My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 73: Position and betrayal first!

The morning light is faint, and the morning sun is falling.

At this time, the capital of the imperial capital had already begun to become lively, and the shops on both sides of the main street of the imperial capital had opened.

"I dare not imagine that this was the decayed emperor capital!"

In a bookstore located in a remote corner of Didu Street, the owner, Lubbock, stood at the door of the bookstore, feeling the emotions of the people of the Didu, with a complex expression.

How dark the former emperors were, the people with a little power did nothing.

The people of the imperial capital are usually lifeless.

Fear of innocence from the sky!

However, this has changed since Chancellor Osnett was slashed at Princess Lifa.

There may be some confusion in the early stage. A large number of masquerade sprites have been slain, and the blood has stained the emperor capital, which has caused people to feel a little panic.

Until now, although the imperial capital has not reached the point where "the road is not left behind and the night is closed".

But at least everyone can maintain laughter and laughter on weekdays.

"Princess Lifa? What a great princess!"

He murmured to himself, and the afterglow in the corner of Lubbock seemed to see something, and walked to the edge of the shop door, and took a small piece of paper from the gap between the door and the wall.

Opening the note, Lubbock saw two words on it-‘action’!

In an instant, the green-haired boy's face was a little cloudy.

For a long time, he took a deep breath, a flash of will to flash on his face!

After looking around, I found that the bookstore's business did not seem to be good. The green-haired boy first hung up the sign that he was closed today, and the whole person walked into the store and closed the door.

Not long after, I saw the green-haired youngster lightly touching a certain organ deep in the bookshelf.

"Crack !!!"

In a remote corner of the bookstore, the secret door opened automatically

Passing through the dark door of the bookstore, Lubbock moved down the stairs towards the ground.

Just walked to the bottom of the ladder, what appeared to Lubbock was a somewhat tortuous underground base. Before seeing anyone, he heard a slightly bold complaint

"Ah, boss, how long do we have to hide, this kind of life can't really pass!"

"Even if you say that, I can't help it!"

Hearing this conversation, Lubbock's face flashed with a bitter smile, and then the green-haired teenager walked forward for more than ten meters, and came to a slightly empty hall with sofas all over the hall.

Two men and three women are sitting on the sofa.

Among them is Lubbock's boss-Najieta.

The remaining two men and two women are the members of the assassination team that Njieta has carefully prepared for the revolutionary army's actions in the imperial capital.

All four of them have a strong presence.

Among them, the man with blue hair and horns sitting next to Najieta is not a human, but a legendary creature-like emperor, the male of the electric light stone and fire.

This is the guardian emperor tool assigned to Najta by the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army.

It is an emperor made for the protection of important people, and its character is meticulous to the extent of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Just as the combat power must be inseparable, it is very powerful.

Except for the men of Susuke, all the other three are emperors with extraordinary strength.

Brand, a former imperial soldier who was known as the "Hundred People".

Strong strength and integrity. Because he could not bear the corruption of the empire, he fled with imperial tools. Later, he was recruited by Najieta and possessed imperial tools.

Leo Nai, the **** girl with a bold personality.

Growing up in the slums of the imperial capital, the imperial equipment used was bought on the black market at a bargain price. Because they were not used to the cruel games of nobles riding on children, they were all killed. There are emperors and kings of beasts and lions. Mann, from the western border of the empire, is a mixed-race girl of ethnic minorities.

Having been discriminated since childhood, the Revolutionary Army and the ethnic minorities became the subordinates of Najieta after forming an alliance.

Coupled with the use of emperors, Lubbock himself at the end of the ever-changing cross

The assassination team composed of all the emperors and envoys in the Najieta plan has actually been formed, and the combat effectiveness is still very good, enough to achieve a success.


"The useless land of heroes !!!"

The bold and **** girl Leo Nai could not help rolling up on the sofa, complaining and saying, "Everyone is ready to set up a night raid squad, but this kind of thing happened when the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army was destroyed. "

Hearing Leo Nai's words, everyone smiled bitterly, and the atmosphere instantly suppressed.

Among them, Najieta smiled the most bitterly.

As Leone said, everything was ready, but on the eve of its establishment, he encountered the **** of the undead natural disaster, which led to the direct destruction of the army at the headquarters of the revolutionary army.

Rao was a wise man like Njieta, and he was suddenly ignorant, not knowing what to do.

That's what happened to Najieta, and the rest didn't know what to do.

"Miss Najetta, that"

Looking at the depressed expressions of the people, Lubbock hesitated for a while, and then summoned the courage to say, "I think we should think about our future."

As soon as this statement came out, the atmosphere in the whole hall changed.

None of the people present were stupid.

In other words, the idiot cannot live at this age in such a world.

In fact, from the time when the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army was destroyed due to the natural disasters of the undead, except for the life of the emperor Suzuno, the rest of the people were constantly thinking about their own way--

Is it going to continue the revolution and kill a snowy road without losing the headquarters and the main army?

Or find another way out?

Such a real problem is placed in front of everyone.

It's just that no one asks this question in front of everyone even if they know each other well, because if this question is raised, the team will come to an end.

After all, not everyone has the belief in revolution, saying that no one will choose to quit.

But can this team really exit?

the answer is negative.

Revolution is a nice statement. The correct saying is rebellion. Rebellion is always bloody. By then, it is already obvious what will happen to protect the secret.

Therefore, after Lubbock raised this question head-on, everyone was silent.

Njieta was silent for a moment, and she looked at this young man in disbelief in disbelief for a long time, and then took a few deep breaths before asking:

"Lubbock, what do you think?"

"I just think we can't go on like this!"

After speaking the beginning, Lubbock no longer hesitated, saying directly, "The revolution has failed, and now the empire is recovering in the hands of the princess, I think"

Lubbock's words were not finished yet, and he suffered a blow with an iron fist, and his voice stopped abruptly.

At the next moment, the green-haired teenager's entire body flew upside down under this sudden blow, and then a loud bang hit the wall of the underground base directly!

"call out!!!"

The iron fist striking Lubbock was pulled by the iron rope, and returned directly to Njieta ’s empty left arm, connecting it, and then the white-haired woman said:

"When the Revolutionary Army headquarters was destroyed, I knew that a betrayal would occur, but I didn't expect that the first one to betray me was actually you, Lubbock!"

"Ha ha!"

At this moment, light laughter echoed in the underground base, full of magic, "Brother Green Hair said the beginning, you will know the cause and effect, and it is worthy of the former imperial general-Najieta!" ..

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