My Infinite Life

Vol 11 Chapter 74: Surrounded and desperate second!


The dark flame appeared out of thin air, burning in the void.

Faced with this sudden change, the entire underground base could not help but stand up, and Brand even stood in front of everyone, and immediately activated his emperor.

An imperial tool called evil spirits!

In the shimmering light, Brand was covered with a silver armor.

The armor-type emperor made of the fierce dragon-shaped dangerous species "Tyland" is a heavy burden on the equipment, and ordinary people will die when they wear it.

But it is undeniable that this armor is very strong!

Not only does it have the defensive power of copper walls and iron walls, but Tyrande, who made the armor, is not dead. He can adjust the size according to the user's body shape and continue to evolve.

It is because of having such an emperor that Brand is used to walking on the front line in battle.

After Brand, Leonai was also unwilling to fall behind.

A belt-shaped emperor, the king of beasts turned into a lion king instantaneously, Leo Nai immediately beastized himself, and his body's physical fitness was crazy high, releasing a breath of danger.

After Brand and Leoni, Suzuno also moved.

However, compared to the changes of the previous two, Susano just moved his position and stood in front of Najieta, without any special changes.

In fact, he doesn't need any changes, and the male Suzuke in this state is already very strong.

Seemingly perceiving the three dangerous existences of Brand, Leoni and Susano, the dark sparks swayed, condensing an increasingly clear human form.

"Oh, is this the legendary emperor with great potential, evil spirits?"

Not long after, Aaliyah wore a gorgeous dress and walked out of the dark flames, her long golden hair flying between the dark Mars, seeming to be unhurried.

"who are you?"

At this moment, Njieta, who stood behind Brand, couldn't help but say, "The people who can rebel against me shouldn't be ordinary people."

"It's not Arya, Arya doesn't have such a big idea!"

Facing Njetta's question, Aria's face flashed with a smile, "This is an old fox design, Aria is not clear about the specific situation, Aria only knows, I want to catch you!"

"A few of you, can you just obey your hand and catch it!"

"What a joke !!!"

"To surrender is also your surrender, you woman!"

Hearing Arya ’s words, Mahin directly pointed at the Emperor ’s tool in his hand, the romantic turret pumpkin pointed to Arya, and the muzzle of the Guns ’Emperor ’s Tool was gathering full of lethal energy.

The spear-shaped emperor's power, the ability of the turbulent pumpkins, is to transform mental energy into shock waves, and the power will increase according to the degree of crisis encountered by the user.

"Oh, is this your answer?"

Facing Manin's muzzle, Arya's face was filled with a calm smile, "General Najieta, Her Royal Highness Princess wants to see you, I hope you don't refuse!"

During the talk, the dark flames blazed directly around the entire underground base and surrounded Najieta and the others.


Seeing Arya's reaction, Maine suddenly became angry and shot directly.

As a newcomer to the Revolutionary Army, Ma Yin is immature in many ways, and irritability is one of them. Therefore, she did n’t think about anything, so she pressed the button directly.


The shock wave transformed by mental power directly hit Arya's body.

In the sudden roar, Aaliyah's body was torn apart, turned into flames, and then the surrounding flames suddenly raged.

"Since you have chosen to fight, then we are welcome!"

Arya's voice rang again, and at the next moment, the dark, flame-shaped monster came straight out of the flame, and the number of monsters reached dozens in a blink of an eye, rushing towards Brand and others.

In the face of sudden monsters, Brand and others are not outrageous.

Brandow with a red-backed shrike, Leonai with beasts and claws spread on both hands and feet, and men with excellent melee ability, guarded in three directions, guarding Najieta and Manin .

In a blink of an eye, a small-scale war broke out in the underground base, roaring, shattering and roaring on the ground one after another, the whole battlefield seemed a bit chaotic.

Although Arya ’s flamboyant monsters are strong, due to the limitation of the venue, they do not show the advantage of quantity. Therefore, for a full minute, the flamboyant monsters that are endless have failed to defeat the enemy!

On the contrary, the bigger and more fierce Brand is, the more they are about to break out


"Smash King !!!"

With the sudden sound, Kornelia's figure appeared directly from the flaming monster, and directly punched Leonei, the weakest of the three guards.

The armor smashed on his fist, Wang Wangming, turned and turned!


In the face of a sudden punch, Leonai directly blocked it with a fierce beast, but she erroneously estimated the power of Cornelia's smashing king.

If it wouldn't hurt the body, the power of the crushing king is not inferior to the emperor tool!

Under the sudden bombardment, Leonai flew out.

The guard line was torn open.

At the next moment, the total attack immediately unfolded--

Gozzi led his six children, Hill holding two bladed swords, and the handsome child holding a Tai knife appeared instantly. Under the cover of the flame monsters, he rushed directly into the gap of the guard line.

In an instant, Brand and others fell directly into the enemy's position!

"not good!"

Suddenly in a desperate situation, Najieta couldn't help but be shocked.

She came down from the battlefield very well, even if Brand and other people are strong, facing this situation has only defeated intentions, and her thoughts turn sharply. Road:

"Man of Susuke, use the evil spirit to appear! This is the command, execute it immediately!" ..

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