is needed!" ..

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